Rating:  Summary: The Boy Who Naver Gave up Review: The book is about a boy who lived in Flint, Michigan and Bud wonders who is his dad. Bud" mother died when B ud was only 6 years old. When his mouther died she gave Bud a picture of her. Then Bud hade to go to a group home . Bud goes to a house the where the people's names are the Amosses. The Amosses son Todd sticks a pencil up Bud's nose and Bud punched Todd, and they start to fight. Bud's mother left him with a brochuer opf a man who plays a bass in a band and some rocks with letters and numbers on them. Bud continues on his way to Grand Rapids afterr staying in a Hooverville and a limo driver's house. He finally comes to the band leaders place and he will not belive Bud. You must read this book to find out what happens to Bud.
Rating:  Summary: Dont Let Your Dreams Slip Review: I like Bud Not Buddy. I'd give it a 5 star. In this story a boy named Bud has a rough life.When he was 6 years old, his mother died. Buds father was nowhere to be found. Bud had to search for his father. He started to think it was a jazz player,HermanE.Calloway. On his way to finding his father, he made a girlfreind, named Dessa Malon in Hooverville. Then he went back out to search for his father. He met Lefty Lewis(who he thought was a vampire) and tried to take off with his car. When he finally met his father (or so he thought), he was mean. I recomend this book for anyone because it has a little bit for everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Never Give Up On Your Dreams. Review: Bud, Not Buddy is a novel that Christopher Paul curris wrote. Mr.Curtis used people that he knew in real life. Bud, Not Buddy is a novel that can and will influence anyone and everyone after you read it. I know it influenced me and my classmates. The way this story influenced me is how Bud never gave up on his dreams. Also the way he goes from Flint, Michigan, to Grand Rapids, Michigan, in search of his father. But before he left on his amazing journey, he stays with his foster family Mr. and Mrs. Amos and their son Todd Amos. He runs away by the way the Amos family treats him. After he goes aways, he runs into Lefty Lewis. He stays with Lefty Lewis's family until he meets Herman E. Callaway who he believes is his real father.
Rating:  Summary: when you seek something dont get hurt if its bad Review: In the book we're reading Bud, Not Buddy is an amazing book. it takes place in Flint, Michigan. It's about a ten year old boy who is seeking his father. He meets many new faces, like while he is going to Grand Rapids to find his father,he meets a man named Lefty Lewis (who is based on the author's grandfather). Lefty Lewis is a limo driver who Bud suspects to be a vampire and there's Herman E Callaway who Bud thinks is his father. Their is Ms Thomas which Bud meets by Herman E Callaway . They let him stay in a little dead girl's room. If you like how this story sounds, then go ahead and read it.
Rating:  Summary: The Unbelievable Journey Review: Bud, Not Buddy is an unbelievably good book. It's about a boy who is looking for his father. Bud gets adopted by a family whose only priority is to please their son in anyway, shape, or form. Mrs. and Mr.Amos'son gets into a fight with Bud.Todd woups Bud,but don't think that stopped Bud from getting Todd back.I think this is a good book and everyone should read it.
Rating:  Summary: Never Give Up Hope Review: I give this book 5 stars,it deserves a 5 because of what Bud goes through. He lived in Flint,Michigan,until his mom died when he was only 6. Now he's 10 and he wants to find his father. His mom left clues about his father and he's trying to figure them out. His mom left him flyers and rocks that have dates on them. He goes from a orphanage to the Amos's house. At the Amos's house Bud gets in a fight,stuung,and scrapped up by fish. Then he goes to Grand Rapids and meets a vampire, I mean Lefty Lewis. Bud gets chased by a vampire after steeling his car. Lefty Lewis isn't a vampire,but Bud thinks he is.Bud gets to Grand Rapids and thinks his dad is Herman E. Calloway,a band member of the Dusky Devistators of the Depression! But Bud gets a unsespected suprise.
Rating:  Summary: The Eternal Adventure Review: The Bud, Not Buddy story takes place in Flint, Michigan 1936. The story is about a motherless boy who is searching for his father. Bud gos through lots of stuff. He gets a pencil shoved up his nose all the way to the R. He also gets his first kiss. He also meets someone he thinks is a vampire. He finally gets to Grand Rapids where who he thinks is his father should be at. He meets The Dusky Devastators Of The Great Depression and that's where I will end my review.
Rating:  Summary: The journey with Bud Review: Bud Not Buddy is a great book. Bud is a ten year old foster kid who is in the need of his father. Bud has to visit many foster homes in Bud Not Buddy. He ends up at this house with the Amoses. The Amoses showed very little respect for Bud. Bud escapes and ran into a man name Lefty Lewis after Bud tried to hijack Lefty's car Lefty took Bud for a little ride. Then Bud ends up at Lefty's house Bud has dinner with the Lefty's family. Bud also spends the night with Lefty. Then Bud uses his lying skills and tells Lefty that he was looking for his farther Herman E Calloway. Someway Lefty ends up to be a great friend with Herman E Calloway.
Rating:  Summary: Where else can you find Union organizers explained to kids? Review: A beautifully conceived novel. With great skill the author Christopher Paul Curtis describes Bud's hardships during the worst of the Great Depression in America. Characters are each and all delicately rendered. Bud is a believable 10-year-old boy. While resourceful and cunning, he is never simplified into something cute or "spunky". For every action, Bud's responses are believable. When Bud attempts to escape from Lefty in the man's car because he suspects he's a vampire, this is a believable response. Some might criticize the overtly positive feelings behind this story. Bud never suffers directly from racism in the book, though some vague references are made to it. The violence done to him might also be considered slapstick. But the sheer goodwill generated by this novel keeps it above these minor concerns. "Bud, Not Buddy" is a well-rendered book. It is excellent for presenting to large groups, though I would consider pairing it with other intelligent books that deal more directly with the Jazz age and some of the problems of the 30s.
Rating:  Summary: Bud Review: Bud not Buddy is a book about courage and willingness. Buddy is a boy who is in need to see his father, because he has no family and no one to turn to. In the book buddy goes on his adventure to seek his father, and in the way he meets friends, eminys, and people to help him find his father.