Rating:  Summary: Fun book with meaning Review: Told in retrospection by John and Lorraine, two friends with potential, the novel is chock full of adventure including such beloved teenage pasttimes as ditching school, driving a car without a drivers license, and avoiding parents. The dynamic between John and Lorraine has just enough romantic tension as to make it a bit of a romance without being too sappy. Through their relationship with the Pigman, John and Lorraine are given a glimpse of the types of problems that accompany adulthood. Namely, issues of guilt and regret, doing the right thing, and learning from your mistakes. This is an adventure story, a romance, and a coming of age book all wrapped in a unique format that really captures the ups and downs teenagers face as the navigate the complexity that exists in the world.
Rating:  Summary: thoughts of the Pigman Review: The book Pigman is about these two kids John and Lorraine. How they met this man named Mr. Pignati but they call him Pigman. Any way how they met him was, they were silisiting on the phone to people .They called him and asked if he would donate 10.00 to charity Not!. Pigman said yes. Being alegal and all ,they met him on a street corner . Lorraine was feeling bad about stealing from what looked like a poor man . But Instead of giving them 10 dollars he took them to the zoo .Pigman was nice and bought candy for them . Lorraine and John ended up being friends with him .He taught some riddles and jokes. You have to read this book if you want to find out more.
Rating:  Summary: The Pigman Review: It starts by these kids telling about an important part of there lifes.It starts by playing a game were you call someone and try to talk to that person as long as you can.John and loriene dialed MR. Pignati and told him they were from a foundation and asked if he would donate any money.He said yes and asked John and Lorine if they would like to go to the zoo.And they said yes.MR.Pignati had a pet baboon there that he visited every day.After that day John and Lorine would skip school to go to his house.They found out his wife was died.MR Pignati bought them roller skates.When they were roller blading he had a heart attack.While MR. Pignati was in the hospital John and Lorine had a party and trashed the place.They apoligized to MR. Pignati and asked if he wanted to go to the zoo.When they got there something tragic happened.I liked this book because the auther makes it so you can imagine what is happening.I also liked how the auther wrote the book on how some kids tried to get a lonely guy feeling better.
Rating:  Summary: My thougts of " The Pigman" Review: The Pigman I would recommend this book to all ages because it is short of like a mystery.The pigman is a book of wonder.This book contains of good friens.They get into situations that they really dont like to be in. For example there's this guy Mr.pignati whom is a really nice guy but has a horrible secert! To get get things started Lorraine mom and dad had got a devoice. but after about 1 year her dad died som that made the sepration permonitt! So lorraine and her friend John meet this guy called the Pigman .He takes them places like to the mall to buy a lot of stuff .In Lorraines place she dont want none of this stuff but Mr.Pignati pleads her to get things. One day John and Lorraine find a funeral bill.To what Mr.Pignati wife.Whom he told no one about his wife's death. Lorraine thougt his wife was on vaction same with everyone eles.The pigman walk in the room just as they put the bill away.now Lorraine does'nt feel really comfortable around him anymore.Lorraine wants to tell soeone but she keeps it a secert from everyone eles. To find more about the ending of this book you will have to read and find out for your self.So I urge you to read this good book.
Rating:  Summary: the pigman Review: This book is about two kids named Lorraine and John. Lorraine and John are best friends. A night Lorraine, John, and some other friends got together andd had a telephone marathon. It was Lorraine's turn to pick a number to dial out of the phone book. When she got the number she dialed the number and aasked for Mr. Pignati. They ttalked for about four hours, then John got on and told him that they were charity salesman aand was wanting to know if he could donate any money. He told John that he would give them ten dollars. When Lorraine found out about it she got mad because they were lying. The next day they went over to Mr. Pignati's house for the ten dollars. When they got there Mr. Pignati opened the door and was just looking at them weird. then John said we are the people you talked to on the phone. When the pigman heard that he got a huge smile on his face. He gave them the ten dollars and invited them to go to the zoo with him tommorrow. Lorraine and John agreed to it. Later on they became real good friens with the Pigman. He would take them out and go shopping, he even bought them a pair of rollerbaldes. Although the Pigman lived alone since his wife died he loved to go out and have fun. One night the pigman had a heart attack while walking up the stairs with his rollerbaldes on. While he was in the hospital LOrraine and John took care of the house. On night John got the bright idea to have a party and only invite two or three people, but it turned out to be the whole town. That very same nith the Pigman came home uninspected because he wasn't suppose to be home until the next day. I think that this book is good because the way I feel about it is that old people still like going out and having fun, not just sit at home watching t.v.
Rating:  Summary: CHRIS'S PIGMAN REVIEW Review: I liked the book called The Pigman.I liked it because the Pigman kept buying things for the two kids. and I liked it the way the boy blancked out the cus wordswith symbles like @4#!.and if it was a relly bad word he would use a 3 in frount of it like this 3@4#!. Just use your imaginenation and you will like the book. But the sad part is when the boy finds out what happend to the Pigmans wife. I wont tell you what happend because I dont want to ruine it for you . got to FLY see ya. Peace, Love, and Happyness. Christopher M. Dye
Rating:  Summary: the pigman Review: It starts out with a guy named John.He is a big trouble maker.He knows a man named Mr Pignati but everyone calls him pigman.No I did not really like the book beause that isn't my kind of book. I don't really have a book type.The only books that I do like to read is sports books.I just didn't think that the book was interesting.That is most of the reasons that i did not like the book.
Rating:  Summary: My Thoughts on the Pigman Review: The Pigman I would only recommend this book to you if you like interesting stories.This book was kind of confusing.Sometimes it took a little while to understand what I read.There are parts of the book that may need to read twice.The storyteller switches from Lorraine to John in each chapter. Lorraine, John and some friends have a game they play.Lorraine cheated once and called Mr.Pignati.She told him her and a friend were running a fundraiser type deal.Mr.Pignati offered ten dollars.Lorraine excepted and they met him.Mr.Pignati asked the kids if they would like to go to the zoo with him.They said yes.He has a friend at the zoo.His name is bobo.He is a primate but, a very cute one.The three become very good friends.Eventually they were an inseperable trio. Mr.Pignati takes the kids shopping.They get all kinds of neat foods and new rollerblades.Lorraine tried some wierd food and got sick.She went upstairs to vomet and got a little nosy.They then find out Mrs.Pignati is dead. Pigman has a heart attache and is in the hospital for a while.The night before Pigman came home the kids had a party.The house got trashed and all of the pigs were broken.(Mr.Pignati had a beautiful collection of pigs)He came home to see kids everywehere, a wrecked house, and John beating the heck out of the guy who broke Mr.Pignati's pigs. The cops took Lorraine and John home.Lorraine and her mother got into a fight.John and her talked to the next day.The kids called the Pigman from the payphone.The kids and Mr.Pignati went to the zoo.It was very cold out, it was winter.The first place they went was the Primate House.Only to find that Bobo died.Mr.Pignati died right there on the spot. As I said in the beginning I only recommend this book if you're good at comprhending things.Plus if you like interesting stories.
Rating:  Summary: The Pigman Review: I am going to tell you if I liked or disliked the book. I guess if you asked me how I liked the book I would say that the book was alright. There was somethings in the book I didn't much care for, but for the most part I enjoyed it. The parts that I did not much care for was when they were smoking, drinking,and slapping each other. I think instead of them hitting and smoking each other the author could have done something else. The reason why I am thinking that way is because there are littler kids then me that will read this book and they might think that somking is good for them so in turn they might try and do that. Another thing I did not like was when they were cursing. I do kmow that they were not bad words but I now that most people don't want there kids to read books like that.
Rating:  Summary: the pigman Review: It starts when some kids start playing this game they call up people and see how long they can stay on the phone with thim.Finaly one of the kids peaks down the list of phone numbers and picks out Mr pignati this phone call starts everything.Mr Pignati answers and they stay on the phone for a long time man it must have been the record.