Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders book reveiw Review: Amanda G The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton is a heroic story of friendship. Ponyboy and his two brothers, Darry and Soda, are greasers. A greaser is a slang term for a poor person who lives on the east side of town. Ponyboy and his brothers are part of a gang. Everyone in the gang are almost like brothers, because most of the members don't have a real family. The rich kids, known as the Socs, also have a gang. The greasers and Socs are enemies. One night, when Ponyboy is talking to Johnny, a member of the greaser gang, the drunken Socs try to kill Ponyboy. In his defense, Johnny kills one of the Socs. Like fugitives, the two run away from home. I could relate to some of the characters in this book. Like Ponyboy, sometimes I feel like a tag-along too. I have also felt some of the things that the characters had felt before. When a good friend or family member was ill, I would be unhappy. Just like Darry and Soda. When I would be in a bad situation, I would try to avoid it. Like Johnny and Ponyboy. I thought that this book was fantastic. The way the author described every thing was incredible. I would definitely read this book again. One of my favorite parts was when Ponyboy bleached his hair. My least favorite part was when the Socs had attacked Ponyboy. If you like action and adventure I recommend this book to you. This book is for ages 10 and up.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: Review by Zachary R. The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton, is about a boy named Ponyboy Curtis. Ponyboy has an average lifestyle, for a teenager in his area, but he has to watch out for the Socs, a vicious gang of rich teens who enjoy beating up "Greasers" like Ponyboy. But, he knows what to expect, until the night his best friend Johnny is forced to kill a Soc who attacks them, so they decide to run away to the country. Unfortunately, I cannot relate to any of the characters in The Outsiders. Most of the characters in the book enjoyed shoplifting, smoking, fighting, and running away from home, and I don't. However, when I went on a vacation to Alaska, I shared the same feeling of amazement as Ponyboy when he arrived in the country. Otherwise, I don't have any similarities. The book, in my opinion, was OK. My favorite part was when Ponyboy and Johnny escaped to the country. I recommend this book to anyone ages 12 and over. Also, if you enjoy books that take you into a life that is somewhat different than your own, S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders is for you.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders is The bomb. Review: ...P> The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is a book about a gang called the Greasers. The Greasers are a gang made up of seven teenagers who fight against the wealthier group called the Socs for rights to own the town. The main characters in this story were Ponyboy, Sodapop, Dallas, Darry, Two-Bit, Steve, and Johnny. The Greasers got jumped and took part in fights. Johnny and Ponyboy, the two youngest members of the Greasers got into trouble early when the Socs jumped them. The Socs tried to drown Ponyboy. As an act of self-defense Johnny had stabbed and killed a Soc named Bob. My favorite character in the book was Ponyboy because he would always go out and try his hardest to keep his friends from getting in trouble. The one person that I could relate to in this story would be Sodapop. Sodapop always stuck up for his younger brother. Sodapop was also laidback like me. I have stood up for my younger brother many times just like Sodapop. I had also felt like Darry did when he hit Ponyboy like I did when I hit my brother. I thought that the book was very exciting. My favorite part the book was when Johnny stabbed and killed Bob because I thought it was cool for Johnny to stick up for Ponyboy like that. I think that this book is for kids ages 12-14. If I could change something in this book I would make the socs win the brawl so that there would be a longer story and then there would be more brawls.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: Rina B. The Outsiders, by S.E Hinton was about two different groups of people. The high class kids were called the socials but everyone called them Socs. They lived in the west side. The low class kids were called Greasers. Greasers lived in the East Side. The five main characters were Greasers named Ponyboy, Johnny, Darry, Sodapop, and Dally .One night Ponyboy and Johnny fell asleep in the vacant lot while star gazing. When Ponyboy came home at around 3:00 AM, Darry (Ponyboy's brother) slapped him for coming home so late while Sodapop (Ponyboy's other brother) was just minding his own business. Then Ponyboy took Johnny and they ran away. That was a big adventure Ponyboy and Johnny went on. In the story all of the main characters are boys. I can't really relate to any of thembecause everybody in the book fought and smoked. I can't relate to Johnny, Ponyboy, Darry, or Sodapop because I have two parents who respect me and don'thurt me unlike Johnny's parents. Also, I am not like any of the Socials because they fought too. I think I am mostly like Cherry Valance. Cherry likes sunsets and going to the movies like I do. I liked the book, but not a lot. My favorite part of the book was when the church burned down and Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally risked their lives to save the lives of other children and went into the burning church. All of the children in the building survived. Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dally got many burns from helping the children get out of the church. My least favorite part of the book was definitely the rumble. I don't like violence and during the rumble there was a lot of violence and many people getting hurt. I would recommend this book for both boys and girls ages 11-14. The genre of this book is both action and adventure.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: ... The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton, is a book about a bunch of friends, who are "greasers" or a gang of poor kids from the East Side. The gang is made up of Ponyboy, his brothers Sodapop and Darry, Two-bit Mathews, Steve, Johnny, and Dally. They didn't have much in life besides the gang, but they knew they had to avoid the Socs, who beat up greasers for fun. At least Ponyboy knew what to expect, but one night someone takes things to far. Then the misadventures begin. I felt that I only had a few similarities to the characters in the book. I thought that if I were in the same situations I would have felt the same way. I felt that I could relate to Ponyboy only in the way that he was smart, liked to read, and was an athlete. I could not relate to them in any other way because they were "greasers" and I cannot compare myself to someone similar to a hood. In my opinion, the book was and excellent book. The author, S.E. Hinton, used such detail that I could almost picture the characters and what was happening. I think that a person age 10-12 would enjoy this book. People whom like fiction, adventure, and reading about how a bunch of friends who can live through tough times together would enjoy this book. It is written very well and is a great read. It is a book you can really learn something from.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: The Outsiders By S.E. Hinton Reviewed By Sean Karako The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is about the life of a 14-year-old boy who experiences some hardships as well as some great and happy times. The main characters of the story are: Pony Boy, Soda pop, Darry, Two Bit, Dally and Johnny. Themain character in the story, Ponyboy runs away from home and spends five days in a deserted church with his best friend. The main character had a big problem; he and hisbest friend are running away from the cops. The main character has an adventure like no other; He has a great rumble with all of his gang . My favorite character in the book is Darry because he took care of his brothers and all of their gang. I think that I relate to Darry in this story because I have fights with my sisters but I always protect them from danger. Darry always protects his younger brother from fights that the gang has often. I never felt the way Darry felt, because I have parents and his parents died. I enjoyed this book. It had great meaning to it. My favorite part of the book is when Ponyboy's gang beat the "Soc" gang. I do have a least favorite part of the book; I did not like that Ponyboy's parents died. I think that a teenager like myself, ranging from 12 - 16, would like this book, and it would appeal mostly to boys because it has nothing that really interests girls. If I could change something in the book I would change the fact that Ponyboy and Darry fought a lot.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: The name of the book I read is The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. The books main characters are Ponyboy, Darry, Sodapop, Dallas, Two-bit, and Johnny. Darry, Sodapop and Ponyboy are part of the same family, and their parents died. They are all part of a gang who call themselves the Greasers. Everyone who is a member of the Greasers is from 14 to 20 years old. The story is about Ponyboy and the Greasers rival gang, The Socs, who attemp to kill Ponyboy. Afterwards, Ponyboy gets very angry with Darry, his oldest brother, so Johnny and Ponyboy run away. Later on, in a fire, Johnny is wounded attempting to save the children with Ponyboy and things are never the same. In the story, I can relate to Ponyboy in some ways. Although I still have parents, sometimes a sibling gets me very angry. I can also relate to Two-bit, who is a person who likes to lighten the mood. I also like to lighten the mood when members of my family like to fight. I enjoyed the book very much. My favorite part was when Ponyboy and Johnny jumped into the burning house to rescue the children trapped inside. I think that this book is appropriate for age and gender, because it has adventure, romance, conflict, action, and it is very well written. I believe that this book is one of the greatest books I ever read.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: Shawn Goldsmith By S.E Hinton The Outsiders, written by S.E. Hinton, is a very well written, hair-raising story. The story was about two rival gangs called the Greasers and the Socs. The Greasers were the poor kids also called hoods. The Socs were the rich kids. These two gangs would always fight to show which group is better and stronger. The main characters in the story are Steve, Two-Bit, Darry, Dally, Sodapop, Johnny and Ponyboy. Ponyboy, Johnny and Dallas are the main charters. They all make up a gang. They stand up for each other, although they have their differences. In my opinion, the story starts when Johnny and Ponyboy get into a fight with some Socs. In the fight, Johnny killed a Soc to stop him from drowning Ponyboy. After this, Johnny and Ponyboy are on the run from the law. I cannot really relate to any of the characters in this story because I have never experienced some of things they have. The night before Ponyboy has the big fight he is determined and ready although he is not really up to it. At times, I felt this way before something important. Otherwise, I have never really felt the way they did, or experienced similar things they did. I thought this was a very good book. It was teeming with tension. My favorite part of the book was when Johnny and Ponboy (with help from Dally) decide to run away. This book is written for everyone over the age of ten. All parts of this book are interesting. That is why out of one-ten I give this book a ten.
Rating:  Summary: The Outisders Reviewed By Josh Stauber Review: The Outsiders Written by S.E Hinton Reviewed by Josh Stauber The Outsiders, written by S.E Hinton, is about a group of "Greasers", or hoods, who have it tough in life. Rich gangs that live on the West side called Socs, or the socials, have fun driving up in their Mustangs or Corvettes around Greasers and beating them up. Ponyboy, who is the youngest of the Greaser gang, lives with his two brothers and gets into lots of trouble. One night Darry, his oldest brother, yells at him really loud and he could no longer tolerate it. Ponyboy then runs and meets up with his friend, Johnny, who accompanies him to running away to the country. However, there is no food and barely any shelter there, so when Dally comes up they ask him to go home. That is when lots of trouble starts. Since these kids were basically hoods, I couldn't really relate to any of them that much. But I have felt total depression from a family-related tragedy. I didn't really handle it as well as Ponyboy when dealing with Johnny and Dally's deaths. But after a while I got over it. I really enjoyed the book a lot and couldn't stop reading it. My favorite part of the book was when Two-Bit, Steve, and Ponyboy go to the grocery store and a bunch of Socs threaten Ponyboy. But this time, he isn't scared and threatens them right back with a broken pop bottle. The Socs were afraid, and drove away. I recommend this book to 13-19 year-old children.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: The Outsiders Written by S.E. Hinton Steven Trachtenberg The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is about a boy named Ponyboy and his gang. He lives with his brothers Soda and Darry. Darry is the oldest and Ponyboy is the youngest. In his gang there are five people. His best friend is in his gang and his name is Johnny. One night Ponyboy and Johnny were in the park and a rival gang were drowning Ponyboy. Johnny had a knife and killed a member of the gang. After that they knew they would be arrested so they ran away. This book makes me think of the time I got so angry at my parents I felt like jumping out a window, killing someone or something and running away. I hit my dog one time just like Darry hit Ponyboy. After that my dog stayed away from me for a month. I felt so guilty. Even though Darry didn?t get in trouble because they have no parents I got grounded. I liked the book a lot. I couldn?t put it down. My favorite part was when Johnny and Ponyboy were in a church and it was on fire with children in it and they saved the children. If I could change when Darry hits Ponyboy I would make it that Darry just sends Ponyboy outside to come down or in his room. I would recommend this book for ages 10-14 and it is mostly for boys because most of the story revolves around a boy. 1 of 3 Include original text in reply.