Rating:  Summary: One of the best, read it 10 years ago, never forgot it Review: I read this book in English class my freshman year of high school. I remember my teacher saying "Whether you love this book or hate it, you will always remember Holden Caufield." To this day, I still love this book. If you have never read it, you are missing out.
Rating:  Summary: Grown Up? Review: I read this book in high school and in the same span of a few months had also read Momaday, Kerouac, Steinbeck, Harper Lee, and Hemingway to name only a few, all on my own, as I did Salinger. I was not impressed with "Catcher in the Rye" in the least. So it amazed me when at university, I was required to read more Salinger! He is a decent writer, MAYBE a good writer, but far from great. Salinger's manipulations always seemed overly meticulous (and thus, ultimately shallow) to me, and any meta-view of his work requires leaps of faith a literary agnostic like myself finds hard to make. I can see how certain teenagers might identify with Holden, but perhaps I was just too insecure and sincere to understand him then, and a bit too arrogant to buy into his spiel later. Hell, if Salinger could write with a bit more color and with a flair for language beyond just smart-alecky, we might be able to call him post-modern. Not exactly a complimentary label in some circles, but it would be a step above the post-pubescent one he holds now.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent book all the way around Review: I read this book in high school in a day and a half. This book keeps the reader interested in the mind of our main character, Holden. As you go through the story, one can not help but to feel what Holden is going through. This book is very well written. Some of the subject matter may not be the best for little kids (although I can't think any kid who would read it), but anybody about thirteen or over will be able to appreciate it. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: The best book I've ever read! Review: I read this book in high school, and since then have made it a point to read it atleast once a year since then. So far I've read it 4 times. The relationship between Holden and his sister reminds so much of the relationship of mybrother and I. It's weird that I think in a very similar way to Holden, and he was supposedly a "mad man". Everyone should read this.
Rating:  Summary: Talks endlessly, says nothing - I hate guys like that! Review: I read this book in my teens, and just now re-read it 20-plus years later. The only part I remembered from before turns out not to be in the book, to tell you the truth. Hmm... (maybe it was Midnight Cowboy"?). I'm really crazy, the craziest guy.Anyways, this guy Holden Caulfield is a whiney loser prep-school expellee and all, and walks around NYC for a few days complaining about everything and everybody, he really does. Funny that the way the book is written you know, in the sort of phoney realistic manner that some notorious writers use, is pretty good and all, but Holden can't really put together a grammatically correct sentence, although he was supposed to be good at English, at least he didn't fail that at school. Anyway, I did like the book a little - I really did, but I did not much care for Holden or his problems. I suppose this book would have been better in the fifties when it came out. The notorious "cursing" - oh, my! - is tame. Mostly GD this and GD that, and only gets into the F word at the end. I would not recommend it, but I would not keep anyone from reading it. Sort of like Holden, he takes both sides.
Rating:  Summary: I loved it! Review: I read this book in one day, it's so good. I know to many of you avid readers out there, reading 1 book in a day might not be that much of an accomplishment, but hey, I don't read all that much. Maybe it's just because I'm a 14 years old boy so many of the things in this book I can connect with, but this book, IMO, just has everything. It'll make you laugh out loud time and time again and it has writing that is actually clear and easy to understand (unlike a lot of my reviews). I definately recommend this book to anyone and everyone, but especially to guys like me that can actually connect with many events that are happening within the book.
Rating:  Summary: The Catcher In The Rye Review: I read this book in one day, just couldn't leave it. I don't know why this book is so good, but it just is. Got me hooked from the start. It may have been written way back when, but its also very now. Everyone should read it. The Catcher in the Rye, fantastic title for a fantastic story.
Rating:  Summary: This book caught me just as I was going over the edge. Review: I read this book in one sitting when I was 15. I was hypnotised by the world of Holden Caulfield. To me he represents the dark side of the teen age mind. Many fail to see the real Holden, passing him off as just another teen-ager when he is in fact a very depressed and mentaly unstable person whose actions and feelings are those of a person suffering from a nevous breakdown. Anyone who has been through a period of mental instability can see the true meaning of the title. When I was 15 I went through a very severe battle with depresson after reading this book I saw the world from a compleatly diferent perspective. It gave me hope and understanding and as is implied in the title it caught me before I went over the edge. I think the reason that this book is so popular is because we are all crazy to some degree and those who criticise the book or dislike it are simply those who cannot accept that part of themselves. As long as there are humans on this earth this book will remain a classic
Rating:  Summary: the best book under the sun Review: I READ THIS BOOK IN ONE SITTING.I recommend this book to everyone over the age of 10.If you read one book in your lifetime this should be it.
Rating:  Summary: Very Overrated Review: I read this book in order to help my son write a book report. Maybe my review is so awful because I am 36 and can no longer relate, but being an avid reader, I found this to be the worst book I've ever read. Until I read other reviews, I got nothing out of it except for some young punk literally "rambling" on and on about his miserable life.