Rating:  Summary: Wow quite overrated... Review: I just wanted to mention that I've read this book twice and I fail to see what's so "classic" about it. I mean it isn't a bad book by any means, but come on. There just is nothing extraordinary about it, besides maybe the fact that there's swearing in a book from the 50s/60s. Just another overhyped piece of "modern art".
Rating:  Summary: I've read better Review: i just wanted to write and say that this is the most boring, confusing book i've ever read. i had to read this for an english class and the main character is the most shallow human being i've ever read about. i hope that you don't find it as incredibly dull as i did.
Rating:  Summary: "Such a swell book worth every penny of your dough!" Review: I keep talking to myself in Holden Caulfield's language. Here are my thoughts about Catcher in the Rye in a language Holden might have used: Boy, do I feel great! The escapade of Holden Caulfield just killed me. The story starts when Holden, the protagonist, gets kicked out of his high school. He decides to leave the school early; however, for he cannot return home early, he decides to spend several days in New York City. He talks about how he spends his time and dough in bars, parks, cabs, hotels... While telling his story he makes very keen observations about people and adds his own view of them, which is what killed me the most while reading this book. His keen observations and ideas about people make you discover your own dormant ever-observant self. The way Salinger put Holden's adolescent still-evolving frame of thoughts into words is very simple yet so captivating that you cannot put the book down. It is this story that captivated me and took me to a smooth journey full of laughter, tears, reflections, flashbacks... I cannot really put how highly I recommend this book into words. Holden would probably say: "Such a swell book worth every penny of your dough!"
Rating:  Summary: Worst book I have ever read. Review: I kept waiting for it to get better. I kept waiting for there to be some reason this book has been banned. But it didn't get better. And I see no reason this is a banned book. The story was not compeling and neither are the characters. How anyone can think this is the best book ever written is beyond me. Please don't waste your time reading this. If you must read it, check it out from the library.
Rating:  Summary: I loved it.. Review: i know a lot of people who hated the book. But i loved it. i guess you have to be the type of person to like it, i mean, i absoutly loved it. usually it takes me about a week or so to finish the book if i like it,and depending on how long it is, this one took me about 2 days, i stayed up all night reading it, i loved it..
Rating:  Summary: WORST BOOK EVER!!!! Review: I know everyone loves this book. I'm sorry. I had to read for English, and the teacher got mad at me for not liking it so bear with me here.. It was whiny, it sounded flat and cardboardy, it was confusing, it was dated and worst of all it's the "quintessential teen book." Bah. I'll take The Perks of Being a Wallflower or Speak any day.
Rating:  Summary: A classic but a little dated Review: I know it is probably akin to a crime against humanity to dis this book, after all who hasn't had to read this book in high school? But, I recently reread this book some 25 years after high school and I'm sorry but the language is a little bit out of date. Wouldn't it be great if Salinger came out of retirement and rewrote this book to today's language standards? It is still the best novel around about the alienation of America's youth (and boy are they ever alienated now more than ever) so it is still a worthwhile read if you can get past the archaic language. Come back J.D. we need you more than ever!
Rating:  Summary: WHAT A BORING STORY!! Review: I know that everyone says that this novel is a CLASSIC, but it certainly did not live up to its standards. I felt that with it's scattered thoughts and events, that the novel clearly did not have a complete structure. It did not keep my attention and it totally bore me to DEATH!! I would not reccomend this novel to anyone, I would not want you to go through the pain and suffering!
Rating:  Summary: outstanding! Review: I know this book is, for the most part, universally liked, so I will make only one point. I recomend everyone reads it, but especially late teen and early twenties males such as myself. I read the book when I was 19. Never before in my life have I indentified with a novel like Catcher in the Rye. You feel as though Holden thinks your thoughts. This book gives an indepth account about comming to age in a modern world and the difficulties you encounter in discovering who your are.
Rating:  Summary: Overrated overhyped spoiled brat angst Review: I know this is required reading in high school. I know it's supposed to be hip and cool. I also know it's supposed to be based on a classic piece of literature. But it is one of the most overrated books of all time in my opinion. Perhaps it seemed new and innovative when it first came out, but now it's so overhyped it's disgusting. One of my biggest problems with the book is there is no background story - Holden was shipped off to a private school and asked not to return, apparently not the first school he was eased out of - but there's no reason given. Was he destructive? Did he threaten the other students? Or was he merely bored and didn't do schoolwork? Apparently he wasn't that troubled that they booted him out, the school intended to allow him to stay until the end of the semester. I get the impression the reason's a bit more than slacking off of the schoolwork, but it's never given. And in this age after Columbine, it's difficult to figure out what he could have done to be booted from school. The other problem I have is it's all from Holden's point of view - you don't know if he is behaving as crazy as he sounds or he's terribly self-conscious or exactly what is going on within him and around him. There's no description of how the outside world views him, really, just brief spots where others interact with him. He seems utterly miserable and depressed, but I'm never sure if it's the fact he's been booted from another school or he's clinically depressed and needs some sort of intervention. Read the book - if that's your choice or assignment - but know that if you don't think it's a wonderful piece of literature, you're not alone. And if you do think it's a wonderful piece of literature, you're not alone, either.