Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: Susan Hinton's novel "The Outsiders" is an excellent story which uses many diffrent levels of wtritting techniques. Her effective style she and symbols used throughout the book our very well defined. The most important facts in determining whether or not a work is effective in through the author's style. Another literary technique known as symbol also adds to the overall value of the novel. In Hinton's novel she overall uses excellent literary devices throughout the whole novel. Hinton's use of the first person narrative throughout the novel adds to the effectiveness of the story. By telling the story through the character of Ponboy, Hinton can make her story sound more believable, while at the same time illicid great emotion from the reader. If the novel had not been written in first person, it would not be such a compelling story. Hinton uses many symbols throughout her novel. The most significant symbol is her use of the diffrent gangs. The "greasers" are the lower economic class and struggle on as peoples whose lives are on the outside. The "socs" represent the wealthy upperclass who are hated by the "greasers." The two diffrent gangs symbolize two totally diffrent groups in the world. Another symbol frequently used is the adolescents always drinking,smoking,and breaking into the movie theatre just to defy society. In conclusion Hinton uses a variety of ways to represent the teenage society of the 60's and of the present. Society in teenagers has not changed from the time she wrote this novel. Adolescents are still doing things to rebel, or things that make them feel good about themselves. She is a very good author who uses her sense of writting to show how society really is, and how people really act. I am not saying that every teenager does these types of things, but what she is talking about takes place in most every town in America.
Rating:  Summary: Good Book Review: This was an all around good book. It had action and a really good plot. I would reccomend this book to a person from the ages of 12 on up. The book was uses good word discription for both the characters and the setting. Wade H./fms/4
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders! Review: The Outsiders is one of the best novella's I have ever read. it really connected with me. I am sure any tean who feels like they are an "Outsider" in their society, feels the same way that I do. I have read the book twice and look forward to when I will read it agian in the near future. I was truely touched by it and will always hold it dear to my heart. It is and always will be my all time favorite novella, and book.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: I am a seventh grade student and reading The Outsiders for the first time. I think it is a great book for young teenagers to read. This book was written in 1967 and it is still popular with kids today. I havent't finished the book yet but so far (ch. 8) I think it is one of the best books I have read in a while. I read a lot of books and I really like this one. I recommend this book to any teenager that likes reading adventure books or just reading books.
Rating:  Summary: on the other side Review: I thought this was a great book and if I had the money I would probably buy a copy. This was a great book because it put some very good detail in my imagination and I would read this book again if I could but I don't have a copy so, guess not. Ponyboy was the main person in this book and the youngest but he was also the smartest.
Rating:  Summary: I love this book!!!!! Review: hey i have just finished this book and i think that it is the best book!!!! i think that everyone should read it, even if you don't read that much. it is about a boy, Ponyboy who is growing up in a poor gang type life-style and his gang, hte greasers have a long time enemy gang, the socs. the greasers always get beat up by the socs, but then one night things get carried to far. i won't tell you the rest but it is the best book you will ever read.
Rating:  Summary: "The Outsider" a replacement family. Review: I liked the book, i thought it was a good veiw on how the social classes treated each other. The book showed that each side had a good side to them both. And that things aren't always what they seem to be. The book showed that even though you dont have a family your friends are always there for you. It showed trust and bonding.
Rating:  Summary: A Review of The outsiders Review: the book the outsders was an good book that showed what life is like for groups of kids in the modern day life. it also shows that kids from different lifestyles and back grounds , can get along even though society says they shouldn't . the book has some good points.
Rating:  Summary: THIS BOOK WAS GREAT Review: I thought this book was great because there was action like rumble between the gangs and also had some sad parts like when Jonny and Dally died. The way The "Outsiders" described how they feel about parents and the way they hang around with there friends was very close to how I do so I was really surprized. I liked the way it ends too, it ends by showing the whole book was the assignment that Ponyboy's english teacher gave him. It also tought me how hard it was to live in the ghettos.Although English is my second language it wasn't that hard to read this book so I recomend this book to people of any nationality and any age but I recomend this book especially to teenagers.
Rating:  Summary: Terrible, Awful, I HATED it!!!! Review: Never EVER read this book! It's terrible. I had to read it for school. It's about the Greasers, a group of poor kids with no morals and the Socs, a group of rich kids with no morals. You're supposed to feel bad for the Greasers because they're poor. The Greasers and the Socs are rivals. They beat each other up and sometimes even kill each other. The killing is perfectly fine when the Greasers do it, because they are oh so deprived. It is terrible and evil when the Socs do it, though. It's about this smart little Greaser named Ponyboy who likes to read. You're supposed to feel bad for him. His best friend kills a guy and the story goes downhill from there.