Rating:  Summary: the truth about holden Review: i have read thousnads of books. however, never have a read a worse book than Catcher in the Rye!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: "If a body catch a body..." Review: I have to admit that I liked this book. For some insane reason, I did partially identify with Holden. I'd like to stress the word partially, because in many ways, Holden is the literary incarnation of human characteristics that I dislike. He's unmotivated, self-absorbed, highly judgemental - not to mention an ingrate. At the same time though, I found truth in the novel. Most people ARE phony. Although that truth is rather sad, we do indeed put on facades to please the world in the way we want. Holden and his unique observations on human behavior are actually not that unique, but "Catcher in the Rye" is one of the few novels to actually dwell on this subject. It IS depressing that you can see what is wrong with the world or with people in general and know that you have no power to change things. Holden tries to make the "good" people stand out, such as his brother and sister. At the same time, he realizes that his eyes have been unmasked too much and that he can never achieve the precious innocence of childhood again. A lovely symbol of this was the record that he bought for Phoebe shattering into tiny pieces. Life will not stay the same if you are opening your eyes. This point about the novel is perhaps disheartening, but it is the essence of growing up. Growing up, adolescence, teenage years, formative years; call them what you may, but everyone struggles through them. Holden, well, he embodies the worst struggle a kid can go through, yet he survives! A nice conclusion, perhaps teaching us that there is indeed life beyond these troublesome years.
Rating:  Summary: Confused teenager at the crossroads of life Review: I have to admit, even if you don't like or connect with Holden Caulfield, this is an excellent read. Our confused teenager is trying to escape the responsibilities of modern society, and proving he is vulnerable along the way. Ironically, he sees himself as above the average man (or "phony", as Holden reiterates). I read this over two days - about the length of time of the story itself. I had trouble putting the book down, as Holden spiraled out of control, I kept wondering how it would end. Fortunately, he had two saviors - his younger siblings - one of which only being a fond memory. I am convinced his destiny was saved only when he woke up to the terrible life turn to which he was inspiring his sister. This is not a cheery book, but it is real drama, certainly not "phony".
Rating:  Summary: low rated reviewers are whiners Review: I have to say I haven't read this book since High School. But I think I would like to read it again. Because I doubt I understood it back then. All I have to say is it sounds like many people are giving it a bad review for swearing and behavior generally unbecoming of a teenage male (and then calling the good review posters 'close minded'). This is sad. Whether you like it or not, nowadays teenagers drink, swear, and, well, at least TALK about prostitutes. I know, I was a teenager once. Most teenagers aren't impressionable enough to take up drinking, swearing and the use of prostitutes after reading this book-- if they don't do it already. So you can relax, parents. This book may have been edgy for 1951; nowadays I would think it equates with a PG-13 teen drama. I'm giving the book a neutral 3 stars having not re-read it, but I wanted to get my little comment out here. PS, it's the story that counts, not the 'plot'.
Rating:  Summary: Hello Dolly, we have a chamion! Review: i have to say, the harsh language, and somewhat controvercial topics scared me off a little. after having read the book though, they only added to the meaning of the book. Its not just about an angry kid in a messed up world, its about a teenager's struggles with moral issues, social issues, and most of all, the troubles within himself, within his family and friends. He feels that every adult is fake, phony, and ruining the world for him, but what he doesnt realize, is that he is just as phony, faking his age, identity, and other things. In the end, its all beck to equilibrium, back to where he started from, but wow what a journey. If you have read this book, id love to hear what yuo think, and if not, GO BUY IT NOW< PLEASE, its the best five bucks you will ever spend! Thats a lot from a 15 year old who doesnt really like to read a lot!
Rating:  Summary: Simple Review: I haven't needed to be so simple about any book except this book. In fact, most of my reviews on other books fill half the page with my views. Yet, this book is simple of pure genius. It is about a depressed soul, Holden Caufield, but it creates many stereotypes. In reality, many of us of often Holdens. We often share his view. And that is why it is so insightful. This book isn't just about some 16 year kid, it is about ourselves. It is about us. It is about youths. This book was rated to be one of the 100 best English novels ever writeen this century. If a person doesn't enjoy it, or doesn't understand it, then I suggest that they take a literature course in university or take high school English all over again. It is pure genius. We cannot find this a bad book because it depresses us. Of the greatest books ever written, they are often about a world of horrid nature, such as Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" or George Orwell's "Nighteen Eighty-Four."! ; It is very important to note that if you don't find the character satisfying, there is a reason. He's not satisfying. Holden's a loser. But he was meant to be that way. To read this book, one must understand literature. A character who is pathetic is meant to be that way by the author. It is used to show an aspect of human nature. I won't give a literature lesson, J.D. Salinger is a genius in communicating human nature in his book. I would recommend all young adults to read this book once in their lives. And if they really understand it, it is always beneficial. The complex genius of J.D. Salinger and the revealing of how it's like to be a youth is what makes this book so special. A simply must read.
Rating:  Summary: Catcher and The Rye Review Review: I haven't read Dreamland, however I think that it shuld be taught with The Catcher and The Rye. The reason is because I think it has some of the same issues that teenagers deal with in every day life. Dreamland deals with abusiveness and I think young couples can learn from this book. Catcher in The Rye deals with teenagers finding their way through life.
Rating:  Summary: "Catcher" VS. A Modern Young Adult Novel Review: I haven't read The Body of Christopher Creed, however I think that it should be used in conunction with The Catcher In The Rye in the education of young adults. "Catcher" will remain a timless classic for quite some time, but it has moments where it tends to loose a readers interests. Holden's use of langauge in the story might be slightly offensive to some while to others it may be nothing out of the ordinary. Some of the terms he uses are quite out dated and often hard for a modern young adult to comprhend in nature. "Catcher" poses thoughts and ideas that many young adults can often relate to and comprehend on a deeper level than some of the modern novels that deal with issues not all of us have faced. This, in turn, gives us a strong reason to continue moving forward in our reading selections while still holding on strong to the timeless classics such as The Cathcer In The Rye.
Rating:  Summary: I hate books--but this one is good so far Review: I havent finished this book yet. I hate reading, but I have to read it for school. I am up to chapter 7 and so far it really is not that bad. He is a messed up kid but who isnt nower days? His cynical views are hilarious!
Rating:  Summary: how 2 days make you question your entire life Review: I heard a lot about this very book, but never exactly knew what it was all about. So finally i bought and i was deeply impressed. I never would have thought it to be possible that 2 days in someelse's life could make me look that throughouly at my own life. I asked myself about at million times if I am a phoney too. I can recommend everybody to read this book, but read it open minded, you have to experience it. Most certainly one of the best books i've ever read.