Rating:  Summary: the review of the BAD BEGINNING Review: Imagine yourself on a beach with no one there and you are rich and life is good. Then out of the fog a familiar friend comes and tells you that your parents have died in a fire at your mansion. Then he tells you that you and your brothers and sisters that you need to live with a person in your family you do not know. Then your life is just like the Baudelaire children, in the book the Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket. In this story the baudaliare children they lose their parents to a fire. Encounter an extremely greedy man. Itchy clothing and cold porridge for breakfast. Their life is never any luck. One of the best parts is when Violet is trying to save Sunny. She makes a grappling hook out of limited supplies. The first try failed. The second time the grappling hook came down and hit her in the shoulder. The third time she hooked something, but that just lead to more trouble. This book is very creative, since the author makes the story have many twisting parts here is a good example: When their parents die then Mr. Poe comes and lets them stay with him for one night. Then they go to there new home with a relative. When they reached the neighborhood they see this wonderful home, but they find out that is not their home it was the next one, which was a hideous home with old tower on the side, but the man inside the house was even worse. In conclusion I love this book and if you like books that have people who suffer read this book.
Rating:  Summary: A Truly Bad Beginning Review: Heading: The Bad Beginning By: Lemony Snicket Review by: D. Ji Period: 1 Their misfortune began one day at Briny Beach. The three Baudelaire lived with their parents in an enormous mansion at the heart of a dirty and busy city. The three were usually given permission to go to the beach. Violet, the eldest, liked to skip rocks. Like most 14 year olds, she was right-handed so the rocks skipped farther. She had a knack for inventing things, Klaus, the middle child, and the only boy, liked to read books and examine creatures in tide pools. His parents have a large library and Klaus would usually stay there and read. Sunny was the youngest and she like to bite things. She was an infant, and very small for her age. She had four very sharp teeth. So Mr. Poe, the Baudelaire's broker, came over to them, told them that there was a terrible, and there were no survivors. He took them to his house until he could find a guardian to take care of them. Mrs. Poe bought clothes to let them wear during their stay. Mr. Poe found a relative to take care of him. His name was Count Olaf. He was an actor. They arrived at Olaf's house in no time. The Baudelaires were disgusted with Olaf's appearance. Nevertheless, they were forced to stay with him. His house was dull looking. However, they started to like the neighbor. She was very friendly and also a judge. Olaf gave them one bed to sleep in. The next day, Olaf woke them up very early and told them to make dinner for his troupe for they are going to be there at his house. Violet desperately tried to tell Olaf that they couldn't cook, but he ignored her and left. They decided to ask the judge for help. She had a library, which she was willingly to let the Baudelaires use. They decided to make pasta called puttanesca. She then agreed to take them to the market to buy the food. Thirty minutes later, the Baudelaire was finished with their shopping. After that, it was cooking and cooking. At around 8:00pm, Olaf arrived. He was displeased for he wanted roast beef. He sent them to bed. Olaf decided to plot a scheme to steal the Baudelaire fortune. He was going to have a play about two people getting married. He was trying to marry Violet. The Baudelaire knew something was wrong so they decided to find out what Olaf up to. They found out that he was going to marry Violet. They started to read the books about marriage and found out it was perfectly legal for Olaf to marry Violet. One of Olaf's henchmen took Sunny because Klaus and Violet found out the plan. This forced them to do the act. However, after the scene was over, Olaf was tricked. Violet has to sign the docs with her right arm but she didn't so it isn't legal. Olaf was exposed and he ran over when there was a blackout. Now The Baudelaires have to stay with another relative. I like this book because it was very exciting and funny. Olaf is funny in a way, but evil at the same time. He must be one desperate man to marry Violet to get the fortune, and when Violet, Klaus, and Sunny beat Olaf at his own game, that just made me laugh. Olaf can never succeed in his plan, because his plans aren't foolproof. A 14, 12, and 3 year old, can crack and find out the meaning of the plan. I feel sad for him. If his mother saw him, she would probably be so humiliated. It is exciting because Violet invented a ghetto grappling hook and braved almost 40 feet of climbing to try to get her sister out. My favorite part of the story was when Violet made a grappling hook and used it to rescue her sister. It was so brave of her to do so. I wish I had the courage to do that so encase of an emergency during a mountain climb. Although she never made it to the top, it was still a great and heroic adventure that Violet will probably remember forever. I feel like the book a just read was a movie because it had so much action. I cant wait to read to second book.
Rating:  Summary: Bad stuff happens... Review: I tried to get into the spirit of this book--yes, bad stuff happens, that's the deal, but it may be fun to read. Well, for me, it wasn't much fun. The kids' parents are killed off, they're then put in the guardianship of some beaureaucrat who doesn't care about their welfare, they get placed with a horrible distant relative who is mistreating them and plotting against them--in no very interesting way. I guess I just don't get it. It was just a series of ugly events about characters that are only marginally interesting in a setting even less marginally interesting. I'm giving the two stars because I like the book cover image and the title and author's name (all those made the books seem very promising), and the kids tried to be somewhat resourceful, but that was it.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Beginning to an Unfortunate Series Review: The author of this sure to be Children's Classic is the mysterious Lemony Snicket. The author warns that if the reader is looking for a happy tale that this is not the book for them.A Bad Beginning is the first in a series of tales involving the Baudelaire children who experience mishap after mishap in their lives. As the book opens, the children are orphaned as their parents are killed in a fire. From that point onward, only bad things happen to the children. They must meet each situation and deal with the misfortunes that are befalling them at every step. The book is a definite page turner and is very easy reading. You will not be able to resist finding out what happens to the children next. As an adult and aspiring writer of children's fiction, I found the book to be a pleasant read that is very age appropriate middle school children. Additionally, the author makes use of certain words that are then defined which will help to build a child's vocabulary. In all, this book is a very satisfying read and will have you eagerly awaiting the next installment.
Rating:  Summary: Review for The Bad Beginning review by Lee Review: Imagine yourself on a empty beach. It is fall but you are still on the beach to play. You are rich, and your life is perfect. You can see out of the fog comes a shadowy figure. You focus on him, and see a familiar face. He tells you your house burned down, and your parents died in a fire. Your life isn't so perfect anymore is it? In this exciting and horrible events book entitled The Bad Beginning, by Lemony Snicket it tells the story of the Baudelaire children. Ever since their parents died they have had horrible luck. They were sent to live with an evil uncle named Count Olaf. They eat cold porridge, sleep in one bed, and use a refrigerator box for a closet. But most of all there is an evil plot to steal the Baudelaire fortune. Violet 14, Klaus 12, and Sunny 2, must prevent their evil uncle from stealing their enormus fortune. The Bad Beginning is suitable for ages 8, and over. The good thing is that when the author uses big words he gives you the definition. If you love suspense and horrible events, then you will love The Bad Beginning. The first book in A series of Unfortunate Events.
Rating:  Summary: A bad review Review: Were it possible for me to portray the adventures of the Baudelaire children in a more positive light, I would attempt to avoid telling you how they become unlucky in their travels. Indeed, the Baudelaire children start out with an unfortunate event, and some would say, the most unfortunate of all. Mr. Poe comes to find the Baudelaire children-the inventing 13 year old Violet, the infant Sunny who likes to bite anything and everything, and young bookworm Klaus-playing on the beach where Mr. Poe informs them of a fire and the passing of their beloved parents. From there, the children are taken to live with Poe's family. Though given itchy clothes and share the house with Poe's two sons, they are soon removed to live with Count Olaf, a relative. The count treats the children poorly, and is quick to devise a scheme by which he can get his oily fingers on the money they've inherited from their parents. I want to tell you the ending of their tale was a happy one, but even if true, I cannot tell you. These books are a delightful read. They don't take much time to read and are fairly rivetting. They are not the cheeriest books you can by, but quite humorous. Purportedly written for children, they are a delight at any age, though not necessarily appropriate for youngsters.
Rating:  Summary: We're the fortunate ones... Review: ...to be able to read these delightful books! Though I was a bit apprehensive at first, reading the Unfortunate Events series has proved to be a truly entertaining adventure. The books are extremely clever, witty and fun, despite their somewhat unhappy subject matter. They succeed in being cute without crossing over to sappiness. I don't find the stories depressing, and though you do pity the Baudelaires, it's fun to side with them and find out what mess they'll next be presented with. I also think they make you examine and feel better about your own life, because no matter how awful your life may seem at times, it cannot be as bad as the life of a Baudelaire sibling!
Rating:  Summary: How could things get worse after this bad beginning? Review: It is no doubt a great wrong to take such pleasure in reading about the misery of the three Beaudelaire orphans in "The Bad Beginning," the first book in A Series of Unfortunate Events, but that seems a natural reaction to this tale by Lemony Snicket. Violet is fourteen with a real knack for inventing and building strange devices; Klaus is twelve and very well read; and Sunny is a mere infant who likes to bite and to exclaim single words with great depths of meaning. But none of that seems to matter when their house burns down along with their parents while they are enjoying a day at the beach. The law dictates that the three children be raised by their relative, which turns out to the odious--the word "odious" here means "deservedly hateful"--Count Olaf who supplies them with a single bed and cold porridge for breakfast. While the Baudelaire siblings dream of a better life, Olaf saddles them with a multitude of chores and plots to steal their family fortune. From a bad beginning, things just continue to get worse for Violet, Klaus, and Sunny. Young readers of A Series of Unfortunate Events can prosper--the word "prosper" here means "benefit"--from paying attention to the details of the story. There are slight glimmers of hope in the story, although they never last long, and you can anticipate their brief appearances in the narrative if you read carefully. They will also expand their vocabulary because in telling the depressing story of the Baudelaire orphans author Lemony Snicket tends to use unfamiliar words; granted, he explains what they means, just as he translates Sunny's inarticulate outbursts. Young readers might be depressed and despondent-the word "despondent" means "depressed"-when they have finished reading "The Bad Beginning," but they will have learned some new words to help express their despondency. The only complaint that one (or more) can have about "The Bad Beginning" is that it is relatively short. But then, to be fair, there is only so much about disaster lurking around every corner that a young reader can bear. True, the story comes with a strong warning that it lacks a happy ending, beginning or middle, but there is something to be said for discovering that somebody else's lot in live is worse than your own. A gentleman by the name of Brett Haelquist has been hired to provide illustrations that provide a sense of the despair without actually showing you the evil face of Count Olaf or the man with the hook. There is a handsome cover picture and the book is hardbound, as befits a tragedy of this sort. Against all common sense I have a flicker of hope in my chest for the poor Baudelaire orphans as I procede to the second book, "The Reptile Room," but I fear the worst.
Rating:  Summary: A winning series of "unfortunate" stories Review: After setting the bar high with Harry Potter, we were having a hard time getting our children to focus on other stories. This one (and the 2 we've covered since then) was a WINNER. The writing is captivating (even for adults); the stories in this and the subsequent books are imaginative and well-told; the characters are developed well; and Lemony Snicket does a great job of blending suspense, humor and misfortune. Importantly, the chapters take about 15 minutes to read aloud - perfect for bedtime.
Rating:  Summary: A quick but satisfying read.... Review: This was a fun book to read. At a short 160 pages, I was able to read it in one quick setting and look forward to reading the others in the series. My son, age 7, received this series as a Christmas present. He finished the first book, which he read quickly, and started to tell me some of the plot line. Well, my wife and I decided that I better read this book to make sure it was okay for a seven year old. Nothing good happens to these poor children throughout the entire book, but, the events happen in such curious ways, and the writer places much wit into the scenarios that I felt it was fine for him to continue the series. I will say that I believe that it is important for a parent to sit down with their child before allowing them to read this book and explain that it is all in fun. I did this with my son and then he felt better about it. I think that the big problem now will be who gets the next book first!