Rating:  Summary: whool pooh Review: I think this is a preaty good book. I liked it better than Tom Sawyer. I meet Winnie's evil brother, the Wool Pooh was the best chapter because it wasn't Byron being stupid it was Kenny. the other part I liked about this book was when kenny said "ready, aim, fire!" or when he said "dead as donut". my other favorite part is when Byron killed the Morning bird.
Rating:  Summary: cool Review: I like it when byron always gets caught playing with matches and gets in trouble because it reminds me of my nepue because he used to do the same thing.I didn't like this book because there was to much cussing.every time i see a woman with a gap I think of mrs.watson and I think to myself that they need to close their mouth before they get a mouth full of bugs. i think this book wasn't as good as tom saywer
Rating:  Summary: Alright Review: It was ok it did have some funny parts like kenny and by fighting. But it moved arounde alot like it did not stay one thing. But to me was not as good as Tom Sawyer. Because it was not as action pack and Tom was more like me that this book.
Rating:  Summary: Tangled up in God's beard Review: The reason I like "Tangled up in God's Beard". Was all of the sarcastic things. That Byron & Kenny said during the time they were up in the mountians and what all. That could be hiding out in the woods and how mama felt when Daniel the daddy went. Straight through Alabama instead of stopping like she planned the trip to be and they made it to Birmingham a day before they where to arrived.This is one of the best books that I have read and took the time to sat down and just read all of the pages.
Rating:  Summary: Tangled Up In God's Beard Review: I thout that the book was i prity good book and people shoud read this. My favoret part was when By was cusing and Kenny was trying to cuss.
Rating:  Summary: True confessions about Kenny Watson. Review: This is a humorous and very tragic story about a family in Flint which is the Watson's. They live in the cold state of Michigan the begining of the story is in Flint they are all sitting in the living room coverd with a blanket where no one will be cold except Byron which was daddy cool and thought he was to cool to be touched and even if it ment for him to freeze he did not care he was not about to be touched and is also about that when they are in Alabama Joetta goes to church and at that church a bomb go off and every body stops and wonders what was the big comotion so Kenny is in the back yard and then goes in when Byron tells him that a bomb went off in the church that Joetta was at so Kenny takes off behind Byron and finds the whool pooh and he thinks that it has taken Joetta from him and he finds out four little girls died and a lot of them injured, but this was during the civil rights moment and "i could understand."
Rating:  Summary: The conk Review: I think the book was good. I liked it alot it was pretty funny. I would say that other teenagers should read it becaouse it can teach them about situations people were going threw back then. This was actually the first book that I was intrastud in and wanted to read it.
Rating:  Summary: (= Wool Pooh =) Review: I thought that this was a very well written book. Also I would recomend other people to read it. I thought it was very humorous and yet dramatic. Then again it is a very well reflect on how kids and African Americans had to live back during the Civil Rights Movement.
Rating:  Summary: Every bird and bug in birmingham stops and wonders Review: I liked this chapter because, to me it reflected the book morethan any chapter did. most of the book was a made up story that has problems and to fix them gose to birmingham and then the book starts to get intresting. the chapter talks about the bombing and the girl that where killed. It is really sad that people would kill someone because of their skin color. It is just wrong to kill even if it is a white person.
Rating:  Summary: Wool Pooh Review: I think this book was a very good book. It tied fiction with reality. In 1963 Birmingham was basically a war zone. It was very heartless and un christian like for that man to kill those little girls. There was just no reason. It was also very good the way that the author tied in the whole Watson family with the Bombing.