Rating:  Summary: a great book Review: I liked the book the outsiders because it showed the conflicts between two different social classes. It also showed the things people go through in life. IT is very down to earth showing how they relate to what most teenagers relate to now in days with gangs and social classes. id recommend this book to all ages because its not always prefered for one age and everyone will enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: A great Book Review: Thi is a very good novel in the sense of being a young teen who loves action. The story is told by a 14 year old boy named Ponyboy Curtis. Pony lives in the poorer side of town with his two older brothers, Dairy and Sopapop. You get to see how it is to live on the downside of everything as a greese or a poor kid, Fighting and getting jumped by the socs (socials) or the rich kids. Pony and his friend Johnny get into a heep of trouble after getting jumped by a head soc named Randy and his buds. What happens? Find out when you read the Outsiders
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: The Outsiders Written by S.E. Hinton Adam Hen The Outsiders, written by S.E. Hinton, is about boys who live with poor and broken-up families, who are called Greasers, and they are fighting against the Socs, a group of rich kids on the other side of town. The main characters are three brothers Darry, Sodapop, and Ponyboy, who live alone because their parents died. They also are in a gang, which is like family to all of them. Johnny, who got badly beaten by a Soc once has always gotten scared ever since. Johnny is Ponyboy's best friend in the gang. Ponyboy and Johnny killed a Soc one night so they had to run away, which was a big problem because they needed help. Ponyboy and Johnny ran into a few problems while hiding out, which they had to figure out what to do in a situation. My favorite character in the story was Ponyboy because he wasn't so mean and violent like the rest of the gang- he was nicer and more calm...This was a very good novel that I think many people should read.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: Samantha E. The Outsiders, by S.E Hinton, is an incredible novel. Some of the main characters were Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry Curtis, Johnny, and Dallas were also part of the Greaser gang and the Socs, another gang, the Greasers' enemy, are some of the main characters. The Greasers ran into many fights and disasters throughout the novel, in which they had to deal with. The character in this story that I admired the most was Ponyboy Curtis. Ponyboy was the youngest in the gang and family, therefore one would think he would be most affected by the other Greasers' actions, but it was the total opposite. I feel that he was the backbone of the gang and family because he was intelligent, compassionate and truly the one who kept the gang together and under control when things got wild. In reality, I can't relate to any of the characters in the story because the whole novel revolves around the environment and the gangs that they are involved with and my surroundings aren't in any way like that. Nor have I ever done some of things that they have done or felt any of the feelings that they have experienced. I thought that this was remarkable novel that every teenager at some point should have the privilege of reading. The whole entire book was exciting and adventurous, there wasn't a single chapter that I didn't enjoy. Although, if I could change one element in the novel it would be that the Greasers would not express, but at least realize and appreciate the very large asset and benefit that Ponyboy was to the gang. I think that both male and female teenagers would very much value and enjoy this story. I hope that all of the people that will read this extraordinary novel will appreciate and love this novel as much as I did.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: Adi R. The Outsiders, by S.E.Hinton is about a young teenager named Ponyboy, a member of the Greaser gang. He has two brothers, Sodapop who is also know as Soda and Darrel who is also known as Darry. Ponyboy loves Soda more than anyone in his family including his parent who had just recently passed away. In the gang there was also Two-Bit, the oldest of all Greasers, Steve, Dally and Johnny. Johnny, whose parents on't care for him, had just recently been jumped by the Socs, the other gang in town. In this book the Socs get away much easier than the Greasers, for example if there were a rumble in between the two gangs the Greasers would get much more severe punishments. I could relate to Johnny because about two years ago two kids came over to me when I was walking down the block with my friend and started a fight with me and my friend. Like Johnny, I had to protect myself, so I had the same feeling he had when he and Ponyboy were walking in the park and the bunch of Socs jumped them. Although, I didn't get into as much trouble as Johnny was in. I really liked the book, The Outsiders. My favorite part of the book was when Johnny and Ponyboy met Cherry. It showed that even though they were from different gangs they still kept a great relationship and a strong bond. The way they didn't drop there relationship showed me that though they kept it secret it showed that they really had great relationship. I think ten to fifteen year old boys should read this book.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: The Outsiders Written by S.E. Hinton The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is about a guy named Ponyboy who isin a gang.The only people he can trust are his brothers, Soda and Darry.Ponyboy lives with his brother's because his parents died in a car acciedent.The problem is the Socs hated each other and were always beating each other up.The main characters always fought against the Socs.Some adventures were the Rumble and when,Dallas,Ponyboy and Jonny went into the burning church to try to save thechildren.My favorite character was Dallas because it was allways so intresting to read about his problems. I can't realate to any of the characters but I have felt like some of the characters.For instance when an awful thing happened to Ponyboy and his whole life got torn apart he felt so sad. I have felt thatefore.Then there was the time when the gang won the rumble.They felt happy I have felthappy too. The book was great I loved it. My favorite part was when Dallas gave Jonny and Ponyboy money to run away. If you like action and suspense,I recommend this book to you.In the book I could change when Jonny gets beaten up badly by a Soc.This book was probably written for ages 10-14 and both for boys and girls.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: Shalin .. This book is called The Outsiders. This story was about a boy named Ponyboy who had three brothers and their parents died. Their were these Socs who were rich boys and always bet up Ponyboy and Ponyboy's friend Jonny. The main characters in this story is Ponyboy, Jonny, Sodapop, Darry. Darry which was Ponyboy's brother he was very pertictave and he takes care and loves Ponyboy a lot. Jonny which was Ponyboy's friend always hang's out with Ponyboy. Sodapop which is Ponyboy's older brother lets Ponyboy do what he wants but takes care of Ponyboy. Jonny ran into a lot of problems what happened is the Socs bet him up and they also bet Ponyboy. My favorite character was Darry beacuse he was taking care of the family and loved Ponyboy and Sodapop but he wasent the oldest he is in the middle. I felt like Ponyboy because many people make fun of him and beat him up. Because it goes by the rich poor or in the middle I know I'm not rich and im not poor im in the middle and Ponyboy wasen't he was poor thats one thing that isn't alike about me and Ponyboy, but what is, is that we both get hitten by others and made fun by people. One more thing is that we are both loved by our familys. I liked the book a lot because it was intresting and it is a kind of book that you want to know what happens next. My favoite part of the book is when Darry yellled at Ponyboy when he got home and then Ponyboy ran away from home. my least favorite part of the book was when Jonny and Ponyboy got betten up by the Socs. I think a 12 year old like us or older, and male because they have more alike. I would want to change the part when when there were Socs and Greasers against eachother.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: Oleg The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton, is about two gangs, the Socs and the Greasers. One day after the movies Ponyboy, a member of the Greasers, comes home late and his brother Darry starts yelling at him. Ponyboy runs away and picks up Johnny who is also a member of the Greasers. They both go to the park and meet the Socs who started hurting Ponyboy, as Johnny could not watch this anymore he pulls out a knife and kills Bob, a member of the Socs. Everything turns around and now they have to run for their lives from the police. The adventure begins now, but you have to read the book to yourself to figure out the ending! In the story, I relate to Ponyboy because he has gone through a lot of fights. Sometimes I get into fights at a baseball field by my house because there is a group of kids there that don't let anybody play. When Johnny killed Bob, he felt scared. I felt the same thing on the first day of a new school when I was little. I didn't know what to do, so I started panicking and felt scared. I liked the book a lot and my favorite part of the book was the middle because it was exciting. It was when Johnny killed Bob because you don't know what is going to happen next and it gets exciting. I didn't have a least favorite part of the book because the whole book was good. This book is good for boys and girls ages 10-14. If I could change something in the book it would be when Johnny and Ponyboy were at the movies because they talked to the girls for a long time. The whole chapter was about the two boys talking to the girls about different things and it got a little boring. This book was very exciting and fun to read!
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: David... The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is about two social groups the Greasers, from the poor families, and the Socs, from the rich families. The two social groups have been raging a war for a long time. The book tells about a boy named Ponyboy who is a Greaser and his conflicts with the Socs. One day the Socs do something that could change Ponyboy's life. Ponyboy made me think of myself. One time my mom slapped me across the face when I was younger. I felt so angry that I felt like running away. In the book Ponyboy got slapped by his brother and also ran away. I felt the same way when Ponyboy was slapped by his brother. I thought the book was really good. My favorite part of the book was the rumble. ... Also this book tells common problems kids have. Mostly people ages 8-14 will like this book.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: Noah ... The name of the book is The Outsiders and the author is S.E Hinton. The main characters were Ponyboy, Darry, Sodapop, Dallas, Two-bit, and Johnny. Darry, Sodapop, and Ponyboy are part of the same family. Their parents had died. They are all part of a gang, who call themselves Greasers. Everyone who is a member of the Greasers are 14-20 years old. The story is about Ponyboy and the Greasers rival gang the Socs, who enjoy attacking lone Greasers. But Ponyboy's friend, Johnny, one day kills a Soc, who was attempting to kill Ponyboy. After Ponyboy gets very angry at Darry, his oldest brother, so Johnny and Ponyboy run away. Later on there is a fire and Johnny is badly wounded attempting to rescue some children with Ponyboy and things are never the same. In the story I can relate to Ponyboy in some ways. ... I can also relate to Two- bit, who is a person who likes to lighten the mood. ... These are the only two characters I can relate to. I enjoyed the book very much. My favorite part was when Ponyboy and Johnny jumped into the burning church to rescue some children trapped inside. I think that this book would be appealing to every age, gender, and almost every book type, because it has adventure, romance, conflict, action, and is very well written. I believe that this book is one of the greatest books I ever read.