Rating:  Summary: Re:Moms Beware Review: This book is NOT overly violent. im 11 and i've played 11 M rated games bought all of them seen 12 R rated movies and have begged to see st least 10 more and you ever hear of K. A. Applegate well her books are 20X as violent and there childrens books <10&up> well any ways to the book This book I feel is a great book the Bauldalare Orphans sow great charter development and grow smarter as each woeful situation is set on them. in anwser to some questions that have been asked i will anwser one. Q:why dont the children run away? A:The Bauldare orphand don't run away because well where will they go? they have no money, Count Olaf is after them, and they will only get the fourtune when Violet is 18 in 4 years.
Rating:  Summary: Intresting in many ways. Review: There is a great deal to like about this book. Its writing style is very fluid and well done as well as being imaginative. The author explains the use of a lot of interesting words. It makes the kids think about things and is teaching them as well. The book does appear to be despressing, but you have to look deeper to see what is really going on. The children are always battling to overcome problems that stand in their way, and they never give up and never surrender. The subject matter is at times a little extreme for young readers, but as always I suggest you read it first and then judge for yourself if you think it is appropriate. Excellent value and a good read.
Rating:  Summary: Not That Great Review: For all you other reviewers raving about how great this book is, did we read the same book? I am 14 and my sister is 8 and we both tried to get through this book. I did after forcing myself to since I had bought it. I didn't really like it at all. The story is passable, but the ending is stupid. I don't want to say too much about it for fear of giving it away in case you actually want to read this book, but its a pretty bad ending. Its the kind of ending somebody would write when they are totally out of ideas. I do not recommend this book, but other people obviously liked it. So instead of buying it, I suggest finding it at a library.
Rating:  Summary: Wish it came out when I was young Review: About the age of three I asked my mother to tell me a story with an unhappy ending. There were no children's books of that sort. This wonderful series was unfortunately written a bit late. But it still is quite entertaining even if I'm no longer a child.
Rating:  Summary: The Bad Beginning just got Better Review: The Bad Beginning I liked this book it might have been sad and unpleasant sometimes, but there was a lot of action with the Baubelair children like tring to trick people, and to use inventions the way they did ( Violet, Sunny, and Klaus). I think every one would like this book if they got interested in it. Boys and girls would like it. People that like action and evilvillans would like really it. The characters Voilet, Klaus, and Sunny all have things they are good at. Voilet the oldest likes to invent things uesing just about anything. Klaus who is the 2nd oldest likes to read about sertain things. Sunny who is the youngest likes to bit hard things. What happens is the Baudelaires parents die and the childeren have to live with Count Olaf. I would rate this book five stars.
Rating:  Summary: A Bad Beginning Is A good Beginning. Review: The Bad Beginning. By Lemony Snicket. The Bad Beginning is the first book of the series of unfortunate events. It explains the plot of the whole series and the "misery and dispere they are about to go through." It's still got it's humor. But it's more adventure than anything. this book is fiction but you can admagen what there going through and count olaf and the fire and Mr.poe. It really keeps you wondering just when you think somethings gonna happen it does a total 360. I think anybody who reads this book will like it. The interest level is anybody in my opinion. the reading level is ages 9-12. The 3 Baudelare orphans are very smart and funny. Count olaf is very mean,nasty,and most of all evil. If you think his henchmen are bad they don't come close to count olaf. Count olaf and his hentchmen try to steal the Baudelare fortune. I like the plot of the story. I think it's a very good book. I would rate this book five stars plus 2 thumbs up. Look out J.k Rowling and R.L Stine. cause you got some competition.
Rating:  Summary: The top notch Review: If your getting bored of good ending such as "and they lived happily ever after" then "The Bad Beginning" is the for you. Now close your eyes and imagine this, your parents die in a terrible fire and your being chased by a evil Count. Now open your eyes and go grab "The Bad Beginning".
Rating:  Summary: The saddest book in the world Review: This review is from an 11 year old reader who read "A Bad Beginning". If you don't like sad books don't read this one. It tells an unhappy story about some unlucky children. These children have an encounter with a very greedy relative. Since the children are very rich, their relative tries to steal their fortune. If you like sad stories I reccomend this book to you.
Rating:  Summary: Bad Begginning Review Review: The book is a bout 3 children, Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudalaire . Theire parents died in a terrible fire that destroyed their mansion also. They are sent away to live with an evil villian named Count Olaf. Count Olaf wants to get the Children's fortune that their parents left behind. Olaf amkes a plan to somehow marry Violet but they find out and do some reasearching. The kids come up with a plan to put Olaf in jail. It works but he doesn't get put in jail. Instead he runs away.
Rating:  Summary: A great bad beginning Review: a wonderful book about 3 orphans violet,sunny,and klause whos parents die in a fire,from there on things only get worse they get sent to live with the greedy count olaf,who is after their fortune,with the help of count olafs weird friends they go after the fortune by..making a play?have they totaly misundersttood count olaf?is he really not after their fortune?find out.