Rating:  Summary: changing Review: the outsiders was great. i never liked reading much but this book is he only book i will read over and over. i have read it three times. and ill read it again. i would recomend this book to anyone that can read. id give it to people who didnt have the money to get if i could. thats how good it is. it changes your point of veiw in life and it changed me from a stupid inmature seventh grader to a fun going, all out, mature, sencitive, and ready to take on the world. so if you can get your hands on it, read it. i'm outty, skatergurl.
Rating:  Summary: The outsiders"Greaser Family" Review: The book is told by an fourteen year old boy who is part of a gang called the "Greasers".There's about six more peopel who are in the gang, Johnny,Sodapop,Steve, Dally,Darry, and Two-bits mathews.They look out for each other. There's another gang called the "Socs". Their the cold hearted gang. They don't care if your dieing cept if your one of the socs but they'll let you die.As the book goes on the two gangs get in a couple fights and one of those fights Bob(one of the socs) gets killed by Johnny becausen he was hurting ponyboy.So they run away. That's all im going to say your going to have to read the book to find out what happen's after. I really like the book and i would recomend the book to all kids.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsider Review: this book "The Outsider" was a really great book. i really enjoyed reading this book. i had to read it for my english homeworkwork and my assignment was to write a review about this book. i think this book deserves 5 stars because this book is really good and interesting. i think the best part in the book is the ending of the story. when ponyboy takes the death of jonny and fekt bad for it. darry gets mad and robs the store. the police come and "thinking he has bullets in the gun" kills him. ponyboy goes faints. while looking through his thing his find the book "gone with the wind" he opens it and a letter falls, it's from jonny. it just says to STAY STRONG!!!! this book is treally good and i think everyone should take a spare time and read this book.
Rating:  Summary: The Facts Review: Good book. I do not read much, but this is up there with the Lord of The Ring series, and I love that. S.E. Hinton wrote somethin good here, and I reccomend this to everyone. Very detailed with decent characters, this is a really, really, good book.
Rating:  Summary: Da OuTsIdErZ Review: Dis book was off da hook yo. Darry and Dally sound hella fine! we got dis book as an assignment in class and it looked hella lame, but when i started readin in i got hella in2 it and shiz. .., randy's a ... and cherry whatever is a hoe. i even cried at da end. dally's 2 fine 2 die. gunna start cryin again, so i gotsta end dis ... review. holla back, ur homie Dagny
Rating:  Summary: "Come on Ponyboy" Review: MY father roccemended this book to me. I oringinally thought it was a book about baseball, because the name was similar to the outfielders, and i didn't want to read it. But soon i picked it up, and i surely thank my father for reccomending me the best book ever! It is a story about Ponyboy and his friends-Soda Pop, Darry, Jonny, Dally, Steve, and Two Bit-they are the greasers. The greasers are a group of people who wear a lot of grease in their hair and don't have very much money to buy clothes, so they are placed at the bottom. The Socs, who are rich compared to the greasers are known for jumping the greasers-this is where the story starts. It is a wonderful story of truth, belonging, friendship, and hope. The characters make you feel for them-you angry, sad, adn all the other feelings they feel. Please, pick this book up and read it. You won't regret it. Love the #1 fan Ashly
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Ratings Review: S.E. Hinton's novel of class conflict, choice and determination, set in 1950s Oklahoma, creates empathy for characters that live on the periphery of society. Hinton's protagonist, Pony boy, along with his fellow "gang" members, including Two-bit, Dally, Darry and Johnny, are "greasers". Outwardly, they are an unsavory lot. They wear their hair long and greasy, wear jeans, t-shirts and, if they can eat chocolate cake and soda for breakfast, live in unfashionable homes in poor neighborhoods and are generally doomed to poor-paying blue-colored jobs. They do little to endure themselves to those who are not of their group. For instance, at the drive-in movie, they "introduce" themselves to some girls through uncouth behavior. The average greaser's nemesis is the "soc". The soc comes from a privileges background, wears fashionable clothing and often enjoys his or her parents' indulgence. Hinton, through a series of plot elements, presents the greasers as the misunderstood heroes of the book. For instance, Johnny, the least aggressive of the greasers, kills a soc. However, the killing is clearly presents as a case of self-defense. Further, we understand that Johnny had previously been savagely beaten by the very same soc who, on this occasion, without question, had intended to kill Johnny. Johnny later suffers fatal wounds when he rescues a group of children from a burning church- the same building in which he and Pony boy had been hiding out subsequent to the killing of Bob. The toughest greaser also is portrayed sympathetically. Even when Dally ends up being shot by the police after he attempted armed robbery, Dally seems more a tragic than a threatening figure. Pony boy reveals that Dally's gun did not hold and bullets; Dally desperate act is attributed to his inability to cope with Johnny's death. Throughout the book, the greasers are portrayed as loyal and misunderstood, imbued with an anger and despair that has been etched upon their psyches through years of abuse and neglect. Despite this, Johnny and Pony boy are able to maintain a grasp upon their humanity. Johnny pays with his life. Pony boy's fate is more promising. His nervous collapse at the end of the novel galvanizes the resolve of the rest of the greasers. They vow to break the cycle wherein their fate seems pre-determined if not for their own sake, then for Pony boy's. "Don't get tough," Two-Bit urges Pony, "You're not like the rest of us and don't try to be (Hinton 1989, p. 152).&qout; Soda reminds him, "I you don't have anything, you end up like Dallas... and I don't mean dead, eather (Hinton 1989, p. 152)." Where Hinton's vision lacks courage is in her portrayal of the greasers as societal victims who lack genuine flaws. Certainly the greasers keep irregular hours, watch too much television, smoke and have poor diets, but they do not have serious faults. Any faults can be readily attributes to their circumstances and to the inequitable political and social systems that subjugate them. Hinton's novel would have been more of an achievement had she been able to generate empathy for the members of an underclass who are not simply "noble savages". It is easy to accept the romantic portrayal of a marginalized class of people; it is difficult to accept a cold, accurate rendering of the same group, especially when the group's attitudes, values and behaviors are profoundly different from those of the reader. Still, Hinton's work, while it is often sentimental, is also also sensitive and even poetic. We can hear Hinton herself speaking through Pony boy when he laments, "I could picture hundreds and hundreds of boys living on the wrong sides of cities, boys with blink eyes who jump at their own shadows. Hundreds of boys who maybe watch sunsets and looked at stars and ached for something better (Hinton 1989, P. 155).
Rating:  Summary: best book ever! Review: Im in 8th grade and "the Outsiders" was asigned to me to read in school. Im kinda a big reader but i hate school books, they are usually boring. I was proved so wrong after reading just one chapter of this book! Its my favorite book of all time, its truley amazing. I feel like i know each character personally and i love them so much. Im not exactly a greaser myself, but whatever, im close to it. This book was sooo exciting that i really wished it was real. im surprised we're reading it in school. The teens are constanly fighting,10 yr olds are smoking cigarettes and most of them are shoptlifters...its awesome! This book is especially exciting for young adults who prefer the wild side and love action. Anyone can read it and enjoy it though, its my english teacher's fav. book and she certaintly doesnt live a wild life....if you havent read it yet you really should! This book it one of my most prized possesions and will forever be in my heart.
Rating:  Summary: Read it, today! Review: Hinton does an excellent job of depicting a 'diamond in the rough' image in the character of Pony Boy. She also shows how two sides can come together if they put their differences aside and how ignorant it is to judge somebody based entirely on the kind of car they drive or the clothes they wear, or even the side of town they live in. I would recommend this novel to anyone who has ever been misunderstood or has been guilty of misunderstanding another. I think that covers just about everybody. Also recommended: THE LOSERS' CLUB by Richard Perez
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book Ever Review: This book is very heart-taking and real. The way ponyboy help johnny was family-like. The all stuck together no matter what. Even when Johnny and Ponyboy ran away. Even when Dairy was mad at ponyboy. This book make you think twice about who you are friends with. I give this book 5 stars and if there was more this book will get more.