Rating:  Summary: Slightly Disappointing Review: I heard so much hype about this book I really thought it was a must read. I was disappointed. It did have some good thoughts but you really can not get that much out of three days in a persons life. There was more swearing than actual writing. Don't read this book for its literary content but for the fact that you can say you read it.
Rating:  Summary: Maybe I missed out Review: I highly respect what this novel did for American lit but it did little for me personally. I can see the bravo in the narrative and tale itself, an episodic aventure as well as an epic. Great, central reading for anyone literature.
Rating:  Summary: Read this...And read Saliger's Other,Equally Excellent Books Review: I honestly hope that you'll get a chance to read this stunning book. It's... well indescribable. Holden Caulfield gets kicked out of a Prep School, and the rest is his cynical journey through New York to his own home and to... well you'll have to discover that itself. All I can say is please read this book. I first read it when I was 12 and it (along with other Salinger books) changed my life as I realized that there were other people liked me who thought like this and had views of this kind. However, if you read this book don't stop here by all means. READ ALL OF SALINGER. His other books are great, and I think better than TCITR. Anyway, read this, it will change your life.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful book that most will enjoy Review: I hope my tagline will entice some reader to read my review, although I doubt it. I scanned through the reviews myself, and saw that almost everyone put 5 stars. I must agree. It's the best book I've ever read. "What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like. That doesn't happen much, though." It happened this time. I wouldn't mind giving old Salinger a buzz.
Rating:  Summary: Catcher in the Rye review: Review: I just finished reading Catcher in the Rye, and I sorry that I didn't read this sooner in life. Honestly, when I was in high school, I didn't have the desire to read this book. I didn't know what it was about, and I was sure that it was going to be another one of those boring books that droned on and on about stuff I didn't care about. Boy (old Holden is rubbing off on me) was I wrong. I don't know if there is a way to sum up the story. There seems to be many stories in one. It starts out with Holden saying that he's at a place "resting", and he goes on to narrate how he ended up in that place. So, he tells about his life from the time he got kicked out of Penecy Prep until his eventual journey home. One thing is certain -- I can definitely see why people would see this as the bible for the "teenage angst" generation. I enjoyes this book for the simple fact that it gave an honest look into a seventeen-year-old boy's life. Holden is cynical, introspective, and painfully honest. I don't know if Salinger really meant for people to "like" Holden more so than he meant for them to try to understand Holden's views on life. You're presented with a cynical adolescent who has no obvious direction in his life, yet at the same time he manages to be very intelligent. You're faced with his ideas on sex, school, phony people, etc. Holden makes no apologies for being who he is, and I appreciated that. The only gripe that I had with this book was that sometime the author seemed to be getting a little too much into the whole "teenage angst" deal. Some parts of the book had me snorting and rolling my eyes because it seem wildly overdramatic. All-in-all, it was a great book.
Rating:  Summary: Holden Caufield is a genuine character! Review: I just finished reading The Catcher In The Rye for a school project. Everyone said it was a great story but I didn't know what to think, so I went ahead and read it. I'm very glad that I did! Holden Caufield is a character that I believe will never be repeated. His negativity is brought forth by an intense focus upon other people's lives and the reactions they get from others in the world. Salinger allows Caufield to talk about life's most important topics in a not so serious manner. At first I had this sense of feeling that Holden was very insecure with himself which made him believe everyone around him had a fake personna, but towards the end of the book I realized that he actually had other people's best interests at heart. I enjoyed the book and I felt like it was an easy read but had a very indepth meaning. If you don't mind a little bit of foul language...this book is fabulous. It makes you think about life and the people around you on a day to day basis.
Rating:  Summary: because they wouldn't allow me to select zero stars Review: I just finished reading The Catcher In The Rye, and I'm very confused. Maybe I took this book too literally, maybe the entire book is symbolic of something other than a kid wondering the streets of NY for a few days. My wife kept asking me how the book was, and I kept telling her that it's boring but something exciting is bound to happen soon. I mean this book is supposed to be great right? Well, nothing ever really happened. This book is very short, but it seems to take forever to read. Perhaps, after years of reading Stephen King books, I've come to expect too much.
Rating:  Summary: whatever guy from New York Review: I just finished reading The Catcher in the Rye. It had a few funny parts like when Holden was drunk. I did not find the language too harsh since I hear that kind of language every day in school and on T.V. However, I found it hard to follow because Holden talks to himself thoughtout the whole book. I felt Holden was too depressed to be the main character, and there weren't that many characters in the book. He would talk about people and never meet them. The book was well written. I like the scenes and the way J.D. Salinger used the language in the discussions. However the plot was too hard to understand by anyone let alone a 10th grader. I would recommend this book to an adult or a bored teen, not because of the language but because of the lousy plot. Only a bored teen would read this book. Maybe one day I will understand the meaning of this book but for now I have no clue what the writer J.D. Salinger was trying to get across. Holden says that every body is a phony but maybe Holden is the real Phony.
Rating:  Summary: Majin's book review Review: I just finished reading the critically acclaimed book by J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye. I found the book easy to read and enjoyable. I think that people who fall into the age group of 17-25 can enjoy the book a lot more than most people, because I feel that they can relate to Holden. The book is a story about a couple of days in the life of Holden Caulfield, a boy who sees the world through different eyes. Holden is almost always depressed and we get to follow him from Penncey Prep School to New York City and we meet "phonies" all the way. Over all The Catcher in the Rye is a very enjoyable book and it is just as good as what I've heard about it.
Rating:  Summary: My favorite book Review: I just finished reading this book for the second time. The first time I read the book was 7 years ago as a senior in high school. I find that even as a successful adult, I still identify with Holden Caulfield. The book iteself deals with the a day in the life of a trouble adolescent, who has found the world to be riddled with phonies. Some of the observations Holden makes are very profound for an adolescent. Some see Holden as a boy who hates everything, but this is not what is found as you read into the character. Holden has a great deal of love and compassion in his heart. However, based in the fact that he is young and still learning about the world and the fact that he borders on manic depression, he has trouble expressing love or perhaps even knowing what love is. Overall, this story of the rebel without a cause is well written and is still equipped to give us some insight into the lives of both adolescents and people in general. I love this book so much that I will likely read it again some day. I hope some day there is a quality movie version of this book.