Rating:  Summary: a must read Review: There is nothing more that I can say than, read this book. You will love it and you will read it again and again. Everything has already been said so i just wanted to put in my 5 stars
Rating:  Summary: Nothing Left to Say Except... Review: There is simply nothing left to add for those who already KNOW this is one of the great classic novels in American literature, except the following. There are many writers who are writing profound treatments of various aspects of American culture. Yet the literary poo-baahs, such as the high and mighty editors at the New York Times Book Review and the New Yorker CHOOSE who they focus attention on. And that's part of what makes this book so timeless in its commentary on society. The phoniness Holden encounters is timeless. It pervades all aspects of our culture even in 2002. As an author of nonfiction who has enjoyed a taste of acclaim, I know from where I speak.Recognition involves talent and politics, with particular emphasis on the latter. Yet, we're supposed to act like this isn't true, and if you simply work hard you'll get your just reward. That's b.s., the same way Holden dramatizes it was b.s. in the New York City existing in the early 1950s. I keep rereading this book, as well as Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man," a timeless look at racial realities that remain true in 2002, because of the manner in which they reveal the stubborn aspects of human nature that refuse to be scrubbed away. For those who just don't get why this book is simple brilliance, too bad. It is one of the Great American Novels, written in the voice of a teen, yet with wisdom people of all ages can appreciate. As a result, Sallinger had to go into hiding after it hit big, because everyone sought him out. He's now in his 80s. I hope he has lived a happy life.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing to add Review: There nothing for to say about this transcedent gem that hasn't been said before; just wanted to add my 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Regardless of what they say, it's always gonna be a classic Review: There's always been all this arguement on whether or not Catcher in the Rye is a classic or not, whether or not it is great. I think that regardless of your opinion of the novel, you have to admit its importance to our culture, and just how many people it has touched. It's because Salinger works it on many different levels. When I read it first in my early teens, it touched that teen angst that we all seem to be filled with. But as I got older, and as I re-read the book, I begin to see that it isn't normal teenage feelings. As I age, I can understand the sadness, the despair, being lost like that. This is not just a book for young people. It transcends age (though you may be reading it in secret). The other thing about this book that grabs you is the voice of the narrator. I've always felt that voice awas one of the most important aspects to any story. Those with an interesting voice, like Huck Finn or Nick Carroway or Holden Caufield, last forever. Regardless of your opinion of J.D. Salinger (and I'm no big fan of his), you have to admit, The Catcher in the Rye is a a great book.
Rating:  Summary: Everyone else reviewed it, why not me.... Review: There's enough reviews out there so you can get the details of the book, I'm just going to give my opinion of it. The books well written, well characterized and worthy of it's praise. Salinger has teenage angst and apathy nailed, though these days Holden would prob. be younger, maybe 12-14. I liked it and I didn't, the writing great, but I'm not moved by the character. He keeps bemoaning his life and saying how phony people are. Typical youth of showing how cool and knowledgable of the world they are. It gets irritating after awhile. I'm on the fence with this one, the main character is annoying, but he's annoying because he's so greatly written.
Rating:  Summary: I don't want people to lose their innocence! Review: There's Holden Caulfield, who doesn't want people to lose their innocence. His deep, deep story - and also really funny! - will absolutely touch your hearts!
Rating:  Summary: Not a masterpiece Review: They say that either you rave about this book or you simply discard it with a shrug, but I found that my feelings regarding it was somewhere in the middle. Brilliant in portions, contrived in some, this book does well to bring out the confused thought processes of an errant disillusioned teenager, and his love for his sister. The character development is too contrived in some parts, and very subtle and beautiful on some occasions. It would've been a masterpiece if the author hadn't gone out of his way to eulogise the protagonist's character, sometimes unduly, to forcefully justify his disillusionment.
Rating:  Summary: wonderful and intreging Review: Thhis book is amazing. It is about a boy named Holden Caufield and his journy through the life of a prep school. Salinger takes an unapealing bad boy and makes you intreged by him, even love him. You just keep wanting to learn more about this strange but lovable boy. When i finished this book, i almost missed Holden. I loved this book and strongly suggesst it to people of all ages.
Rating:  Summary: Have things really changed? Review: Think about it. Has the life of a teenager really changed from the 1950's to the 1990's? Holden proves to me that it has not. His arrogant "I know everything" attitude is masterfully detailed by Salinger. The sex, alcohol, and "don't give a damn" attitude of Holden is really the reality of just about every teenager, even today. That is what makes Salinger's book a classic. Holden is someone we either were or someone we knew at some point in our lives. We ALL sympathize with Holden, yet at the same time we say to ourselves, "what the hell is this kid thinking?" Yet, we all know exactly what he is thinking, even if we don't like to admit it! If you open your mind and your heart to Holden Caulfield, you are really opening up to yourself!
Rating:  Summary: classic Review: This book always puts a smile on my face. I read it several times and it still works. Holden thinks he has a sad life. He keeps putting everything down. He is full of jealousy and that teenage angst we can all relate to. He makes a little trip for himself and the ride is full of ups and downs. Enjoy the ride.