Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: The Outsiders, written by S.E. Hinton, describes the lives of young adults when they are going through tough times. The "greasers", Ponyboy, Sodapop, Darry, Two-Bit, and Dally are the poorer boys of the city. The Socs,(also called the Socials) are the higher class of boys in the city. They bully and beat-up the greasers just because they are poorer than they are. I enjoyed this book due to the characters, how they act, and how humorous they are. My favorite characters are Darry and Ponyboy. I like Darry because he is smart and strong. I also like Darry because he likes to show off his muscles. I like Ponyboy because he enjoys movies and he always sticks to his gut feeling. You should read The Outsiders- it is a great book!
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: The Outsiders compares life of wealthy Soc.(socials) and poor greasers. Ponyboy is a greaser who lives with two older brothers, Darry and Sodapop. Unlike other greasers, he likes to read,write and always makes good grades in school. He lives a happy life as a greaser until the night his best friend, Johnny, kills a soc who jumped on him. You can feel strong brotherhood and true friendship in this book. I enjoyed reading this book because it describes conflict between two differnt kinds of people very well. I also liked the author's detailed writing that helped me draw clear pictures of what's happening in my head.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: Ponyboy Curtis is a almost average 14 year old boy. He goes to school and makes straight A's. He is living and learning to deal with being a greaser and living on what he calls the "wrong side of town". He also learns to deal with life and he learns to deal with lost of love ones through out this book. All though Ponyboy loses one his best friends, he will always remember to stay gold. I liked this book because the characters are real and teens can relate to them. I also like this book because it reminds me that no matter where you live,what you do,or who you are, things are rough all over.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: The Outsiders is a book about three brothers and some really close friends. They have all been treated badly because they are considered lower class. They are in a gang called the "Greasers." But when things go to far in a rival gang fight, and one of the Socs (their rival gang) members is killed, the plot becomes more and more interresting. It has an ending that the reader would never have anticipated! The action gradually picked up through out the book and got better and better! This is a terrific book and will keep you begging for more!
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: At the age of 14, Ponyboy thinks there are only two types of people: greasers and socials. Ponyboy is a greaser and has always been proud of it until one night when someone takes things too far. That someone was Johnny, a sweet little innocent boy,who killed a social. That incident made Ponyboy and the rest of the gang realize that there is not one difference between a social and a greaser. This is a realistic novel, and I think that is why I like it so much. It makes you think of the people in other countries as well as the United States that are less fortunate than you and me. After reading this book, you will be more thankful for what you have.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: This book was wonderful! It took a while to get to the main point of the story! But once it got to the main part i enjoyed it. This book can be based on a true story. Thats what i like about the book because a lot of people can relate to it. It was a sad book to, and some parts I would gaze off to the ceiling because it wasnt intresting to me or it did citch my eyes. but thats ok every book has that point in the story. I think your should read it!
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: The Outsiders is a great book that is a must read. The book is about the life of fourteen year old Ponyboy told by himself.The book tells about the troubles he takes on and how his best friend killed one of the rival group members who are called the "Socs" (short for Socials). It tells also tells about Ponyboy and his brothers and about the gang called the "Greasers", they have to stick together to survive. The "Socs", the rival gang, live on the west side of the town and are very rich. They don't get blamed for any things and have money to blow away. The "Greasers" live on the east side of town and are poor. They are called "Greasers" beacuse they wear a lot of gease in their hair and live in the bums.This book gives great detail and makes you feel like you are there.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: In a world of poor and rich, greasers and soc's; Ponyboy and his brothers are stuck in the middle. Together with his brothers Ponyboy learns that regardless of their social class pain hurts; even the Soc's just can't erase the pain even with their money. Knowing that they are too smart to be greasers, but too poor to be Soc's, they and their close friends stick together.All is well until one fatal night that tears them apart. Their lives will never be the same.I think S.E. Hinton did a wonderful job of elaborating the details and humanizing the characters. In think you will love the book. You don't find many good books about young boys trying to take control of their lives.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review Review: The Outsiders is based on the lives of poor , troubled kids called "greasers". Their lives are rough when dealing with a group of rich, wealthy kids known as the "Socs". Ponyboy, a fourteen year old greaser, is the main character of the story. Sadly depressed because due to the death of his parents, Ponyboy deals with many hardships along the way. Ponyboy also has to deal with his fear of Socs to keep him alive. Along with his greaser friends and brothers, Ponyboy learns about courage, determination and skills of everyday life. Ponyboy's life is going well until the death of a Soc... This book was excellent. It teaches the reality of courage, determination, strength and love. It inspired me to believe in myself and be proud of who I am. This book is a "must read".
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: In Tulsa, Oklahoma their is a rivel between the gresers(poor kids) and the socs(rich kids)and ponyboy(his real name) is caught in the middle of it all.After his parents died that was when things started going into a major tail spin.As all of this is going on his friend (a fellow greaser) kills a person that was the last straw. They end up running from the cops and take some heroic actions.This book is manily about the gangs (the greasers from the east side) and ponyboys life when his parents die.It is a good book with lots of twists and turns and hatpounding excitment and I recimend it for teens.