Rating:  Summary: Georgia Nicolson...Need I Say More? Review: For those who do not understand the simple importance of my title, let me educate and elaborate.'On the Bright Side' is the second installment of Louise Rennison's series, which is centred on the fifteen year old Georgia Nicolson, a British girl who can't help but have a less than ordinary existence. Written diary-style, the book chronicles all her problems with her mother and father, Mutti and Vati, her slightly mad sister Libby, her half wildcat half...something cat Angus, and everyone in between. It starts off exactly where the first book ended, with her parents telling her their moving plans to Whangamata (New Zealand), her Sex God boyfriend's dumping her because she was too young, and her 'basooma' issues, just to name a few.5:35 p.m. Oh yippee. This is my gorgeous life. 1) I haven't been kissed for a month;my snogging skills will soon be gone. 2)I have a HUGE nose that means I have to live for ever in the Ugly Home. Address: Georgia Nicolson Ugly Home Ugly Kingdom Ugly Universe 3) My Red Herring plan has failed. 4) I am the Bummer Twins' armchair. 6:00 p.m. Mum called up, "I'm just taking Libbs to the doctors; she needs her ears cleaning out." Oh please. Save me from that thought. 6:10 p.m. Time goes very slowly when you are suicidal. A great book, very funny and not very serious. If you are reading this book for the first time, refrain from reading in public. It has been known to make you fall off your chair, laugh out loud, and generally make a spectacle of yourself. READ THIS BOOK!...
Rating:  Summary: Not just for teens! Review: Even as a 40+ year old, I thoroughly enjoyed this sequel to Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging. I read the first before placing it in a middle school library and knew right away it would be a hit with the teen crowd, but I also recommended it to several adults. As soon as I knew the next installment was available, I ordered it immediately. The sequel manages to maintain the originality and charm of the first. Georgia's quite a girl--a typical teen, but with a dry sense of humor and an ability to poke fun at herself. The supporting cast returns in full force--Robbie,AKA the Sex God, her friends, family, and of course, Angus who, in this book, suffers along with Georgia through the throes of love. Just as in the first, I found myself laughing out loud, finally giving way to tears. All in all, this is a delightful book that can be enjoyed, certainly by its' intended teen audience, but also by a slightly older crowd.
Rating:  Summary: Once again, hilarious confessions from Georgia Nicholson Review: Georgia Nicholson's life is spilled to its readers once again in: On the Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God. Many teenagers, both British and American can relate to some part of Georgia's life, while other parts seem very much like fantasy. Although some language is hard to understand, the over-dramatic Georgia gets many points, both funny and serious across to the readers of her diary. I like how Louise Rennison, ( the REAL author of Georgia's diary), leaves the reader hanging. It makes you want to read the next book. ( Which I will as soon as I get to Borders!)
Rating:  Summary: I LAUGHED SO HARD MY SIDES HURT!!!! Review: It is now official! This series of Georgia Nicolson's confessions by Louise Rennison, are by far the best comedy books I have ever read! I absolutely loved the second book, On the Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God; it was just as good, maybe better than the first book, and I could NOT stand to put it down! Georgia Nicolson is a fourteen-year-old British girl who lives in England. She attends an all-girls school and has four best friends: Jas, Jools, Ellen, and Rosie, who go to the same school as Georgia. Georgia has a little sister, Libby and a cat, Angus. Fortunately for the readers, Georgia's little three-year-old sister Libby, is still unknowingly "torturing" Georgia with her regular routine of secretly hiding the dirty nappies at the foot of Georgia's bed, peeing in corners of Georgia's room, and bringing all of her dolls, lifeless creatures made of food, as well as herself to sleep in Georgia's bed. What a life! Georgia's psychotic half-Scottish, half-domestic beast of a cat, Angus, continues his proud parade of teasing and taunting the next-door neighbor's two poodles and occasionally digs holes in their yard too. He still continues to think he is a dog - he might as well be, as he already is the size of a small Labrador. This book starts exactly where the first book left off - Georgia's great-bosomed mother telling Georgia the worst thing she could possibly hear after working so hard to become the girlfriend of a sex god: she and the family are moving to New Zealand as soon as possible, where Georgia's father is currently working. After an incident the family does not have to leave for New Zealand; however, Georgia manages to land herself into a great deal of trouble because of some small, childish prank: suspension. What perfect timing too - right before her father returns home from New Zealand. Great. It's quite comical how Georgia's mother tells Georgia to fake sick for the first couple of days her father is home, and then to make a great and unexplainable recovery. Later in the book, something awful happens to Georgia and to undo what happened to her, she must use her former boyfriend, Dave the Laugh, as a "red-herring." Her plan doesn't go as accordingly, though. What happens is she becomes attracted to Dave again and has to constantly remind herself that she is not doing this to get Dave, but to get someone else. Even though she always reminds herself of this, she and Dave end up snogging and she isn't one bit regretful! One thing that I really enjoyed and thought was wicked funny in this book was that Georgia was constantly asking God for help and to fulfill her wishes (a.k.a. make the sex god go out with her again). When the man upstairs doesn't "grant" her anything she asked for, she resorts to asking Buddha for help, and considers becoming a monk so that maybe her wishes will be more likely to be granted. I can't say one thing I didn't like about this book - it was great all around!!
Rating:  Summary: Just as good as the last Review: Just when Georgia thinks her life is going great... everything goes wrong! This book picks up exactly where the last one left off. WHen Georgia finds out her parents are making her move to New Zealand she should know it's a bad sign. She wants more than anything to be able to stay home with her "Sex God" boyfriend but she's horrified when he breaks up with her casue she's "too young." This diary follows her stressful summer and the start of her sophmore year which inculdes: another fight with her best friend, a "red herring" plan, Angus the cat's true love (don't ask just read), her mother possibly having an affair, and just being the girlfriend of a sex god. When I brought this book home from the library I literay had to hide the cover because I didn't feel like getting a "inapropiate book" speach from my parents. But the truth of it is it's not at all dirty and it's just as funny as the last one. If you enjoyed the last book of the series you'll love this one. And good news! THe author is working on two more! I can't wait!
Rating:  Summary: Laugh out loud sequal! Review: Georgia is a 14 year old who is on summer break from school. This is the 2nd in a series that follows Georgia's trials and tribulations. Georgia was kissed by the man of her dreams Robbie aka. Sex God at the end of the last book. Now just as her dreams are answered she is going to have to go to New Zealand to see her father, unless she can figure out how to get out of the trip. Georgia receives a letter from Robbie stating that there is just too much of an age difference between them (he is 17) and that she should date one of his brothers friends. Well after much heartache Georgia embarks on the project of making Robbie jealous, and dates "Dave the Laugh". The book is written as diary and you follow the life of this 14 year old. You will read how she feels about her sister, her best friend, boys, psychotic cat, parents and a considerable amount about how she feels about her body. This is a quick and hilarous read!
Rating:  Summary: Life Story of a Preteen Review: A Review by Camille Georgia Nicholson, lives in England with her mother, father, Libby and Angus. Angus is the Nicholson's over grown cat. This book is about Georgia's life with her family and the sex god Robbie. Robbie is Georgia's, former, boyfriend. Georgia is on a race to get Robbie back, but with Georgia it is no easy task. With her family planning to move to Australia (in other words known as Kiwi-a-go-go land) and Jas, (her best friend) being dimly dumb Georgia's plans aren't going according to plan. This is truly the life of a young teenage girl. On the bright side I'm now the girlfriend of a sex god is one of the most hilarious books I have ever had the chance to read. Louise Renison who writes the book is also the author of the rest of the books in the series. Renison takes a look into the life of a young girl going through adolescence. I really like how Renison keeps you laughing throughout the whole book. She truly captures a young girl's life in the process from child to woman hood. The characters are so real! It sounds like a girl's diary...wait it is. I love how it is in diary form so the author can use words that are more slang than formal. In the back of the book there is a glossary of all the words that Georgia uses that we Americans wouldn't necessarily know. If you loved Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging you'll absolutely love the further confessions of it, On the bright side I'm now the girl friend of a sex god.
Rating:  Summary: On the Bright Side I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God Review: Krystle Acompora This interesting sequal from Angus Things and Full Frontal Snogging is filled with diary entries from, oddly enough, Georgia Nicolson. In this book, On the Bright Side I'm now the Girlfriend of a Sex God, Louise Rennison explains through Georgia how hard it is to break up with a Sex god you just snogged because you have to move to Kiwi-a-gogo land also known as New Zealand. Georgia is the main character in the book and a few weeks ago she started going out with the Sex God Robbie. Georgia is 14 and Robbie is 17. They're trying to make a good relationship despite their ages. Georgia's best friend Jas is going out with Robbie's younger brother. Georgia has just found out that she has to move to New Zealand and has to break up with the Sex God. While Georgia is trying to figure out a way to break up with Robbie, he breaks up with her before she gets the chance. He said that she may make a good couple with Dave the laugh. She is using Dave as a red herring hoping to get back together with Robbie. Her father calls from New Zealand and says that their not moving after all. Now she is despersatly trying to get the Sex God back from wet Lindsay his ex-girlfriend. Georgia is scheeming with Jas to get Robbie back but you have to read the book to see what happens next.
Rating:  Summary: On the Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend od the Sex God Review: A book review by Megan Seeds on On the Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God by Louise Rennison for the seventh hour English class of Mr. Tom Feltie Georgia Nicolson seems to be just another normal protagonist from yet another diary-style book. She's got a mom, dad, sister, uncle and cat who all seem to be parts of this teenage, English girl's life. But, this family isn't so close to standard after all. Considering her language and vocabulary are all authentic British aphorisms, her sister is near 'mad,' her uncle is 'bald as an egg in leather pants' (in fact Libby calls him 'Eggy' at one point), her cat (Angus) has the body and 'ferociocity' of a large bulldog (he tries to eat Mr. and Mrs. Next Door's poodles and yet he lets Libby drag him around with out mauling her hand), and her parents are... well...you know, they're perfectly stereotypical parents. All this adds up to make a book of confessions full of 'hilariocity.' To me, at least. Because of the type of humor in On the Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God, it would not be very suitable for any audience over the age of eighteen, under the age of ten and not of the female gender. This fact makes the book less desirable to me. That fact also discourages me to encourage others to read it. I feel that at my age, I should be reading novels that will help me on the path to the great schools I hope to attend; this book wouldn't really help me in that area. Although it would help one who needed to know about teenage life in the united kingdom, it doesn't help many others. After I read it I felt less mature because of some of the scatological humor that the book includes. Overall, it was a very fun book and a good read. But, it is not apropos for a very diverse audience. If you want to learn something out of what you read, On the Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God is not for you. (Sorry!) But if you want a quickly moving book that will make you laugh (and you are a 10 to 17 year old girl) you are sure to enjoy On the Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God. (Did I mention I liked the book?)
Rating:  Summary: Not As Good As The First ... Review: ... But it did have a lot to live up to. Yes the second instalment of the series is full of laughs, but its just not as good/funny as the first. This one is only over the span of two months (the first is a whole year - this isnt a problem, just thought Id bring it up). A few days are repeated from the last book - however our heroine Georgia seems to have done different things! One of the things I didn't like about this one is the words the 'Ace gang' pick up from Ellan's brother, like "Poo Parlor Devision" or "Nippy Noodles", they just seemed immature - even for them. Most other 'funny' things Georgia said had something inteligent about them. Unfortunately the same thing can-not be said about these phrases. Also the first book talks about Georgia showing "promise" in tennis, however in this one she is all about hockey! What happened there? The mother storyline in this one was VERY simmilar to in the first book, and the book on a whole ended in a simmilar way. Having said that I laughed out loud MANY times while reading this book and highly recomend it for anyone hoping for a laugh.