Rating:  Summary: Very Close to My Life Review: I loved this book! I was skeptical when I first saw the cover, but as soon as I read the first chapter, I was hooked. Viginia was a person I could really relate to, because I was going through the same things. I'm larger than most girls my age, was on the fringes of the social circle, and got teased because I was a little different. But what I really connected me with Virginia was her acceptance of herself. At the time I read this, I too was just coming into myself, and at a very late age (I was 17 when I read this). While she was coming to terms with herself and the fact that she will never look like most girls, I was realizing that just because I couldn't fit into some of the clothes I saw at the Gap didn't mean I had to hide myself in large clothes. I realized that, just like Virginia, I could look fabulous and feel comfortable in my own skin at the same time.
Rating:  Summary: She's Done It AGAIN! Review: I loved this book. Being a girl who grew up chubby and dealt with a lot of the same issues - it resonated. But beyond that, it talks about the pain of feeling alone in this world and how you can reach out and find help from it. This book is for anyone who's felt alone, rejected, or basically gone through or is going through puberty! Plus, if you like a fast and fun read (I finished it in one sitting.). A must buy! This is one you'll love the second, third, and I'm betting fifthith time around.
Rating:  Summary: ONE OF THE BEST AUTHORS SINCE MEG CABOT Review: I picked this book up because I thought it would be funny. Little did I know I would end up balling my eyes out and relating to a lot of it. It was a wonderul book. If you liked the Princess Diaries than you will love this. I sat down to start at 10:33 p.m. I read it in one sitting and finished at 2:35. The feeling of being rejected by society and the ever evil high school "queens", the feeling of the pressure to be slim AND beautiful, the feeling of wanting to crawl in a hole or anywhere that is away from your family, and the feeling of worrying wether you will pass a class or not and all of the other feelings in this book are normal feelings every teenager that has or will exist will experience. Plus, her insicurities and panics remind me of Mia from The Princess Diaries. I cried and cried and cried and loved every page of it. READ THIS BOOK, OR SOMEDAY YOU WILL REGRET THAT YOU PASSED IT UP! P.S. I think adults who read this will see a little part of their high school selves in the main charecter Virinia Shreeves.
Rating:  Summary: Make sure you have time to read it all in one sitting! Review: I promise you, once you pick up this book you will not want to put it down. Virginia is a girl all teenage girls can easily relate to. She feels she isn't good enough and that she HAD to of been switched at birth. Virginia begins to rebel, and goes against her parent's rules. All teenagers, well girls at least, should read this book and know that to be loved, you have to be who you are.
Rating:  Summary: Take it to the beach Review: I read this in practically one sitting, that's how good it was. Virginia is a hero for any girl who's been to high school and hasn't fit in. It reminded me of "She's Come Undone" by Wally Lamb and also "An Egg on Three Sticks" by Jackie Fischer.
Rating:  Summary: really good Review: i really enjoyed this book!! i could relate to virginia a whole lot and i was really surprised at how much i loved this book!! the only thing that i was iffy about was that it was kinda depressing a some points, but all in all i loved this book!!
Rating:  Summary: ehhh Review: i thought as a whole this book was pretty good, but it also seemed to portray a bad image at some points. happiness comes from the inside not the outside. and whne this girl stops eating, it makes it seem like thigns get better for her....NOT HEALTHY! i think the author could have not made it seem like starving yourself will make your parents and everyone love you...but thats just my opinion!
Rating:  Summary: ehh Review: I thought that this was a really good book for a person in Virginia's situation. I personally didn't like her "Fat Girl" rules list. But it's how people feel.
What I particularly liked was about how when she discovered that when you get attention from your mother, it's not always good attention. When she pierced her eyebrow, when she dyed her hair, when she bought that purple dress, she was discovering herself, and she loved and understood, that she didn't have to please anyone else if she was happy.
Rating:  Summary: One book, a long car drive, and I was set! Review: I'm not going to write a long lengthy review but I just wanted to say that this book is one of the best books. I bought the book and read it the entire car ride home. It drawed me into a world of these well presented charecters, a place that is like mine, but then a world that even if you had nothing in common with the main person then you would still read this book. It shows how crule people can act. It is sad but worth reading. I recomend this book if you like reading about the way people can act. It is a drama about what it is like to be well to not act like tha way people are preshuring you to be.
Rating:  Summary: not for twelve and under Review: I'm twelve years old, seventh grade, and I found this book wonderful. Even though I'm nothing like the main character, I still related to her. She was so real to me, after I read the book I wanted to email her! I loved this book and I still haven't returned it to my friend, even though I finished it awhile ago. This kind of book made me feel good about myself, made me laugh, and made me cry.This book was a little strong, definately not for your immature twelve year old. It described Virginia's "encounters" with her boyfriend, and used a few strong words, the "F" word in particular. I still thought it was a wonderfull book and I recommend it to any age (over twelve that is!)