Rating:  Summary: a must read book Review: it's a great book, and it's a wounderful story. i'm sure that whoever has read must say it's a good book. this book really show how a 15 year old can take responsibilities when he's in charge. he proves that he can be just like a man, and to do that he takes care of derek when he was hit by lightning and also saves derek's life. he is a true hero with the courage to go back out in the woods after he had been there for 45 days without anyone earlier but this time with derek. most people will probably say no, but he knows that he is doing the right thing to go back and teach other people what to do when they are lost in the woods.
Rating:  Summary: An EXCITING ride on a raft down a river! Review: The River is a very thrilling and bone-chilling story about a boy named Brian. Brian adventures with a friend at a very lonely place with nobody else to talk to. When Brian's friend goes into a coma all the adventures begin as Brian rafts his way down a river to look for help. I advise everyone to read The River, because Gary Paulsen keeps you into it. You never will want to set your book down. If you do take my advice and you like this book you should read other books in the series. Some examples of books in the series by Gary Paulsen are Brian's Winter and Hatchet.
Rating:  Summary: Good sequel to Hatchet Review: In "The River," Brian Robeson is asked to return to the area where he survived for 54 days alone. This time around, a psychologist named Derek wants to accompany Brian to the area and take down notes of everything Brian does. That way, other people who might be in Brian's situation of being alone in the forest can be taught how to survive alone in the woods by using Brian's techniques. Everything is going great until Derek gets struck by lightning and goes under the spell of a coma. It's up to Brian to do something in order to save Derek's life.I thought "The River" was a good sequel to "Hatchet." "The River" is exciting and somewhat compelling once the journey on the river begins. However, I didn't think that it's even close to being as good as "Hatchet." I recommend reading "Hatchet" first, and if you like it, read "The River." They're both great books.
Rating:  Summary: Best Of Gary Paulsen's Books Review: This is absolutely the best book ever.The story takes place two years after the book Hatchet, and Brian is told that the government wants him to go back out in the Canadian woods so that he can teach everyone how to survive if stranded in the forest. This time he isn't going alone, a phsycologist named Derek Holtzer is coming to record Brian's every action.Then a thunderstorm comes in... and Derek is struck by lightning and goes into an instant coma. Now Brian must travel down a river on a small raft to a trading post for help. Tofind out more read The River
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: "The River" is a book about a boy who lived in the wilderness for fifty-four days. The wilderness changed his life. So one day, a scientist named Derek asked him to do it again. Scientists can use this technology to save other people. But how does he live in the wilderness again? Find out on the fascinating book of the "The River." My opinion on this book is interesting when he changes in the wilderness, is neat when the changes occur, and is funny when Brian tries to catch the fish and slips off of the ledge! I would certainly recommend this book. When you read this book, I hope you enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: "The River" is a book about a fifteen year old boywho has been lost in the middle of no where with only a small ax, andthe government wants him to do it again! The boy goes out there witha man from thegovernment. The man gets zapped by lightning and goesinto a coma! The radio they had brought for help is dead! Will theymake it? Read the book to find out! I like this book because of theaction. I would not recommend this book because I have read muchbetter books. Also, lots of people in my class did not like thisbook.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: "The River" is about this boy named Brian Robeson, and how the government wants him to go back into the wilderness so that the military and astronauts can study how Brian survived in the wilderness alone. This time he won't be alone,a psychologist named Derek Holtzer will be with him. If you want to find out more about what happens to Derek and Brian, read the book "The River." I thought the book was okay. It had its good points and bad points. I guess I would recommend this book, of course to a fifth grader.
Rating:  Summary: "We want you to do it again" Review: The sequel of the miraculous book "Hatchet",known as "The River", by Gary Paulsen,is based on a story about a 15-year old boy named Brian Robeson.He faced 54 days alone in the woods with nothing but a hatchet two years ago because of a plane crash. But fortuanatly, he was recued at the end of summer. Now a young govorment psychologist named Derek Holtzer persuades him to go into the woods again so Derek can learn his survival techniques. Brian and his mother agreed, so soon enough, he was heading toword the woods next to a lake similar to the one he had been at two years ago. For the first few days everything was going fine, but later, during a terrible storm, Derek is struck by lightning and falls into a coma, while the radio is dead.Brian soon learns that Derek will die of thirst unless Brian can get him medical help 100 miles down the river. Brian builds a raft to try carry Derek and him across the river, but will Brian be able to save Derek in time? Read the book to find out. Overall, I think the book was pretty good, but not exactly great. The reason it's not terrific because it's a bit boring and I'm not that into survival stories anyway. But remember, that's my opinion. I think the book would be great for children around the age 9 who like danger and survival stories because the book is about how Brian shows how he survives to the wilderness and the reading level is meant is for these students. If you like "The River" you can read "Hatchet" or "Brian's Winter", a companion to both of these books. I hope you enjoy reading these books!
Rating:  Summary: The River By Gary Paulsen Review: The River is a book about a boy named Brian Robeson and his survival.Brian was alone in the wilderness for 54 days with nothing but a hatchet.Yet he survived , the goverment wants him to do it again. This time he will not be alone.To learn more about this book read The River by Gary Paulsen. I thought this book was okay because in some parts of the book it is boring , but in other parts it is funny. I would recommend this book for any 4th or 5fth grader because some words may be a little harder for younger children.Plus if you like adventure or survival stories then you would like The River.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: I am going to tell you about a book that is called " The River" by Gaary Paulson.This is a book about survival. Summary The doorbell rang and Brian opened the door to see three men in black suits standing in the doorway. They were large men, but not fat. They had come to ask about his survival in the wilderness with nothing but a hatchet for 54 days. They are exspecting him to do the same thing al over again, except with a man named Derrek to take notes. At first Brian had refused, but then he had to say yes. After they arrived, there was no food or water so they had to find their own. A couple of weeks later Derrek got struck by lightning and was in a coma. it was up to Brian to save him. So he built a raft to take Derrek 100 miles down the river. Brian was proved to be a wilderness man. I recomend this book because it is exciting and is one of those " I can't put it down" books. I enjoyed reading this book and I think that you would too.