Rating:  Summary: The River Review: I am writing a book review on The River by Gary Paulsen. This book is about a boy named Brain Robenson. Brain was on a plane crash and was in the wilderness for 54 days alone without anything but a hatchet. Brain was rescued and nothing has been the same for him after that. One day while Brain was making dinner, a man came to his door named Derek Holtzer. He was a psychologist who wanted Brain to do it all over agian. Brain at first said no but when he heard the reason, to help people know how to live in the wilderness with nothing, he said yes.They took a plane to a diffrent river. A few days past and then one night during a storm, Derek got hit be lighting and was in a comma. How can Brain ever survive that long without Derek around? Find out in the book The River. This book was pretty good. I liked it alot because it made me want to know what is going to happen next. I think you should read this book to see what happens to Brain, you will be surpised.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: The River by Garry Paulsen is about a boy named Brian Robeson who was stranded alone in the wilderness for fifty-four days with only a hatchet. Two years later the government wants Brian to go back and do it again.Something happens to the man (Derek) that he goes with. I think this book is okay except for some parts go into too much depth. I recommend this book because of the fact that that it was suspenseful, you wanted to keep reading to find out what happens.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: This book is an adventure book so if you dont like them you wont like The River. "We want you to do it again", says Derek Holtzer a goverment physiologist who studies how to live in the wilderness. He and Brain are going to the wilderness togther. One nightwhile they are sleeping Derk is struk by lighting and put in a coma. Brain had a close incounter with a moose it might just happen again. Some diffrences from this story from the last are that Brain has a knife not a hatchet,his plane didn't crashand, has a partner. I dont like this story because all Brain ever thinks is I think I should do this I think I should do that. I wouldnt recomend this book to young kids because they can get confused with whos who and whats what. Here are some other boooks you might want to read by Gary Paulsen, Hatchet And Brains Winter.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: The River is a book about a 15 year old boy who has bin lost in the middle of nowere for 54 days a small ax , and the government wants him to do it again!The boy goes there with a man frome the government,the man gets zapped by lightning , and goes into a coma!The radio they brought for help is dead!Will they make it?Read the book to find out! I liked this book because of the action. I would not recomend the book because I've read much better books,and lots of people in my class did not like the book.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: In the story "The River" tree men came to Brian's home' and knocked on the door and asked him to go back out in the wilderness and do what he did before, two years ago. This time with a government psychoiogist. Brian thought some thing was wrong but everthing was great until... If you want to know what happened you should get this book and read it. I liked this book beause it was fun and exciting. Also when I read this story it kept my interest to keep on reading. I would recommend this book to someone who likes adventure stories because it's about how two people tried to survive in the wilderness alone.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: Brian Robeson survived in the woods for fifty-four days with only a hatchet. He was surprised to hear what the three phycologist said. They want him to do it over again.With no tool exept a knife, Brian and Derek the phycologist tries to survive in the woods near the lake. But when a terrible lighting gets Derek into a coma.Read The River to find out how they survive. I don't like this story because I think it is crazy for a kid to live in the woods with only a hathet. I recomend this book to a fifth grader.It is okay for others to read but the smaller ones might not know the meaning of some words.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: This book is about a boy named Brian Robeson. A couple of years ago,Brian was stranded on an island.All he had was a hatcet. He sruvied. Now,someone wants him to do it again. At first he said no,but now he wants to go. The only differnet thing is that a boy named Derik will come with him. He is from a place where they teach you how to srurvive. Now they are going to the unknow woods. Will they make it?
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: This book, "The River", by Gary Paulsen, is the very interesting sequel to "Hatchet". In "The River", the hero, Brian Robeson, is asked to "do it again"- survive in the forests far away from civilization, so the government can learn how Brian was able to survive. There's only one difference- a psychologist working for the government named Derek is coming with Brian. Although they had planned everything out, an unexpected lightning storm turns their day into a disaster. Derek gets hit by lightning in his sleep, putting him into a coma. Now, Brian must bring Derek to a doctor at the trading post, because their transmitter is dead... ...and Derek might be too if Brian doesn't get Derek there in time... I've enjoyed this book because of the danger and adventure, and I recommend this book to whoever likes danger and adventure.
Rating:  Summary: Exciting and Thrilling Review: Once again Gary Paulsen writes another thrilling and exciting wilderness adventure. The River is about Brian and Derek. Brian and Derek get dropped off in the wilderness by a plane so Brian can teach Derek how to survive in the wilderness. Than Derek is struck by lightning and it is up to Brian to bring them both to safety.Brian has to paddle the boat 100 miles up river in order to do this. I recommend you read this book if you enjoy thrilling adventurous books.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: To me the book the river really didn't make sense to me. And brian all what he did was drag Derek around.