Rating:  Summary: The Black Pearl Review: Ramon Salazar is a young boy who trains to become a great pearl dealer. But the Town of Lapaz fear a monstrous creature named, Manta Diablo. He has no fear upon the creature and carries on to find the Pearl Of Heaven. Ramon's father spend time with him to train him how to hunt for pearls. Also he teaches Ramon how to be a good dealer, such as knowing what weight and value it has, etc. When Ramon was ready, he went with this old indian man. But the place where they were heading was the great chamber of Manta Diablo, that no one else knew. For the man was a friend of Manta Diablo, Ramon began to look for pearls with a relief. As he enters a narrow passageway to look for shells, he found VERY LARGE shells. He took a small one so that Manta Diablo wouldn't recognize it missing. ..
Rating:  Summary: The Black Pearl Review: Ramon Salzar Learns That The Stories From Childhood Are Quite True. He Also Learns That The Family Job Is Not As Easy As He Thought! This Book Will Grab You
Rating:  Summary: The First Book That Was Very Boring Review: Scott O'Dell's The Black Pearl is an adventure story that focuses on the mystical quality of the black pearl instead of the relationship between Ramon and his enemy, the Manta Diablo. The Black Pearl is about a 16 year old boy named Ramon who finds a black pearl. This story takes place in the quiet town of La Paz in baja California. Ramon finds the pearl in the sea. A villager named Sevillano warns Ramon that the pearl was found in the cave where the sea monster Manta Diablo lives. This story was predictable and didn't talk about the Manta Diablo much. When I first began the book, I expected Ramon to find the black pearl and have a confrontation with the enemy, Manta Diablo. So from the beginning, the story misled me into expecting an exciting adventure story, which it wasn't. There were some things I liked about this book. I learned some things that I didn't know at all. I learned that there's such a thing as a black pearl. Before, I only knew of white pearls. I also learned that black pearls are valuable. The scene in which Ramon steals the black pearl is exciting- and, it happens in a church! I don't recommend this book to anyone. I think reading Sing Down the Moon or Island of the Blue Dolphins would be a better selection. Those two books are also written by Scott O'Dell.
Rating:  Summary: THE BLACK PEARAL Review: The Black pearl By Scot O'Dell is a really good book I'd really recomed it if you like adventure books. It is about a boy named Ramon. Him and his father own a pearl shop. It is the best pearl shop in their city. One day Ramon asks an Indian man that comes to their pearl shop every month to sell them one pearl. One day Ramon asks him if he could teatch him how to dive for pearls because Ramon father will not let him dive for perals because he thinks it to dangerous. The Indiand teaches the boy how to. The Indian said it is very important to watch out for a monster called the Manta Diablo, a devilfish, that lurks in a cave were they are diving. One day Romon decides to go in his cave because he is gone. He finds a pearl the size of a baseball that is black. From that day on Ramon and his dad face a lot of problems because of the black pearl. I hope my paragraph will convine you to read it. I give it a 5* rating because it is fantastic.
Rating:  Summary: My Awsome Book Review Review: The Black Pearl is a very good book. It is about a young boy that takes his fathers place after his father taught him the trait of the pearling busniess. While the young boy was out pearling with out his fathers permission gets to meet the most feared creature of the whole town........ the Manta Deiblo. The house wives of yhe town threatened the little children when they acted up or acted badly by threatning them of being fed to the seven eyed, thirteen rowed tooth manta diablo. There were many different descriptions that were heard around the small town. The book has a very good ending. So read it if you would like to know the ending.
Rating:  Summary: The Black Pearl Review: The Black Pearl is a very interesting and suspenseful book. In it there is a boy named Ramón Salazar. He learns how to be a pearler and identify pearls. In his village all the villagers believe that they have seen the great beast the Manta Diablo. (If you read this book you will learn more about it.) An old man knew what cave the Manta Diablo lived in but dared not go in it. One day Ramón goes into the cave to dive for pearls. What will happen next? Read the book to see. I think this book is not as good as Island of the Blue Dolphins, which was also written by Scott O'Dell, but it is more suspenseful.
Rating:  Summary: The Black Pearl Review: The Black Pearl is a very interesting and suspenseful book. In it there is a boy named Ramón Salazar. He learns how to be a pearler and identify pearls. In his village all the villagers believe that they have seen the great beast the Manta Diablo. (If you read this book you will learn more about it.) An old man knew what cave the Manta Diablo lived in but dared not go in it. One day Ramón goes into the cave to dive for pearls. What will happen next? Read the book to see. I think this book is not as good as Island of the Blue Dolphins, which was also written by Scott O'Dell, but it is more suspenseful.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Book! Review: The Black Pearl is about 16 year old Ramon wanting to dive when he was young. Finally he is 16, but is father will not let him dive becuase it is too dangerous. Then one day an old man brings Ramon to his beach. This was his first time diving. Then after a few dives Ramon dicides to dive for The Great Pearl of Heaven. When he gets a hold of it bad things start to happen... This book was very exciting because it was the only book like this I have ever read. They have thrilling sea monsters that will attack Ramon later in the story when he take The Great Pearl of Heaven. For these events I rate this book 5 stars. I recammend this book for 11 and older beacuase it is confusing at times.
Rating:  Summary: The Black Pearl-A Book of Many Wonders Review: The Black Pearl was a very exciting, yet unusual book.It is about a 16 year old boy named, Ramon Salazar, and it is very similar to the book Robinson Crusoe. He soons learns about who's his enemy and who's his friend. he then gets interested in pearling and you should read more to find out what happens.
Rating:  Summary: The up's and downs of the black pearl Review: The book in the begining is a bit boring grantied that thist about every book in the beging is.It does start to get better and the book does have a lotof action and deep deatail. At the end it gets better so for my review i give it 2 stars.