Rating:  Summary: I have to agree- overrated! Review: I can remember having to read this book for high school. Now I remember why I can not remember anything about the book- it really isn't about anything I'd have a reason to remember. The best character in the whole book is the coat and hat girl who tells Caulfield to go to bed and get some sleep when he is drunk. She sounded like the only one with sense in the entire book. I am a person of personal accountability and free will. Caulfield is ignoring all of these. He needs to get a life. If this spurs someone to GET A LIFE, then it has fulfilled its purpose a literary masterpiece. But if not, the book can be used to start a fire in the cold.
Rating:  Summary: Simple, but not too bad. Nothing phony at all. Review: I can see why people wouldn't like this book and all. Really. I can. But, me, on the other hand, liked this book and all. It was a riot. A real riot....People may not like this book because it obviously has very simple language at points and, as a reader, we are never given the point-of-view of other characters. However, I felt the simplicity of the novel gives it it's effect. Holden takes the world as being simple, yet there are many complex issues he must deal with.He is searching for his identity and the reason that most people are "phonies" is because he still hasn't completely figured out the world. Personally I felt as though the book couldn't have been written from any other point of view than 1st person and still achieved it's effect. I read the book rather quickly because it is as if someone is sitting there telling you their life story...well, in a way, Holden is. I recommend this book to anyone because it is original and definitely not boring. It is a book that many relate to, because it deals with the teenage world that we've all been a part of. I still don't think this book is anything better than 3 stars because it is rather simplistic in nature. However, I can understand why people consider it a classic.
Rating:  Summary: Bad Book Review: I can sum up this book very quickly. Whiney rich brat that thinks his life is horrid. I wish my life was as bad as his.
Rating:  Summary: To be a Teenager! Review: I can understand how some people would find this book incredibly dull because honestly, nothing really happens except this 16 year old bitches about his life. But, it cracks me up every time I read it. Sophomore year, my advanced english class read it and all my friends simply adored it. It wasn't the typical run-of-the-mill english book. This book made you laugh, made you think, and made you understand, if not actually feel for Holden. Salinger is a genius (and quite mysterious). "Franny and Zoey" made no sense to me since I didn't have an english teacher to explain it to me, but I'm four years out of sophomore english and still read this book every year. I'm glad it wasn't banned in my high school!!
Rating:  Summary: Holden Caulfield is the best character of all time... Review: I can't believe how much this book makes you think. My teacher made ME-and only ME-read this book for my English class. Being 16 years old and so familiar with the title but never have read it, I was apprehensive. After the first 20 pages of this book, I was absolutely blown away by the simpleness, yet mental complexity of this novel. I went back to school the very next day and thanked my English teacher over and over again for making me read this. He told me he knew I would like it and that I would find many similarities between Holden and myself, as every teenager will. I am no longer afraid to read some of the contemporary authors and I now indulge myself in good literature. Thanks to this book I have found a new part of me. I found the part who loves to read.
Rating:  Summary: I'll tap dance if I want to Review: I can't give the book a ten...it would be the height of arrogance..it really would...but if you want to know what I think of all your reviews and all that other kind of amazon bookstore crap then read on. I am glad some of you can empathise with me...really I am...I don't want you taking me too seriously though...it ain't good for you..you know who you are.. I've got this friend here in London where I now live...and he always wants to talk about the goddamn book...he remembers reading it when he was 16..and says it depressed the hell out of him..the only bit he liked was me tap dancing and when I turn my hat round the way I like...(I still do that btw)... then a few years later when he was 18-19 he read it again and says he just found it so funny...I guess what I am trying to convey is that you bring yourself to a book...your moods..your prejudices..your life experiences...and any good book..and I happen to think Mr Salinger's work is a good one...at least provokes some sort of reaction..be it good or bad.. I've lost some of my cynicism...I kinda wore it like a badge at an earlier age...as I've gotten older though..I don't know..sometimes I even think I'm getting idealistic..I keep thinking of that song imagine.. You know I don't even know how much this book costs anymore...and by rights I should know the price of everything and the value of nothing right? ah well...hope some of you continue to enjoy the book...and to those of you that didn't..it might be worth reading again some day...but don't bust a gut...and don't fake it...
Rating:  Summary: If this is on your summer reading list - you are stoked! Review: I can't imagine a literate teenager who would not enjoy this book. Salinger perfectly captures the adolescent worldview: most people are "phonies"; the world is more twisted and sick than our parents and teachers would have us believe; and, the prospect of sex is altogether pervasive, exciting, and scary. Holden Caulfield, the book's protagonist, relates an adventure that is no less compelling because it is realistic. Who wouldn't want to escape into the underside of New York City for a week or so after being tossed out of prep school? Be careful of your peers who take this book too seriously, though: Mark David Chapman, after he shot and killed John Lennon, pulled "CATCHER" out of his pocket and calmly sat reading it while he waited for the police to arrive. Best line: Sickened by a woman who pretends to be moved by an artistic performance, while treating the children with her unkindly, Holden remarks that she is "as compassionate as a goddamned wolf." [The book, of course, was written before people *liked* wolves.]
Rating:  Summary: Everyone should read it Review: I can't say too much about this book that hasn't already been said....I will say that if you haven't read it, you should drop everything and order it right now off of Amazon.com! Well anyways, the thing that sticks with me from "Catcher in the Rye" is how Caulfield strives not to be a phony.
Rating:  Summary: A classic Review: I can't see how people can rave about this being pointless. It's sad that so many people are so shallow. I guess these people can't contemplate a novel any deeper then Harry Potter. The book is about real life, real emotion. Its a classic story of the rejection and fear we ALL feel as teenagers. Open your minds. The reason the author wishes to be alone, is because he sees how people really are. For example, those who can't see the meaning of this classic novel.....
Rating:  Summary: A Very Good Read! Review: I cannot believe that i'm 39 years old and am just now discovering this classic. I remember back when i was in elementary school and my older brother was in high school and studying this book. I knew nothing about it and simply shrugged it off as a very short novel that people had to study for English class. I can also remember that several years ago a girl once told me that i reminded her of the main character in Catcher In The Rye. I asked if i was supposed to take that as a compliment or insult, she said compliment because some of the sarcastic and funny things and the way i expressed myself reminded her of Holden Caulfield in the book. Having read the book i tend to agree with her, and i found myself laughing out loud at Holden's sarcasm and wit. This book grabbed my attention from the first page. I loved the style of writing and found that although the book was written in the 40s and some of the words and phrases are dated, for the most part the story had a contemporary flow to it, and could easily have taken place today. I've heard that this book is banned in alot of schools and i'm thinking WHY? Is it because of the swearing? Have you heard the trashy foul mouths on some of today's youth? The language in this book is nothing compared to that. This book should be required reading by all high school students, as it paints a picture of the feelings of frustration and alienation, and not fitting into the world that most every adolescent goes through at some point, and how adults and authority figures seem to be all [people] who don't know or understand anything. This book is one that i will be reading many times. I can't believe a book like this was written back in the 40s. It's an amazing book! I now understand why this used to be such an important book back in school before they banned it.This book makes me want to read all of Salinger's other writings. When a book can make me laugh right out loud i know i've found a really special book. It's extremely well-written and probably one of the most accurately perceptive writings as to how a youth that age would probably think and feel.