Rating:  Summary: Otay Review: A Review by JillianThe book Cut is about a girl who cuts her wrists but not deep enough to kill herself just enough to relive herself of stress and frustration. She goes to a mental illness hospital for this reason. After a few months she is very willing to get the needed help from the people and move on with her life. She didn't talk to anyone for a very long time. She gets the help needed and is getting better gradually. I liked the book because it was real and not fake like what people want to hear. It showed what people do sometimes and the things they go through. I like the part were she ran away from the hospital. I didn't like how the book just ended after her dad brought her back to the hospital. I think it would have been better if it showed the aftermath of her life. Over all it was a pretty good book. It showed real life probl4ems most writers and people don't talk about. This is a book foe people that like real life problem. It's pretty easy to understand. But in the beginning it might be a little hard.
Rating:  Summary: Cut by Patricia McCormick Lauren M. Review: The main character in this book is Callie. Throughtout the book, it tells you that Callie is going through a lot in life, such as family problems. She is usually in stress, and to get of her problems and stress, she finds anything sharp, such as metal, and cuts her wrists with it to make her feel better. She has been doing this since she was little and when her parents divorced. Right now she is at a place called Sea Pines which gives every girls who is sent there, help with whatever problem they have. Every girl in there calls Sea Pines, Sick Minds. What they do there is they have what they call Group where they tell eachother what they do and what is on there minds. They also have therapists to talk to everyday. Callie doesn't really talk to anybody because she isn't really social. But the other girls always try to talk to her. Throughout this book, there has been some literary elements. One literary element is a flashback. Callie went back to where she was suppose to watch her brother Sam. She had to make sure that he ate dinner and then take his inhaler. Well, she went out of the room, and he started to have an asthma attack. She came and he was on the floor. The ambulance came and she regreted that time. Another literary element is foreshadowing. She keeps on thinking about getting out of Sick Minds and seeing her family together again. One more literary element is she uses imagery. Callie uses imagery by thinking about her, Sam, her mom and her dad sitting at the breakfast table all together. My personal opinion about Cut is I actually liked it! When I first got it, I didn't think I would like it that much. The title didn't really catch my attention, but when I read the back, I thought I might give it a shot. I really got into the book and whenI finished it, I loved it! All of my friends who read it, told me that it was a great book. Now I recommend it to everyone!
Rating:  Summary: A Real-Life Story Review: This is a book that really shows what a person who cuts themself can be thinking. I used to cut myself. I started when I was twelve years old. I'm not proud of it, but it gave me insight on things. This book is really good for... well, describing what it's like to have the need to cut yourself, and what it can do to you. I had a very similar experience to Callie's, except that Callie was 15 and I was 14. Anyway, you came here to read a review, not me yakking on about my meaningless life. Cut is a really good book about a girl named Callie who cuts herself (hence the title). She is in an institution, and she doesn't talk. The other girls talk, the girls with eating disorders and drug abuse, that sort of thing. Then a new girl comes, with the same problem that Callie has, except that Amanda, the new girl, shows off her scars with pride. This starts an emotional trip for Callie, and you, as the reader, follow her through every step of the way.
Rating:  Summary: Far too sterile to represent reality. Review: As much credit as I give to anyone willing to address the issue of self-injury in their work, Cut does not come close to conevying the tumultuous thoughts and feelings that lead one to harm themselves. It might be enough to trigger someone who cuts, but will hardly educate those who don't.
Rating:  Summary: Willy's Review for "Cut" Review: Cut was a reall good book. It is about a girl, Callie, who cuts herself. She is at a medical treatment facility called Sea Pines, which everyone there calls Sick Minds. All the other girls there have problems of their own. There is nothing sharp at Sea Pines. Callie will use anything she can get her hands on, from pie plates to the edge of a table to cut herself. She has to go to a phychiatrist almost everyday. Since she went to Sea Pines, she han't talked to anyone. Patricia McCormick did a really good job on Cut. It was a very good first novel. The way she made Callie think see and hear everything around her made the story even better. All in all it was a really good book.
Rating:  Summary: The title is decieving... Review: This book is supposed to be about cutting, but it's really more about a psychiatric hospital. As someone who was once a cutter, it really doesn't address the issue of cutting as well as it seemed it should have. I was under the impression that it was a novel for adults on the issue of cutting, but it was written more on the level of a young adult and didn't really dive much into self-injury as an issue. It made cutting seem as though it was something you can turn on and off, just as Callie's talking was something she had the control to turn on and off. Unfortunately, cutting is nothing like that. Yes, McCormick does touch on the emotions associated with the act of self-injury, but she doesn't make known the need for those feelings, or the cycle of emotions that a cutter goes through before, during and after commiting the act. It was an easy read - I read it in one sitting, but not what I had expected.
Rating:  Summary: CUT by Jimmy German Review: I think cut is a boring book. I really didn't like it. There were a lot of dry spots, definitely more bad parts than good parts. I thought I would like it when we started reading it, because I'm into violent books like this, but i wasn't feeling it. It is basically about a girl named Callie who cuts herself for the high of it. She is sent to Sea Pines, a "loony bin", but her and her friends call it Sick Minds. There are lots of girls there with there own problems. Some have a substance abuse problem which means they do drugs. Some have eating disorder which means they are anorexic. Others are like Callie and have behavioral issues which means they are psychos (as Callie would put it) meaning they cut themselves. There are three levels at Sick Minds; level ones' need escorts to go any where and every where. Level twos' can go wherever they want and can escort people, but anorexic twos' need to be escorted by three's. Level threes' are the same as level twos' except level threes' are at the last stage there and are going to graduate soon. When Callie first gets there she doesn't talk in group or in counseling or at all, but she can't stay quiet for long' I give this book one star and don't ever want anything to do with it again.
Rating:  Summary: Cut Your Way Into Cut Review: Callie needs to get away. She needs to find a way to get away from her life and all the complications included in the package. Callie steadily finds that she can get her much wanted release by cutting herself. She never cuts herself too severely, but enough to get away from everything, to feel the release, to het the high. But then she gets sent to Sea Pines, a facility for girls who have disorders. Callie then goes queit. She doesn't talk, but she steakily learns that everyone at Sea Pines, nick-named Sick Minds, are human too. They are much like her, yet very different. Eventually Callie learns that she wants to get better. I really enjoyed Cut. It wasn't as good as I thought it would be, but it was still pretty good. It sounded as though Patricia McCormick put a lot of effort into this book. You almost feel as if Callie is real and you are her shrink, listening to her thought as they run through her mind. Partricia McCormick talents with a pen ahow a swill as a knight's skill with a sword. I admire her not only for her writing ability, but also because of her ability to become so dedicated to do so much research on one outstanding book. Patricia McCormick is truly a writer unlike any other.
Rating:  Summary: "CUt" Review: This was a great book about a girl named Callie who cuts herself. Now Callie is in a mental facility, or a looney bin as some people call it. Sea Pines, or Sick Minds as the people who attend it call it. There are other people there who need help, her age and older. There are people there with drug abuse problems, and food issues. But, how can Callie get any help, when she won't even talk? Callie has had problems at home, is that why she is cutting herself? Find out bye reading this wonderful novel by Patricia McCormick. This is one of the best books I have ever read, and i would definatly give it *****!
Rating:  Summary: Cut Review Review: Cut is a thrilling book that reveals the dark truth about why girls cut themselves. It shows the reality of hard it is to stop and how a normal teenage girl can just pick up a knife one day to relieve the stress of everything. This is one of those books that takes you in to a reality that you may have not known before, and shows you what life is really like when you have too many responsibilities and can't be a normal teenager. The book is about a girl named Callie that cuts herself and ends up at Sea Pines mental facility. She doesn't talk to anyone, not even her own family, the girls at Sea Pines, or her therapist. She passes the time by counting cars, looking at cracks in the ceiling, and watching what everyone else does. Her therapist tries to talk to her, but Callie just spaces out and doesn't listen. Callie tries to hold everything in, like her brothers asthma and why she thinks its her fault, her mother and brother always resting, and her dad never being home. She soon has to make a decision of whether to start talking or leave Sea Pines and not get any further help. Can she keep holding everything in, or is she going to finally talk and make an effort to get better? Read this amazing, chilling, heart felt book and see a girl on her way to recovery from cutting herself.