Rating:  Summary: A TRUE AMERICAN CLASSIC Review: Unprolific as he might be, Salinger is one of America's most beloved writers, and for a damn good reason: CATCHER IN THE RYE is a masterpiece, one of those rare books which is read and reread by one generation after another, destined to be discussed and celebrated for all time. There is no one to whom I would not recommend this literary jewel. BRILLIANT!(Also recommended: NINE STORIES, by Salinger; FRANNY & ZOOEY, by Salinger; RAISE HIGH THE ROOF BEAM, CARPENTERS AND SEYMOUR AN INTRODUCTION, by Salinger; ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST, by Ken Kesey; CAT'S CRADLE, by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.; ON THE ROAD, by Jack Kerouac; THE BASKETBALL DIARIES, by Jim Carroll.)
Rating:  Summary: My Hero Review: Until I met Holden Caulfield, I thought I was the only kid in the world whose life was messed up. Holden taught me that it is on to be different, ok to be afraid, ok to not have every single detail of your life planned. And he taught me that it is ok to pursue your dream. Who cares if someone else thinks your dreams are ludicrous? Holden's sister Phoebe thought he was nuts because he wanted to catch kids falling off a cliff. Well, who is anyone to say what is ridicudlous or what is not? Is wanting to be a "catcher in the rye" different than wanting to be a writer or a fireman or an Oympic champion? Parents hated Holden Caulfield because he was the antithesis of everything that they were taught. As kids growing up in the 50's we were taught that you should join the poshest clubs and pursue the job with the biggest salary and do everything and be the best not because you wanted to be but because it satisfied your parent's ego. Parents wanted all their kids to be Beaver Cleaver and Bud Anderson. There were alot more kids out there like Holden than there were like Beaver or Bud. This book provided those of us, like me, who didn't fit in, with comfort and the knowledge that it was ok to be different (like in the movie "Pleasantville" when Tobey Maguire told his mother "There is no right life". ) Holden said it first. Salinger didn't invent Holden Caulfield - thousands of them existed. But thank God he had the courage to write about him.
Rating:  Summary: Characterization is the main focus. Review: Upon finishing this novel, I first beleived that "The Catcher In The Rye" has a poor plot. However, I soon realized that the plot of the story is perfectly fitted to show the real focus. Characterization. Once in a while, I come across a book with it's primary strength being characterization. This book is an example. The characters are very 3 Dimensional and distinct. From Ackley to the prostitute, all the characters are life-like and imaginative. I rank it way up there with Animal Farm and Annie Frank, but give it 4 stars because the plot COULD have been a bit more interesting as well as supportive. For these reasons, I enjoyed this book and strongly suggest it to anyone that appreciates realism.
Rating:  Summary: Non-convenional Classic Review: Upon reading the first page or two of The Catcher in the Rye, I was certain that this was not my kind of book. However, I had always heard how excellent it was and I knew that I had to finish it. This novel is truly a classical piece of American literature. Although this book is most definately your typical classic with heroes and victims and morals that leap off the page, Salinger's novel is real. Holden Caufield is an unusual narrator. He is honest, which is refreshing as he notes the superficial world surrounding him. This honesty alienates Holden from society, for he will not conform to the typical schoolboy personality of those that he has lived with all of his formal education. He becomes a watcher and analyzes the many people he encounters. In due course, he confirms the human being as a indecisive creature that thrives on interaction. Regardless of ho hard Holden tries to separate himself from his clueless, high society parents, Phoebe, his sister, and the kind intentions of others affect him. Through his many experiences prior to his sixteenth Christmas, Holden reaches some realizations, but eventually he has concluded that life cannot be planned. Also when we bear our souls and secrets to someone, in the absence of their company, we find ourselves very lonely and regretful. Some may find the language inappropriate for a novel, but it is only reality that is found on the pages. This book has remained on banned book lists for so long because people are afraid of the truth, and many can find the confusion or cynicism that Holden possesses in themselves. I simply ask that you look past the front and find the great symbolism throughout the novel. There is a piece, however small, of Holden in each of us and we cann all learn from his frankness.
Rating:  Summary: Perhaps the Original "Coming of Age" Story Review: Using the stream of consciousness writing style, J.D. Salinger tells the story of a 16-year-old boy who's just been booted out of his school in upstate New York, and who is attempting to get back home to New York City. The entire book takes place over a matter of a few days, describing Holden Caulfield's journey down to the city, and his observations of its' seedy underside. While the story is depressing at times, this should be no suprise given that it describes the life of an adolescent. It also shows the naivite and hopefullness of youth; for example, Holden continually takes issue with those who might do harm to children. As you will see if you've not yet read it, this is where the title of the book comes from. The book is probably most known, however, for the cynical side that Holden shows. In his travels, he is not slow to point out "phonies" and other people who he deems to be superficial. It is the perfect combination of cynicism, hope, and despair that make Holden seem like the quintessential teenager. This is perhaps why The Catcher in the Rye is a favorite of high school aged kids, and why many adults read the story with a fond rememberance of when they were that age. If you're wondering why the book has a history of being banned, you will probably be suprised to see how tame the story is. There are a few uses of the f-word, and other slight references which people didn't take too kindly in 1951 (such as a brief mention of a cross-dressing man). Through today's eyes, one would be hard-pressed to find something that would merit the censorship of the Catcher in the Rye. It is a brilliant, extremely accurate tale of a typical teenager trying to find his place in the world. It is a model, both for the stream of consciousness style, and for the many copy-cats that have attempted to figure out how J.D. Salinger made the story so darned convincing. It is quite possibly the best coming of age story ever created.
Rating:  Summary: no redeeming qualities at all Review: usually, i can see redeeming qualities in book's i dislike...but in this case, i can't understand why anyone would like such a pointless book. did i miss the point? probably...because it must have been mentioned while i was too busy screaming at how idiotic and frustrating the narrator is.
Rating:  Summary: GOOD STUFF MUM Review: Vaccum cleaners tell you a lot about life. I like corn chips with salsa. Audio Image. Darts are not good for clothing labels. CD's are grandpa. I like it a lot even blue underline.
Rating:  Summary: what? what? what's going on? what? Review: waht????????? a very strang book.i didnt want to rate it,but u HAVE to(stuipd!) i gave it 8 because its a very reguler rating,NOT like this strange,strange-a bit "nice" book. strange...........
Rating:  Summary: Funny to see a re-birth of so many classics. Review: Was it just a Mel Gibson movie that has reawakened America's interest in Holden Caulfield? Or, are young people once again looking for an explanation of why people say one thing and do another, or why some people have normal thoughts and others seem to never find one. Or why adolescence is so often divorced from the wholesomeness and simple trust many of us were lucky to experience as small children, as protected and loved children. This is a perennial classic. Holden will always haunt us and we will always remember the pangs of a shared bewilderment and anger that things really do change and life is definitely not what it seemed before we grew. I hope another author, similar to Salinger in his spare and economical style, Jerry Furland, ("Transfer-the end of the beginning") will be experienced by the high school set. Oddly, if Furland's gem of a novel is accurate, there will scarcely be time for it to become a classic. Given time however, I think it will be.
Rating:  Summary: Simply Put Review: We all hate having teachers force us to read books in school. This time I am glad they did. Cather In The Rye has to be the single most expressive book I have ever read. The book is put into words that a teen can understand perfectly. Although there are some underlying webs of connections in the book, most everything is simply put into teenage thoughts and language. It deals with every problem and every situation. The book is simply a marvel to be read and enjoyed. You'll either hate it, or love it. As for it trying to be banned, like you don't hear that language anyway. It is a way of expression and without it, the teenage angst character would not have been expressed properly. Read it, you may love it or dispise it, but read it.