Rating:  Summary: the best book by s.e. hinton "the outsiders" Review: This book was great it is about a boy who lives with two kinds of people "socs" and "greasers". Ponyboy curtis is a greaser and his freind and him self starts a world of events when ponyboys friend kills a soc. so they go to a near by town and hid out in a abandond church and while they where gone some children on a feild trip was playing in there and it cought on fire. Ponyboy drives up and sees it they go in there and ponyboys friend follows him and they saved the children and get hurt in the processe and ponyboys friend dies in the hosptile of third degree burns. Ponyboy dosent get in trouble with the law
Rating:  Summary: *~*Love, Hate, Blood, Tears*~* -The Outsiders Review: Ponyboy never knew what he was in for having grown up on the wrong side of town. Since his parents die his world shatters. Darry, the oldest brother, has to keep the family in line. Even in such a rural town in Ohio, so much action takes place. Greasers are separated from the Socs because the Greasers live on the wrong side of town, and the Socs live on the wealthy side. When both gangs are searching for some fun, a rumble comes in mind. One night, Ponyboy and his friend Johnny, find themselves at the wrong place at the wrong time and they find themselves participants in a horrific scene. Was Johnny just using self defense, or did he go to far? After that night, they were fugitives running from the cops. Will they keep running forever or will they have the courage to turn themselves in for their own good? To find out, read the intriguing novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders-Non Stop Pain And Action Review: The Outsiders was like a football game: Non stop pain and action. The novel, by S. E. Hinton, is a fast-paced story about a family struggling to stick together on the bad side of town somewhere in Ohio. "Greasers," such as Ponyboy Curtis, the main character, get jumped by the rich "Socs." Ponyboy is living with his two brothers because his mom and dad were killed in a tragic car-crash. His life is turned upside-down when his friend, Johnny, commits a horrible, gruesome crime. Ponyboy and Johnny go into hiding causing further disruption.The author, S. E. Hinton, writes a gripping, compassionate story engrossed in this remarkable, electrifying novel. The Outsiders was quite simple to read but, S. E. Hinton makes the reader really get to know the characters and explains their feelings very well. We would recommend this book to any child who is between sixth and eighth grade.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: The Outsiders by S.E Hinton is a very suspenseful book that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Ponyboy Curtis lives with his two older brothers, Sodapop and Darry in a city in Oklahoma that never sleeps. They are part of a gang that lives on the East Side of town called the Greasers. They are all time rivals with the other gang that lives on the West Side of town who are rich called the Socs. Things get out of hand when Ponyboy and his best friend Johnny Cade decide to take a midnight stroll.... We think that The Outsiders is dramatic at times and adventurous and suspenseful at others.It also has a powerful impact on friendship. In our opinion, the Outsiders is a top notch five star book for ages ten to twelve!! by Sara, Mackenzie, Michael, and Vaughn
Rating:  Summary: A Reflection Review: At first glance I noticed that many of the reviews were written by many young individuals, which suggests that this book is still finding a place in many people's lives. It has been about ten years since I read The Outsiders, and although I hadn't thought about the book much over the past few years, it has recently caused me to reflect on many things. Most importantly, this book affected a change in my life. While quite good, I'm not speaking of the plot or the content of the book at all. Although I have not read the book in some years, I can attest that it has made a serious impact in my life. Prior to reading The Outsiders in junior high, I had never found a real interest in reading. Not just a mere interests, but a real appreciation for reading. Now that I'm in graduate school, having read numerous books, both fiction and non-fiction, I can honestly say that it was this book that really spurred on my desire to read, and for that, I thank the author.
Rating:  Summary: The Project Review: Well the Outsiders is a very interesting book.Their is a kid who his parents just died he lives with his older brother who owens an apartment.He lives in a place were there is too kinds of people.There is a kind of ritch people which the Outsiders called them socials.And well it was a very interesting book.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book!! Review: Great Book "The outsiders" is a very good book because the author knows how to connect with teenagers. This book is about a gang called the greasers that must deal with the other gang in the other side of town, the socs. In this book you will feel what a gang must pass to live in the city. I give it four stars because in some parts it gets boring. This book is for teenagers who like action and heroism but indeed in some parts it gets boring. This book connects you. You feel like if you are being comprehended. If you want to enjoy this book, you should explore it in depth. It has a surprising ending. This is a great action book. It also is enthusiastic, tragically and heart touching book that talks about a boy's life in the streets. This book will connect you. Believe me. I don't know how but I feel comprehended. When I read this book I felt how pony boy thought and realized that that was how I thought too! I really recommend this book. I hope you like this marvelous book. This is a fiction book but it could happen to someone. If you buy this book, you will know why I said all of this because believe me, you will like this book. Great Book, Good Time, Good Night.
Rating:  Summary: the best book ever Review: i loved this book it showed commpassion and feeling. it a book that you may have to go back and read to understand. i read this book 12 times no lie. maybe cause it appled to me or i could just relate to it so well. its funny how this was from long ago but the difference in status figures still live in our towns. im only 12. but the book is about a gang of 7 ponyboy,sodapop,darry (the brothers)steve,two-bit,johnny,and dally. they are pretty much family. pony learns that if u are soc or a grease u both have fellings,a heart,mind even if it does not feel like it u do. pony has a hard life but lives it to the fulled each day. he also must learn that even if his oldest brother darry does not seem to care he loves him and can count on him. but he does not find that out till later on in the book even if soda,steve,johnny,and two-bit drill it into his head.i can not give any more away i tell you now to buy it. if they say its bad its not see johnny dies a hero bob the soc dies on self defence and dally goes crazy when johnny dies and is shot by the cops.
Rating:  Summary: This is the best book i ever read! Review: This book was soo good. i can't even explain how much i love this book. i read it it my 7th grade reading class and i'm so happy my teacher picked it. it is about the socs and the greasers and how ponyboy went through many things that most people don't face at that age. it is really deep and touching, it even made me cry in school. The Outsiders is the greatest book and you should read it!
Rating:  Summary: Greaser's VS Socs Review: This semester we were assigned to read a novel for class. I chose the book called "The Outsiders." The reason being because I heard this was a good book I just never had the spare time to read it. This class gave me that time and I took advantage of it and read the book I've been wanting to read. It took me the whole semester to finish this book. After reading this I realized how much I really do enjoy reading. I haven't sat down and read a book since middle school before I read "The Outsiders." Now that I have, I will read more often because I liked it that much. This book was an amazing story. It was hard for me to believe that a 14-year-old girl wrote this story. I loved reading this book. It relates in a way of what life is really like for me. I have my group of friends and then there is a group of friends who we don't get along with. I am glad I got the opportunity to read this book. I will now continue to read more often. I never use to read. But reading this book changed the way I felt about reading. Reading makes you escape the realness of reality. It lets you live in a dream or a fantasy. I recommend the book "The Outsiders" to everyone. This book is good for all ages and you will get in to it just like I did.