Rating:  Summary: I'm a Reader Review: Of books ..big ones little ones, tall ones short ones..text, fiction..drama , history ,classics..what ya got'?? So When I say That this book is a revalation...do you believe me? If you puzzle over art immitating life, or the reverse .. than read this amazing little book and ask yourself the question again..WOW ! Good and Evil are human qualities or are they.....universal boundries ? Like On and Off ? I couldn't put it down, and I had to read it again to be sure I wasn't just overwhelmed....BRILLIANT !
Rating:  Summary: Time for a little perspective.... Review: "a masterpiece," "the greatest book ever," "a science fiction tour de force"!!!These are some of the catch phrases used by reviewers here. I just have to say...get a grip! Ender's Game is a decent adolescent, soft sci-fi book that has somehow garnered legendary status within our public school system (my wife is a teacher). Yes it's an (extremely) easy read, yes it's entertaining, but it is not a masterpiece that can be uttered in the same breath with such fictional works as Dune, The Lord of the Rings, Hamlet, etc. A little perspective is required when reviewing something you really like. Step back and evaluate it with an honest eye before elevating it into the pantheon of pulp fiction legend.
Rating:  Summary: Card's Game Review: Let me start by saying that I have unfortunately spent most of my life reading text-books rather than novels; I have had little time since high school to read them. My girlfriend, however, is an avid sci-fi reader. She attempted to indoctrinate me by giving me Niven's "Ringworld," as well as a Heinlein book. I had much difficulty convincing myself to continue reading these books, and wanted to do away with sci-fi altogether. After doing some research, however, I discovered that Card's "Ender's Game" had a huge cult following. I searched many stores and finally found it- luckily, it was a battered used copy, featuring the controversial, albeit misinterpreted "slant-eye/ nigger" conversation between Ender and Alai that Card later removed. Anyway, I read this book in two days, between work and school. I couldn't put it down. There are elements in this book that remind me of parts of the Harry Potter series, as well as the anime series Evangelion. This is a quality book. I think I, like most Americans, suffer from severe Attention Deficit Disorder, and can hardly watch a movie, play a game, or listen to a speech for very long without becoming very anxious. While reading this book, I thought of nothing else but turning the page, but only after carefully reading and understanding every word on every page before it. Card does a wonderful job of adding enough "science" to the fiction to stir purists such as my girlfriend, yet the character development is as deep and effective as any story I've read. The dialogue is far superior to any sci-fi I've read, with the exception of Asimov's works. I guarantee that this book will speak to you. I don't know how Card did it, but this book has touched me deeply, as I'm sure it will you. I am afraid to pick up a book from another sci-fi author, as Card has raised the bar so high. I have nothing but respect for this talented author.
Rating:  Summary: Five stars all the way Review: Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card is a great book. It depicts the adventure of a boy who is called to be trained to be a soldier in a school in outer space. Orson Scott Card uses great detail in this book; he uses so much in fact that you feel as if you are the main character, Ender Wiggin. While I was reading this book I could feel what Ender and his friends were feeling. Ender is being trained to fight the third alien war against earth and he is learning how he can use zero gravity to his advantage. Although he faces problems during his time at battle school, he never gives up. This is one of the first books I have ever been able to sit and read for hours on end. I would really encourage young adults and people with good imaginations to read this book.
Rating:  Summary: The Game Review: Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game is a book where the saying " don't judge a book by it's cover" can really be applied. The cover of the book , to a passing onlooker, would portray the book angled towards kids. Don't let it fool you, again it's for everyone! The book's setting is in the future, where the human race is fighting against the aliens and where every possible option is considered, including training kids to become future commanders and colonels. Such is the case of Andrew Wiggen , otherwise known as Ender. He always hated to be different, but when he though he would no longer be different , things worsen. Especially, because he is a natural born leader and a genius. Card's book is one filled with adventure in every page to keep you wanting to read more and more.
Rating:  Summary: Really Good Book by: k.m Review: Ender's Game, which was written by Orson Scott Card, is a science fiction. The book is basically an overview of what happens to Ender over a period of time. It's supposed to take place in the future, when an intergalactic war is happening. And since there is a shortage of soldiers, they recruit certain kids to a 'battle school', depending on their special capabilities. Like intelligence or certain skills. And Ender ends up being one of the best there over a period of time. It's an interesting book because it has a lot of themes to it. For example survival of war games and survival of your peers. When Ender goes to the battle school, he's only six years old, and leaves behind his family and friends, and has to start a new life there. The thing I like about Ender's Game is that it's descriptive, but at the same time, not too descriptive. It also starts at a good point, and introduces the characters quickly. In all, Ender's Game is a very interesting book with a unique story line. It's science fiction, so I recommend it to anyone who likes stuff that was to do with either wars or the future or space.
Rating:  Summary: Science Fiction That's Not Review: I am not a Science Fiction fan. I stumbled upon this book by accident as a bored ten-year-old. However, I instantly loved this book, reading it again and again, which I still do today. Card has the amazing ability to allow you to view the world through the character's eyes. I would highly recommend this book to ANYONE who just loves a good read.
Rating:  Summary: my all-time favorite book Review: You're probably sick of how many people rave about this book, but there's a good reason for that! it's hard to put into this words why it's so amazing. if you're interested at all in science, space, the future, war, aliens, human nature and conditioning, child psychology, friendship... you'll be captivated this book. I can name 15-20 friends/acquaintences who have read it (most, in one sitting), loved it, and recommended it to others. i've seen copies of the book that are so ancient and tattered from people re-reading it repeated over the years and from it being lent to friends. Even people who never read books for pleasure, and were "forced" to read it by their friends' insistence, only had good things to say. I don't want to give any part of the storyline away, just read it yourself, it's the only way you'll understand. Those who loved it can look forward to reading the entire Ender's series (Speaker of the Dead, Xenocide, and lastly, Children of the Mind) and be comforted that it's not over yet. But I recommend picking up Ender's Shadow before proceeding to Speaker (in continuation of Ender's life) because it parallels Ender's Game; it focuses on his friend's life and goes over what happened in Ender's Game, but from the friend's perspective - which is an incredibly novel idea, but don't worry, Ender's Shadow is equally suspenseful and exciting if you can believe it. After that, Shadow Puppets to find out what happens to the rest of Ender's friends, before you forget them.
Rating:  Summary: Enders Game Review: The novel "Enders Game" by Orson Scott Card can be summde up into one word, awsome! I definitely have to give this book a rating of 5 out of 5. I would say this is my new favorite book. I'm not that much of a book reader, and I only read when i'm forced to. This book was so great that has in a way inspired me, and showed me that if you find the right book you can enjoy reading alot. From this book I have started to read some of the sequels that follow the first. The book is about a young genius, Ender Wiggin, who is merely five or six. He os recruied by an international army whose goal is to protect the human race from extinction. The threat, a bug like alien species who are determined to destroy all that the humans strive for. These aliens, called the buggers, have already attacked earth twice, and are planning for their third and final invasion. Ender has been recruited as earths last hope, he and his frends from his battle school are to train to eventually fight in the last stand against the buggers. I like so many parts of this book. One this is the detail that the author uses, it puts a cryatal clear image of the surroundindgs and what's going on in your head. He also has this great way of making you feel like you're in the book. Throughout this book I could imagine myself taking the place of Ender. The thought of being in the book gives you such a rush that you can't put it down, and sometimes i would find myself up untill 3 in the morning reading. One other thing the author did was used some writing that was hard to comprehend. Insteads of getting fustrated with this, i just found myself very curious. So I had to re read it a few times to get it. One example of this is "So they sent you out in a starship, got youup to a relativistic speed?" said Ender "And then i turned around and came home. A ver dull voyage, 50 years in space, but only 8 years had past for me" said Mazer. This was with no doubt the greatest book I have ever read in my entire life. I would recommend this book to readers of all ages who love an action type science fiction book. I think that you should buy tihs book right away, so you can finish it and start on the others. Make sure that you have alot of time set out for this book, because when u start it you won't be able to put it down.
Rating:  Summary: A masterpiece Review: I'm usually disinclined to the sci-fi genre, so I had misgivings when I saw "Ender's Game" on my summer reading list freshman year. I expected a plot-driven, purely theoretical novel, a book that would examine machines in more detail than it would humanity. How wrong I was-- I have never read a novel of such emotional impact. "Ender's Game," through its starkly and brilliantly defined characters, takes the reader to the very core of human behavior, from manipulation and murder to love, empathy, and redemption. While the plot is superbly captivating and suspenseful, to me it serves as a device to illustrate much grander ideals. The internal battles that each character struggles with are as immediate and compelling as the raging inter-species war. Realism and idealism face off in a world where they cannot coexist-- Ender's fundamentally loving and nonviolent philosophies are swallowed in the immediacy of Earth's desperate situation. Valentine, Peter, and Ender together create an intriguing triumvirate of pacifism and moderation, conquest and ambition, and all that lies between the poles. This is no ordinary sci-fi paperback; "Ender's Game" catapults itself into a stratosphere beyond which any other novels of the genre have reached. A triumph on every level!