Rating:  Summary: a mite overrated Review: I am baffled by this novel's standing as one of the great classics of modern literature. It seemed to be essentially a literate exposition of the author's own life experiences, with the liberal pepperings of 'goddamm' and other colloquialisms philological tools within the capacity of any two bit writer. JD was lucky merely in that, as a side effect of his autobiographical catharsis, he tapped deeply into the wellspring of the American psyche. John Le Carre's 'A Perfect Spy' is an example of a truly great once-in-a-lifetime, from-the-heart coming-of-age novel... and he has written a great many more books than Saint Salinger.
Rating:  Summary: A great book! (For those who see the big picture) Review: I am currently in 9th grade, and I was required to read "Catcher in the Rye" for my English class. At first, the book didn't strike me as a classic the way the reviews suggested, but to prepare for an in-class discussion, I went back and plowed through it again, this time finding my alterego in Holden. "Catcher in the Rye" presents a realistic view of our world, plain and simple. It speaks the mind of someone who can think and do for himself rather than simply conforming to the senseless do's and don'ts of society. Holden may appear as a spoiled brat, but that is the art of Salinger's writing. He puts bigger issues into the content of everyday situations, and in order to appreciate it, one has to approach this with an open mind and the ability to look beyond details for the bigger picture. There are some people who think that the language is too vulgar, and that this book should be banned from children's bookshelves. All I have to say is, Holden's language is all sugar compared to what kids learn from watching MTV, and if you can't handle a few "goddamn"s then don't read it.
Rating:  Summary: A lesson in American culture Review: I am English and I first read this book when I was around 20. I am now nearly 50 and I am trying to encourage my American husband to take up reading. I got the book from the library in England, and we sat down and took it in turns reading a chapter out loud to each other. I still enjoyed the book; that inimitable way Holden has of expressing himself..so American..so different to the way we speak in England. Yet my husband did not enjoy it. He did not understand the pathos that I saw in the book..he did not see the funny side of things..he, an American himself, could not understand Holden's way of carrying on..to him, Holden behaved very badly and was a crazy mixed up kid. I, however, thought Holden was really sweet and I loved him and wanted to cuddle him and be a good Mom and friend to him
Rating:  Summary: Catcher In the Rye Review: I am going to keep this very brief because I don't know how to begin to write about this book. This is, quite simply, one of the most amazing pieces of art that I have ever encountered. The way this book presents the life of its protagonist (Holden Caulfield, who is an absolutely fantastic character) is amazing. It is simaltaneously hilarious and emotionally powerful. The whole book has a melancholy feeling; a sense of loss runs through it. A beautiful book... I also think that I should mention that it is often grossly misrepresented: "Only serial killers read that book." Whatever. That is not what this book is about at all. Read Franny and Zooey also.
Rating:  Summary: Oh Boy Review: I am gonna make this short and sweet. This book is a must for anyone. If you haven't read it... do so now! The fact that it was banned in many countries frightens me.
Rating:  Summary: What? Did this guy write the book about me? Review: I am not an avid reader, nor am I one who enjoys the burdensome task of slaving through a book for English class. I do read a lot (because I have to), and so far J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye is by far the best book I've ever read. In writing this book, Salinger surpassed Hemmingway, Hawthorne, and all the other "great writers." Catcher is the story of Holden Caulfield, a selfish, hypocritical, and troubled teenager who has been kicked out of a private high school just before Christmas vacation. Like any teenager, he isn't eager to tell his parents that he's been kicked out of school, so he leaves his dorm and wanders around New York trying to find himself. The book follows Holden and his encounters in the Big Apple. He drinks in bars, solicits a prostitute, and does many other things that some boys at that age often think about, but lack the means and the cajones to actually do. Holden is troubled about the fact that he is growing up. He does not want to become older and sees his maturation as a transition from the real and personal world of being young to the phony, impersonal word of the older generation. I enjoyed this novel because Salinger amazingly writes the dialogue of Holden to resemble that a real immature pre-adult. He also did not shy away from including profanity and risqué subject matter. Salinger also writes in a style which, as I have noticed over the past couple years, many of the great American novelists lack. It's called PLAIN ENGLISH. There is not any complicated dialogue, confusing metaphors, or any hidden meaning. When Salinger has a message, he says it straight out. Salinger's The Catcher In The Rye is a well written novel. Any living, breathing, human with at least half a pulse would enjoy this novel at least for the story itself. However, if you are a guy around sixteen, seventeen, or eighteen you should definitely grab a copy of this book and get to reading. Trust me you wont be sorry. Salinger has also written some short stories like "A Perfect Day for Bananafish." I haven't read those stories yet, but if they contain only half the literary perfection found in The Catcher in the Rye, then they're definitely worth looking into.
Rating:  Summary: Uncertainty Review: I am not sure what I think of this book yet. I read it, like other reviewers, because it is a classic. I can identify with Holden Caulfield on some levels because of the isolation I feel at school. However, I have trouble feeling sorry for him because he does have several people around him who care for him, and his family is very wealthy. I know what he means by people being phony. I can also appreciate his desire to be a "catcher in the rye." I can definitely see why it is banned in schools. I think the book would have been just as effective, if not more so, if he had not taken God's name in vain every other word. Overall, his musings on love and society are very insightful and trite at the same time. I know this sounds impossible, but he puts a spin on common ideas. I think people should read this book for entertainment, but they should avoid it if they are looking for a bible for living.
Rating:  Summary: Very over-rated Review: I am of like mind with the reviewer who found "Catcher in the Rye" to be quite tedious, a novel with no plot, no character development, and very little value as a novel. I like my fiction to be stimulating, emotionally and intellectually; and entertaining, while also making a clear and worthwhile statement about the human condition. Recent novels like MOTHER OF PEARL, or MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA, or THE TRIUMPH AND THE GLORY are far more to my taste. Obviously, "Catcher in the Rye" has proven to be of immense value to many people. I'm just not one of them.
Rating:  Summary: Catcher in the Rye Review: I am only half way through this book and I already know I am going to love it. It tells a story of a boy who gets kicked out of high school for failing too many classes. It is very easy reading if you are a teenager, as you will be able to relate with the characters without a doubt! I highly recommend this novel!
Rating:  Summary: Proof that beauty lies in simplicity Review: I am quite surprised by some of the more negative reviews I have seen of this book. How can anyone dismiss Holden Caulfield as a mere "whiner?" Yes, I do agree that (on occasions) Caulfield's cynicism seems somewhat inordinate (he scrutinizes virtually everything and everyone). However, this does not negate the fact that the novel is a true-to-life and touching embodiment of the existential confusion and angst most of us have surely experienced at some stage in our lives. There were so many instances in the book where I was stunned by the sheer "trueness" and realism of Caulfield's observations of human behaviour. Virtually every remark he makes about people and life, every thought, every criticism, makes absolute sense and rings a bell. And what strikes me the most is that his commentaries on life are not limited by time or place. I have never been to America nor am I a westerner, yet a great deal of what Caulfield says is very familiar. Every time I turned a page, there was a statement somewhere that made me think "yes, yes, I know exactly what you mean." And contrary to many people's views, I think the slow pace of the plot is all the more effective because it is real. Most people's lives are not riddled with unceasing adventures; most of us move at the same pace as Caulfield. Besides, the candor and irreverence of the novel (which are surprising even by today's standards) balance the slowness of the plot. Finally, I must say I am impressed by the simplicity of Salinger's diction, the language is so informal and so unpretentious and this is what makes The Catcher in the Rye such a unique book. I will read it again and again.