Rating:  Summary: Great Review: The Wish List Eoin Colfer ISBN: 078681863-8 252 pages "Meg Finn's soul was knocked clean out of her body." After she dies Meg is sent back to Earth so that she can make up for all the wrong things that she has done in her short 13 years of life. She is sent to help an old man, named Lowrie McCall, do the four things that he regrets not doing; these things are on his wish list. She helps him complete the items but in the process she breaks a few rules. Will helping Lowrie be enough to help Meg? Eoin Colfer has a very active imagination to be able to create a non depressing book about such a serious topic. This book is great for people dealing with the death of others around them. The Wish List puts a kind of light hearted spin on the topic. To find out if Meg goes up to the "Pearlies" or down where it's hot, or to find out about Colfer's perception of the after life, read THE WISH LIST.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Give up! By Luke Mosteller Review: This book is awesome. There is no mention of religion at all! The beginning is sort of dark and dull but you have to keep reading. P.S. For info about upcoming Artemis Fowl Books, go to eoincolfer.com or artemisfowl.com
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Review: This is an amazing book. I read it because I loved Artemis Fowl so much, and I wasn't disappointed. Although Meg is nothing like Artemis (her literary knowledge consists of having seen Oliver Twist on TV), the wisecracks and quirky sense of humor that made Artemis Fowl so awesome show up on The Wish List's every page. The characters are hysterical--Beezlebub is my personal favorite--and Colfer's descriptions of heaven and hell crack me up. Meg, the main character, is killed in a gas tank explosion while breaking into an old man's house. Floating through the tunnel on the way to heaven--or hell--she discovers that she's dead even between good and bad, and that she'll be sent back to earth to try to turn her aura blue (for good and heaven). But her evil sense of humor has drawn the attention of the Devil himself, who orders his minions to pull out all the stops in the struggle for her soul.
Rating:  Summary: Something for the entire family... Review: This is the best book I have read in a long time. I borrowed it from my youngest son and was thoroughly engrossed. It is a book I would like to read aloud and discuss with my children. For anyone curious about life after life and how our place in eternity is decided, The Wish List provides some very thought provoking content. The heroine, Meg Fin, finds herself prematurely in the hereafter, due to her and her partner in crime, Belch, untimely death while they are trying to rob an ageing pensioner, Lowrie McCall. Meg's balance sheet tallies to an unusual 50/50. Since neither heaven nor hell can claim her, she is sent back by St. Peter to help Lowrie. If she can tilt the balance sheet by doing good, she will go to heaven. However, Satan has decided he'd like to have someone of Meg's intelligence and determination in hell, so he sends Belch to drag her back. Lowrie feels he wasted his life. The Wish List is a list Lowrie has made of four things he wants to do before dying and Meg must help him achieve them if she wants to get to heaven. How they work together, and while so doing, develop a deep respect and compassion for each other, is amazing. Meg comes to understand Lowrie's life and heart and develops a deep compassion for him and a determination to help him atain his four wishes before he dies. Lowrie also comes to understand Meg's deep sorrow after losing her mother. Mr. Colfer is a master storyteller who weaves a wondrous tale...it's almost like he's had a sneak preview of the hereafter. This book will make you laugh and cry, and think quite a lot. I recommend it for all readers. Mr. Colfer ranks with Madeline l'Engle and C.S. Lewis as my favorite authors.
Rating:  Summary: I agree with Chris Review: This review is mainly for people who were fans of the first three books, based of course on Artemis Fowl. The Wish List truly let me down. Expecting more originality and inventive plot twists from this author, I read the first 50 pages (or so) and found myself getting through it slower...and slower...and slower. I simply don't want to read about religious things; there is SO MUCH out there that a kids' author can build on with a little imagination, especially consider our growing base of science and technology. I sincerely do not feel that frightening children with the uneducated myths of older generations is what a kids' author should be doing. This is not recommended for fans of the first three books, as the originality (even for all the somewhat cliche' fairies, etc. in the Fowl books) has taken a downward turn. We can only hope that he returns to what he does well in his next book
Rating:  Summary: Whatever, Chris Review: To Chris Federico, and those like him/her: This book is a masterpiece of imagination, humour and hope. It shows belief, something CF obviously does not possess. Children need someting to believe in. Science and technology will only go so far. Besides, CF,if Albert Einstien was uninspired and unimaginative, he wouldn't have been great. Don't try to weigh down this beautiful book with your rational babblings. Obviously, this book gets 5 stars. Read it properly, CF. You might learn something.
Rating:  Summary: Nice story excellent message Review: You can read this book in a day... or maybe faster, is a nice story and above everything the message that has this book is excellent, why not make a wish come true to someone you love? Or even more difficult, make that wish to someone you don't love, make good things to others, just try once and you will feel better, I really know that.
Rating:  Summary: No dissapointments. Review: [...]. There is no mention of a religious focus, and you dont need one to enjoy this book. It is well written, imaginitive, and something not a lot of authors would be bold enough to write about, and therefore all the more unique. Heaven and hell are controversial subjects, but you could find controversy in anything if you are set on looking for it, even in some of the topics in the Artemis Fowl books. If you have the ability to look at novels with an open mind, then this book will leave you with no dissapointments.