Rating:  Summary: The Catcher in The Rye Review: I liked The Catcher in the Rye because it is a book about just one person and you can follow his life very easily. J.D. Salinger wrote this book in first person which makes you feel like you are living Holden Caulfield's life. You get to know his innermost thoughts and see through his eyes. Holden Caulfield comes from a very wealthy family and has attended many private schools in a small amount of time. He has been kicked out of every school due to pure lack of interest. Even though he is very bright, his perspective on life is all wrong. To Holden, the world is made up of phonies, lies, and cheats. Holden has never felt that any of his teachers or mentors has ever cared much about his life, but more so the grades he gets. He can barely get along with anyone because of his past experiences with people. The mere fact that he cannot cope with others makes his life very depressing. He also is involved with many things a young man shouldn't. Even though times have changed drastically since the 1940's I think that anyone could relate to some of the things he is goes through. J.D. Salinger allows you to get very close with this character by giving you an insight on Holden's life and never letting you know what's going to go on next.
Rating:  Summary: CATCHER IN THE RYE WAS VERY WELL WRITTEN! Review: I liked the way the book was written, and how Holden's mind worked. As a teenager around the same age I can relate to some of the topics he discusses. Although, I have never had an experiance like his with Sunny and Maurice. The book was very well rounded, as it should have been being a train of thought. The only thing I didn't like, was that I didn't want the book to end. I wanted to know more. Many people thought that Holden was very brave by wandering around in New York by himself. I on the other hand look at things a little differently. The book was published in the mid to late fourtys. There were many people Holdens age that were out on their own starting a family by his age. Many boys his age were already inlisted in the service and waiting to go to the Korean War. Now days it seems very brave but back then it was really very normal. Over all the book was very interesting and held my attention.
Rating:  Summary: 2 thumbs up___ Review: i liked this book a lot. i like the story of Holden and i think its pretty neat. Holden is a little crazy at times and i liked all of the stories that he went through. I just liked the whole thing how holden is talking to the pyscaitrist and hes telling the story from his past.I didnt like the ending to much though but besides that i thnk it was a great book
Rating:  Summary: This book came just in time ! Review: I liked this book as much as I hated it sometimes. I found it a good novel because the story of Holdon often relates to my own life. The reason I hated it smoetimes was that it took Salinger so long say what I already knew after one page.Because it's a story that we, teenagers, all know , it's fun reading. I often caught myself thinking : « He's absolutely right » or « I know that feeling » My opinion on school and authority is quiet the same as Holdon 's. The big difference is that I don't blame others for my mistakes or hate society. I'm not suicidal either nor depressed. When I read this I realised that Holdon is not the kind of person I would like to become. This book came actually right on time for me. I'll have to work very hard to get my certificate and I don't want to do my year over in another school like Holdon did several times. I'll think of Holdon when I'm losing faith, ending up like him is tha last thing I want .
Rating:  Summary: Uh.....good book Review: I liked this book cuz the guy who tells the story is funny because his thoughts just trail off sometimes. This book has ALOT of swearing so if that bothers you, you wont like it. But overall its a good story.
Rating:  Summary: Diana's review of The Catcher in the Rye Review: I liked this book for the most part. The only things that prevented me from really liking this novel was the continous swearing throughout the novel and the ending. Although I reolize that the swearing was put it the novel to add effect, I don't believe that swearing has to be added to make it better. The other thing that I didn't like about the novel was how it ended because it didn't tell you why he was there, or was happens to him.
Rating:  Summary: A very quick book Review: I liked this book, it's as simple as that. I had never read it until this year (my senior year in high school), and was one of the few that hadn't. I had always figured that since it was a classic, it would be boring; many classics have been praised by all kinds of critics, and it seemed to me that half the time, the books [are bad] (i.e. Animal Farm, The Red Badge of Courage, Lord of the Flies). However, what I like about "Catcher in the Rye" is that it is written from the main character's point of view, and the way it is written is basically the way the kid talks. I thought that helped make the book a good one, because the way I see it, the reader can't identify with a seventeen-year-old kid in a book as well if they don't really feel like the kid is talking to them, and when you read this, it feels like the character (Holden) is actually talking to you; he makes a lot of sarcastic, cynical remarks that make the reader chuckle rather frequently, and I thought that added a lot to the character. Another thing that I think is great about this book is that Holden is one of those kids who is slightly troubled; he's breaking rules left and right, he fails all but one of his classes and has been kicked out of two schools. When I was reading this, I realized that I know people like that, that I've grown up with kids that did that kind of stuff, and that makes the book all the more interesting. I think that one mistake that people who have not read this book make is they expect it to be a novel, but it's really more of a character analysis, and if you're into that sort of thing, you'll probably really enjoy this book a lot. This is one of the few books I actually enjoyed reading in school, the only other being "To Kill a Mockingbird." If you haven't read this book yet, then I highly recommend that you do. It's not heavy or complicated, and it's a book that many readers can identify with in one way or another.
Rating:  Summary: reminded me why I Iove literatue Review: I love literature, but it had been awhile since I'd come across a book that truly moved me - that made me stop and think and arrive at a sense of meaning that can't be synthesized in a cliche or a few vague philosophical sentences. This book is amazing. Knowing that it was written during the beat generation of the fifties, I expected the traditional rallying cry against comformity and superficiality and the rest, but "The Catcher in The Rye" goes much further than that. The main character, Holden Caulfield, is an angst-ridden teenage boy who's just been kicked out of a fancy prep school. He's pissed off at all the "phonies" in the world - the people who smile when they don't really mean it, who show off, who use corny expressions or act the way they think they're supposed to act instead of how they want to act. In short, nearly everyone is a phony for Holden. He's definitely got an overly negative view of the world, but readers (especially teenagers such as myself) will identify with him. Holden's experiences in the 3-4 days he spends wandering around NYC (avoiding going home and telling his parents that he's been kicked out of school) allows us to get a feel for how thinks. But the true gem of the book is the end ... this is one of the best "realization" or "character-development" endings I've ever come across. There's this cool quote from some psychoanalyst that Holden is told by some former teacher - "The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." That's, like, Holden's epiphany in a nutshell. Except he'd never call it an epiphany. That'd be phony.
Rating:  Summary: great book Review: i love this book! if youre looking for a book that you enjoy every minute of , i definetly suggest picking this one up . theres a little bit (or a lot) of holden caulfield in everyone , and just because you can relate to this guy does not make you a "lemming"(whoever said that in their review on sept.8th). i could go on and on about this book but i wont , pick it up and form your own opinion of it . hopefully youll enjoy it as thoroughly as i did .
Rating:  Summary: GOOD BOOK FOUND!! Review: I Love this book. All I have to say is if you want to read a good; easy to read book read this one.