Rating:  Summary: This book should have never been put together Review: The stories in this book were decent as seperate short stories, but put together in a book they're horrible. The stories should have been left as a collection if short stories. Come on people the book doesn't even tie the stories together. You have a story about one thing then you a little ditty about some guy planting trees. What does that matter, he never shows up in the story again and the trees aren't important. The best storey in the book is "There will come soft rain". The only redemning quality of that story is that it has that dog who dies of radition poisoning, and then gets ate by those little rats. As for the worst story, I nominate the whole friggin' book. It was like pulling teeth, I've had a better time a church. It was a stream of meaningless stories, that should have never been put together. It's not that I don't like Ray, it's just this book is really, really dumb. Well that's just my take on it, you might really like so go ahead and read it, but don't say I didn't warn you.
Rating:  Summary: Amanda Herring's GREAT NATCOTIC Review: I am seventeen years old and would have never read this book if it wasn't for my english teacher. In my short life this was book was one of the most boring books I have ever read. The over all text flowed like molasses in January: the paragraphs turned in to sentences, the sentences in to words , and words in to letters that eventually put me to sleep. The over all story didn't have a classic plot line , most of the characters only showed up in one (or very rarely two) chapters: I found it very challenging to relate or sympithize with what the characters felt over all. If a character was killed off early (or even late) in a chapter I could care less (and most of the characters were killed off). It was just a few short stories that us as eleventh graders shouldn't have been forced to read. The only reason I gave the book a two was because the over all point of view, of a self-distructing planet (EARTH), and our attempt to flee from: Racism (one of the over all themes), War (which did distroy earth) , and People who attempted to censor and control those who were not in power. The most interesting chapter in the book was USHER II: this chapter had the insite and the theme to censor people in any way was a bad and potentialy deadly practice. I believe that not all sensor ship is good but it's not all necessarialy bad: their has to be that comfort zone that society needs to survive. My least favorite chapter showed a post atomic earth and an empty mars : left on mars after after the atomic war on earth was no one but a lonely man and a fat woman; the theme entailed "not even if you were the last person on the planet". I was offended by the way fat people were portraid, food crazed and pushy. The book was not only put together strangley, but worded in that intolerable way that made reading before bed time a quick nap and a long night of realy strange dreams. If your looking for A GREAT NARCOTIC this is the book for you.
Rating:  Summary: The book i never read Review: The Martian Chronicles was a very weird book. The book was written in 1946 and was very outdated for my taste. Although the stories that I did read I found them only somewhat interesting but not horrible. And the stories that I did not read and learned what they were in class were very strange and for the most part uninteresting.Although I did not like this book one story that I did find interesting was Way In The Middle of the Air. This story showed the controversy of blacks and whites in any society and I think that that subject is something important to talk about in a book. The story that I liked least was Ylla because I really didn't pay attention to what was happening and the events of the story. Also it was very boring and the story was retarded and horrible. Poor Ylla, I can't believe she would stay with a total jerk like Yll!!! I think this book is a boring and worhtless book to read in school because it shows nothing about English class and is really a pointless book to read. This book, I think should be updated and it could be much better. The book could even be a good science fiction movie and with the help of Hollywood it could be a hit!!!!! Well for now good by and if you are reading this book GOOD RIDDENS!!!!
Rating:  Summary: This book is only for a select few readers Review: "The Martain Chronicles" is definately not something that I would have read outside of school. While it was good to read in school, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone looking for intellectual stimulation. It was written by Ray Bradbury sonetime in the 40's or 50's; I don't really know. "The Martain Chronicles" is a completely unreal story about the human civilization colonizing Mars. While some science fiction fanatics may beleive that this book was the greatest thing written in the 20th century, I like books that pertain to my life. It might only be good to a select few readers. If I had to choose a specific story that I liked, I guess I would have to say that I liked "Ylla" the best. It is completely amazing that the author could create a world as ornate as that of this planet. One story that I really hated was "Night Meeting." I really did not understand this story. That may possibly be who I did not like it. The whole Conversation about who was from the past and who was from the future had me going in circles. I think that if you like science fiction then you would like this book, but if you are looking for intellctual stimulation, find something else to read. It is definately not a book for anyone who doesn't like science fiction. (Please keep in mind that these are my thoughts and my thought only. If you liked this book, more power to you, but don't criticize me for my comments. Also, please keep in mind that I am a bad speller, and that I am sorry for any spelling mistakes.)
Rating:  Summary: It was not good Review: There was only one chapter I liked in this book and that was The Martian because I like action and this book was not even close to what I had in mind,of good entertainment. But the one reason I liked this chapter is how he dies at the end.The story I hated was Usher 2 because I really did not understand it.
Rating:  Summary: This book was well thought out. Review: I thought that The Martian Chronicles was good. I would say that it could be true. The best part of the book is the story about Usher II. I like it cause it should how the goverment was trying to run the people and there was on person how did not beleave in it and he tryed to distroy them. He should how he was not going to lat the goverment take over his life and controle it and he mad a house that was against all there rules. When they come to it he would kill them and then replace them with robots. That was the best part I think of the book. The part I did not like was the last story, The Million-Year Picnic. I think that Ray Bradbury did not write it as wall. It was a littel hard to fallow. I think the ending about the wrold comeing to a end with a wor was right. I like the part at the end where the boy is looking for martions and his dad says there are some and he was talking about them. That they are martions. I would sugest, if you like to read, to get this book. You would love the well thought ideas and the thought that it could happion one time in this huge worlds life time.
Rating:  Summary: Humans should never go to Mars Review: If going to Mars is as confusing as this book, nobody would understand or grasp the whole idea. When Bradbury was skipping from one story to the next, he should have made the story a little more easy to understand. From the story "The Long Years" to "The Million Year Picnic", Bradbury skips from one subject to the next, not leaving enough information in between to help the reader understand. If he would have had a little more of a whole story going than a bunch of separate 'expeditions' the story would have achieved more understanding and happy readers. Some people may think this book is the best out there, but to me the story could have been much beter. The best story in the book was "The Third Expedition" because of all the suspence, mistery, and unbelievably good ending, but the story "The Million Year Picnic" distroys the whole book with the amount of confusion it creates. My opinion of this book does not rate very highly and it may differ from one persons to the next, but keep in mind that it's only my opinion.
Rating:  Summary: Mars is not the place for humans Review: I really thought it was an alright book. I am honestly not a book reader so I really didn't get into it. Since this book was ficticional, I really didn't care because I like non-fictional books that pertain to my everyday life. Martian Chronicles is the kind of book that only certain readers like and enjoy. I for one am not that kind of person. No offense to any readers whom really liked this book. I admit that if I might of spent more time in trying to relate to this book maybe my opinion would change. The only story I liked to a certain point was "The Luggage Store." So I would recommend it. In conclusion, I may not of liked this book as much as others, but keep it in mind this is my opinion.
Rating:  Summary: One generations' fiction is the nexts' fact. Review: Many years after its' publication I have finally gotten around to this wonderful piece of literature. The more I read the more it sounded like everyday life. Of course some things are still ahead of us, most of the cool techno-gadgits have actually become common day houseware. Within these boundaries, the story tells of a great future, but Bradbury didn't take into account that humankind can only live with inequality for so long, and that the practice of slavery and all its' entrapments would no longer be a common day thing. Even without knowing specifically when the book was actually published it would still be easy to place it in time as to its' content. It is my belief that dating a book or movie with its' content berates the book and it no longer is relatable to those of a new generation.
Rating:  Summary: Martian Chronicles; A mixture of the good and the bad. Review: Ray Bradbury writes in the 1940's a book about mans exploration and subsequent colonization of Mars. This collection of interconnected short stories however, are not abot colonization or even sci-fi, they are more about human nature. Though there arae Marrians in the stories, fewer than half of the stories even include them. They are mostly included as a foil for human charecters, and their true nature is more often then not left to the opinion of the reader. The book does however have several excellent stories, particularly Usher2, a modernized version of Edgar Allen Poes classic The Fall Of The House Of Usher. Bradbury has created a unique world for his charecterts to exist in, the ultimate goal of any scienc fiction work. I really give the book a three and a half,for though some stories are excellent when taken as individuals the book does not work particularly well. Martians are represented inconsistently, as well as several highly improbable acts taking place. For an example I cite the humans abondoning of Mars when WWIII breaks out. The book centers on human nature, so why do his charecters do something that is highly against human nature?