Rating:  Summary: Adventure Review: I recommend this book to kids that are twelve and up. This book is very good because it is very exciting. It shows how a teenage boy survives in the wilderness with a psychologist. This book is an adventure book. Before you read The River you should read the first two books. The first two books are Hatchet and Brian's Winter. In The River Brian goes back to the wilderness to teach Derek (psychologist) how to survive in the wilderness. Things go well until a lighting bolt hits Derek. He gets knocked out. One quote that Brian told Derek is, " I won't let you die." At this point Brian is very scared because he doesn't want Derek to die. Derek is feeling that he can't save Derek. Even though he told Derek that he wouldn't let him die he still felt worried. One of my favorite quotes that Brian had said was " I can't give up". This is a good quote because Brian knows he can save Derek.
Rating:  Summary: read alllllll about it Review: Well I thought that The River by Gary Paulson was a very interesting book. 15 year old boy Brian Robenson is faced with yet again another challenge. He is asked to go back to the woods and just do it all over. The one place that Brian wanted to see again will change his life forever. He is faced with a greater burden and has to take care of someone he hasn't known that long. When he finds out his radio connection with police and other nature specialists is lost, he has to find a way down the river to the nearest trading post. He is faced with many surprises along the way. I myself thought was a great book and I couldn't stop reading it.
Rating:  Summary: Gary Paulsen's The River Review: Gary Paulsen The River, May 28, 2002 This book is the sequel to The Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. Two years ago, Brian Robeson was stranded alone in the wild when his plane crashed. He survived for about fifty days with only a small hatchet. In this book, the government wants Brian to show them what he did to survive in the wild. The government wants to use those skills and teach the military and other government branches the same survival skills that he used. At first, he seems relecuctant to go but later decides to show the government what he did because he knows that his skills could save lives. This time, Derek Holtzer, a psychologist, will accompany him to record all his daily activities. They go a few days with no trouble at all until a storm hits. Derek is hit by a lightning bolt that puts him in a coma and knocks out the radio. Brian must decide if he will stay and wait for help or build a raft and try to ride the river for over a hundred miles to a trading post. They have a map but that may be inaccurate. I thought this book was very good. The only things I didn1t like about it were that the first 25 pages were pretty slow and this book is only a hundred and thirty pages long making it a pretty short read. This book is filled with action making you not want to put the book down once you pick it up. Gary Paulsen does an excellent job in describing what it takes to survive out in the wilderness. I recommend that you read The Hatchet first to get a feel for Brian's personality. I gave this book four and a half stars out of five because I think Gary Paulsen could have made this book longer.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: The River I really like this book. This book was about a man that got stranded in the wilderness for fifty-four days with nothing but a hatchet, yet threw all he still survived it. Now the Government wants him to do it again. They want him to go back to the wilderness so that astronauts and the military can learn the survival techniques that kept Brian alive. This time he won't be alone though. A government psychologist will accompany him to observe and take notes. Then a freak storm came up. The Government guy gets hit by lightning and falls into a coma. Their radio is dead, Brian is afraid he will die of dehydration unless he can get him to a doctor. His only hope is to build a raft and try to transport him a hundred miles down the river to a trading post. And that is what he did.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: As wondering at my new opened library I found out that there was a sequal to the great book the Hachet. I really enjoyed the book Hachet and wanted to read the next book. I read The River's review and really wanted to read it. I borrowed it from the library and read it for a long time. The characters in the book is Brian, a fifteen year old boy who survived at the wilds for 54 days only with a hachet before. Also there is a physician named Derek that wants to do some coverage on how Brian survived with only a hachet. They go back to the wilds with only a couple of things. One day they are struck with lightening Derek goes in a coma. Brian has to save him and looking through Derek's map he see's a trading post 100 miles away. Brian must save him by traveling through a river. I would recommend this book to everybody of all ages. It was really a good book that deserved an award like Hachet. It was a really good sequal and really great to just relax and read. The River also has a sequal called Brian's Winter. Read all three great books.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: The River is the continuation of Hatchet. Brian is now living in the city. He has been rescued from the wild in the previous book. One day, a news reporter came to his door and asked him it he can go back to the wild and live there so they can study how he survived. Brian agrees and he goes back to the wild. But during that one day in the wild, a tree fell down and hit the reporter and nocked out all the radios. The reporter is in a comma and can't wake up. Brian has to get him to the nearest place to communicate with people. So the adventure begins. Brian sets out on a raft down a river to the trading post he saw on the map left behind. Carrying the reporter, they slowly move at an average of 2mph. After a long two weeks, Brian found it and saved the reporter, and goes home. But this time, he'll be a hero when he goes back. What I like about this book is that it has the adventure. Trying to survive in the wild without anying. It is amazing to see a teenager survive in the wild on his own. My favorite part of the book is when the reporter gave him the canoe in the end. It made me feel that the reporter was really thankful for Brian to save his life.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: I liked this book a lot because I like the outdoors. This book is good because it is made up, but it could also happen... This book is a great sequel to the Hatchet. This book also makes me want to read the third book thatis related to the Hatchet; Brian's Winter. You will love this story if you like the outdoors and river rafting. I recommend this book to everybody.
Rating:  Summary: Very realistic Characters Review: A Review by Mike In the River it is the sequel to Hatchet and it is about this kid Brain who survived in the wilderness with nothing but a hatchet and he had to build his shelter and hunt his food this isn't a very easy task for a 14 year old who only has a hatchet and normally relies on his every day things like food and clean clothes. Well in The River Brain is asked to go back to the wilderness and face the horrible experience that he has faced in the past. The government comes and asks Brain to go in the wilderness with one of there doctors to see his thoughts and emotions. They want to make a survival book about him because he is the only person that knows the real thing. He eventually accepts the invitation because they have the whole thing planed and mapped out so Brain feels safe. He finds out that it was a very bad decision. I liked the book a lot it was good in describing the situation and the characters were very realistic and they weren't stupid characters. I think that Gary Paulsen could have thought about a better way to put these two books together. The story was put together well but could have been better and the length of the book was a good length I didn't feel like falling asleep when I was reading this story. The plot was good it was something that could be a real situation. The ending in the book also could have been better. Most people would be able to understand the stories language it was very easily to understand and there were no words that I didn't understand. The story is some types of book I like. I definitely recommend this book to a lot of people because the book was good and it kind of makes you feel like you are with the characters in this story. I would recommended this book to almost every age group.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: The River is based on the book Hatchet. After surviving a summer in the forest, and a plane crash, Derek, a psychologist and a survival instructor asked him to do it again. They want to learn how he did it so they could teach others. Brian, wanting to help others, agreed to it. However, they selected another site to do it at. The Necktie Lake was there site, near the Necktie River. After a few good days at the lake, disaster struck. Lighting hit Derek and the radio. Derek was in a coma and would die without water so Brian made a choice to take him to help. He took the map and made a route down the Necktie River to Brannock Trading Post. The journey than began. I think this book is just as good as Hatchet. I liked the unexpected turn in the book when lightning struck. Just before it happened, they were saying how everything was going so good. They had everything they needed, shelter and fire, but than everything had to go wrong. I also liked the way Brian thought. Gary Paulson took us through his head and made it almost real. I recommend this book to anyone who likes survival stories, and pretty much anyone in general.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book Review: This book was a very good book. I liked this book because it is a fun and exiting book. It had a good discription and plot. I also liked the charaters. The book discribed them well. I liked the part when they were on a raft that Brian made with logs and bits of his jacket. Derek was in a coma so Brian did all the paddleing. They went 100 miles or more. This was a very good book. I would recamend this book to anyone who likes adventure books.