Rating:  Summary: 'BOY'book review. Review: The 'Boy' is by Roald Dahl it is his autobiography but only up to when he was in secondary school.In this book it's about his childhood he's included funny stories.There was a particular story that i loved .It was about when Roald Dahl was a child when he found a dead mouse and very sneakley put it into a sweet jar and the sweet shop was shut the next day.When Mrs Pratchett looked at every boy and picked the boys out. Roald Dahls father sadyly died.That was a very sad story his course of death was pneumonia but his mother remaried to a man with his own children.His oldest daughter got a car but didnt have license and they had an accident and his nose actually ripped of except on his nose a thin piece of skin.and he has a scar left.When he was older he went to boarding school and felt homesick and acted ill so he was sent home. This book was enjoyable happy and sad stories i think this book should be read by everyone i recommend it to loads of children.
Rating:  Summary: Review of Boy, by toni Review: In the book boy, which was written by Roald Dahl, school obviously plays an important role in his life and he explains this through important memories from his school life. One of the memories that Roald writes a lot about is the beating. He mentions various times where he was sent to the masters dormitory to get a canning. He was sent to get beaten about three times while attending his school. He explains the whole ordeals in fascinating form including every single bit of the cannings with extreme care. The reasons for his beatings were; he and a couple of friends put a rat in a jar of gobstoppers, he and his friends received 4 hits of the cane for this, again he received 4 hits of the cane for not cleaning the study of a boazer properly and for talking in study time which he received 4 hits. "The violence was bad enough, and being made to watch it was even worse, but with Mrs Pratchett in the audience the whole thing became a nightmare. The main teacher that Roald had to cope with in Llandaff Cathedral School was the principle, Mr Coombe's. He was a giant man with a face like ham and a mass of rusty - coloured hair that sprouted in a tangle all over the top of his head. Mr Coombe's always seemed to wear a black gown draped over his shoulder, which made him look like a judge. Of course Roald remember this man because he was the first person to give him a beating. While in St Peter's Dahl mentions two people; the Matron and Captain Hardcastle. The Matron was a large fair - haired woman with bit breasts. She was twenty - eight years old. Dahl mentions her because of the way she acts and does things around the kitchen. For example, at any time she liked, the Matron could send you down in you pyjamas and dressing gown to report to the headmaster whenever this happened you would have undoubtedly gotten canned. He also explains how she was rough, and hated kids. To Dahl, Captain Hardcastle was one of his most feared masters. He was a slim, wiry and he played football. On the football field he wore white running shorts and white gymshoes and white socks. His legs were as hard and thin as ram's legs and the skin around his calves was almost exactly the same colour as mutton fat. His hair was a brilliant dark vermilion colour, and it was plastered back with immense amounts of gel. The parting in his hair was a white line straight down the middle of his scalp. Captain Hardcastle had a moustache that was a same colour as his hair. Hardcastle dint stop twitching and jerking and snorting, this was supposedly caused by something called shell - shock which means he was very close to a big explosion that made him jump high in the air and he couldn't stop jumping. What Dahl hated the most about Hardcastle was his moustache. He hated the way it was shaped and the colour of it. One time when Dahl was in study time his nib on his pen broke. He was whispering to the boy next to him to lend him a nib when Hardcastle interfered. He made Roald get up and go to the headmaster's dormitory where he received 4 hits of the cane. While in St Peters Dahl suffered homesickness for the whole of the first term. He was so homesick that he plotted to get himself sent home so he could stay with his parents. He would pretend that he would have a sudden attack of appendicitis. But after a few months he would forget all of his homesickness out in the playground. "The only comfort is that both homesickness and seasickness are instantly curable. The first goes away the moment you walk out of the school grounds and the second is forgotten as the ship enters the port." Roald Dahl had a youth full of adventure and sadness. He encountered various adventures such as the family trips to the magic island and the mischief he got up to in his days in the sweet shop. Dahl also had sad memories. These were where his sister died and straight after his dad also died which left his mum to take care of about 6 children.
Rating:  Summary: Terrific! Review: Usually, if an author writes really hilarious and original books, you don't expect their life to be just as great. And Roald Dahl's life isn't that way- his life is way more exciting! When I first read this book, I couldn't believe that anyone's childhood could be that interesting. By the end, you'll believe... from The Great Mouse Plot to putting goat droppings in a pipe and smoking it,there's never a dull moment. A fantastic thing for a kid to discover, and for all who are a true kid at heart.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Read Review: BOY was a good read because I never got bored with reading it. Scenes such as the adenoid removal, his sister's operation when the Boy smelled the sweet smell of the chloroform, the mouse in the candy jar, the goat droppings in the pipe, the canings, were all full of detail and interest. I didn't expect Dahl to have such vivid, sour memories of his childhood. He suffered beatings and pain at his boarding schools, and this must have had a huge effect on his life or he wouldn't have mentioned the canings in such detail. The headmasters were mean old farts, who seemed to enjoy beating boys; they would smile and laugh and take their time about the punishment, most of which ended in a caning. Some parents might not like their children reading this book because of some of the gruesome scenes, which might affect their children's mental state. But it's the truth, and the truth hurts sometimes. Dahl makes fun of everything, especially stupid old adults, who cause all the problems in the world.
Rating:  Summary: Boy a book of joys and pains Review: Roald Dahl brings alive a collections of sweet little anecdotes with his famous book, Boy. A heart-warming story of what it was like being a kid in the early 20th century. When we look back at his childhood it looks somewhat crazy and different to us. Certain events seem barbaric to us, while others just seem strange. He is writing at some time may seem easy and better fit for a child but, reading it as an adult can also be great because it can remind you of your childhood. It was a great read but at some times it seems difficult to stay with it because there is not a greater emphasis on what one or another. He talks the same way about almost losing his nose and having fun with his friends. I give it 2 and a half stars for its realism and direct view on life as a child back in the 20's and 30's but it gets tiresome pretty fast.
Rating:  Summary: The Boy Review: BOY BY: Roald Dahl This book is an autobiography about the author's life. In addition to his mother and father, Roald had five siblings, two brothers and three sisters. His father became wealthy selling ship supplies. He died when Roald was a baby. Roald went to a preschool and kindergarten close to his home. The headmaster beat him with a cane after he and two classmates played a prank at a candy store. After this event, his mother was determined to send him to an English boarding school because his father had always believed that English schools provided the best education. Roald had a difficult time at the boarding school because he was sent there at such an early age. One time he broke his pencil while taking a test and asked to borrow one from a classmate. He was accused of cheating and was beaten by the headmaster. Another time, he was so homesick he faked being ill. His mother came and took him to the doctor. The doctor advised him not to pretend to be ill and to return to school. The doctor never told Roald's mother that he was pretending to be sick. One of the highlights of his stay at boarding school was that the Cadbury Candy Company sent samples of new candies they were testing. The students had to fill out a survey to tell the company which candies they liked best. Also, he learned photography and took pictures for the school. He even had his own darkroom. Roald's boarding school experience was difficult but he learned to be a great writer of children's books as a result of the education he received. The book was well written and easy to read with some exciting parts. It was not a book I enjoyed a whole lot. I really don't like autobiographies and it was hard for me to identify with the characters.
Rating:  Summary: BOY by Roald Dahl Review: BOY is the most incredible book you could ever READ!!!If you haven`t read this book,then you don`t know very much about Roald Dahl,do you?BOY is about Roald Dahl as a child with his Papa and Mama,his brothers and sisters:Alfrild,Ellen,Elsa,Astin,and Radyr.It starts from the time he was born to the time he left school.There are some gross parts in this book but I can assure you that there are many,many silly parts in this book.I hope you will read and enjoy this book because it is an awesome book and you will enjoy this wonderful book,Boy.
Rating:  Summary: "Don't miss it, the story of a faumus aurther." Review: Boy is a great book. it is about the childhood of Raold Dhal. Back then there was no seat belts in the cars. Will Roald Dahl loes his noes because of that? People used to use a thing called a cane in school to disaplen children. If it was used on you you would have a bruse on your bottom for 3 weeks. The cane is used on Roald Dhal 2 times but is talked about 3 times. Roald Dalh and his family go on a trip evry summer and this summer his sisters boyfiend comes along. His sisters boyfreind smokes a sagar. While he is swimming Rold Dalh gets the perfect idea useing poop. This is a hlarus part of the story but you can not find out what happens unless you read it. When Roald Dahl goes to a regular school in his own twoun he does a pretty meen thing. He finds a dead moues but what will he do with it? You will have to read the book to find out. All that I have left to say is, DO NOT MISS THIS BOOK OR ELS YOU WILL BE MISSING OUT BIG TIME!!!
Rating:  Summary: Favorite Book: "Boy" Review: Recently, my second grader had a school project, "All about me" which is a collage of who they are. She breezed thru all the usuals, "favorite food," "favorite subjects" etc., when it came to favorite book, I thought she'd pick something more recent like "A Christmas Carol" or one of Cam Jansen or Junie B. Jones, but with endearment in her eyes, she wrote "Boy" by Roald Dahl. I was quite surprise because she read this in first grade. In fact I read two chapters ahead of her so I would be able to explain anything that she didn't understand. I love the book, myself. I think it is told in a frank and sincere manner, without trying too hard to be nostalgic or sugary. I do think at times that Dahl can be very matter of fact about all the sad things that happened in his life, the death of his little sister, the death of his father, and also the realization that god and religion isn't what it's all cracked up to be, which ironic because he was educated in expensive religious institutions. You will find this in the later part of this book, when one day he was watching the news and saw the old, sadistic school master being crowned by the queen as the new Archbishop of Canterberry. Also, I had to explain what corporal punishment is and how it isn't used anymore and why children in olden days were being sent to live away from home in order to go to school. It also gave my six year old a chance to use her imagination on what's it like growing up in a different time in a different place. Ofcourse her favorite part is the dead mouse in the candy jar and all the really funny illustrations of Quentin Blake. If you have an older child, you could probably let her/him read this book alone, but if your child is between 5-7 years of age, it is best if you read a few chapters ahead, like I did so you can help them understand some of the more perplexing and strange parts about growing up A la Roald Dahl. Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: How to survive your childhood without really dying. Review: Thank goodness Dahl survived this pack of childhood horrors and hilarity or the world would have been short one unmatchable children's writer. From sliced off noses, to dead mice and goat tobacco, my sides ached with joy to read these stories over and over. They can be read in any order and match James and the Giant Peach or BFG in their sheer wonderment and charm, you will barely believe it to be true.