Rating:  Summary: This book kicks ... Review: I think that if you dont like this book you are just whack. This book could be the best book ever written and you dont even know it. I love this book. I think it represents how are school is with the sk8erz and the preps. (I am a sk8er). The author of this book rules and doserves some kind of special award or something. I recomend this book for people who dont like to read, because after this book they will want to read it over and over again. S.E. Hintons classic novel is the bomb. i have nothing else to say so i better shut-up.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: The book The Outsiders, written by S.E. Hinton is my favorite book. This book has action, adventure, drama, and more action. The Outsiders is about a boy named Ponyboy who is part of a gag called the Greasers. They go through some good times and some tough times. Their enemies are called the Socs and they like to jump Greasers. They get into lots of fights and get caught by the police for shoplifting and other things. One day things go too far and there is a huge rumble, Greasers verses Socs. To find out what happens read The Outsiders. I recommend this book to everyone who likes to read action-packed, adventurous books.
Rating:  Summary: MY REVIEW Review: ponyboy is a 14 year old boy whohas 2 brother. their name are darry and soda. darry is the oldest and soda is the middle child. ponyboys parents die in a car accident when he is a little kid. ponyboy and soda live with darry as long as they are not in trouble. a problem occur when darry hit pnyboy for coming home late. then ponyboy rushes out of the house and see johny his firend and told him they were gonna run away. they ran for a couple of blocks and then went to a park. then the socc came was about to drown ponyboy so johnny pull out a knife and kill a socc member named bob. they went to dallys home which he gave ponyboy his jacket and told them where to go and hide. when they get there they have to cut thir long hair so they wont be reconized. then dally comes to find them and gives ponyboyboy a note soda wrote. it said that darry is sorry that he had hit him. then a church is burning and ponyboy dally and johnny are helping and get sent to the hospital. there he meets and gets reunited with his brother and darry says sorry. johnny was in critical condition and l=had to say in the hospital and do did dally but dally was okay. they get home and 2 bit is gonna take ponyboy to the hospital to see his friends. on their way back pony boy is drowsy and 2 bit feels his forehead and told ponyboy that he look like he had a fever. he said he would be okay.he also had a headache. whe took about 5 asperins so he can stay awake for the rumble. then he hears that johnny dies and dally robbs a store. he saw dally kill himself and ponyboy fell and fainted. by the time he woke up his brothers were tellin him wat happened. pony boy had a small concussionand was stressed. he had to stay in bed for the week. his friend from school came to visit him. then his friend said something about johnny and ponyboy kepted reapeatin johnny is not dead and darry told his friend he should go. he was in shock to know his friend was dead
Rating:  Summary: A STORY WRITTEN FOR ALL AGES Review: The Outsiders is a story written by S. E. Hinton for all ages. Ponyboy, the protagonist, lives situations maybe a normal boy never lives, and because of that, he, his two older brothers and his gang learns to see things from a different point of view. The gang and all of the Greasers, how the boys living in the same area as Pony are called, have a lot of problems with Socs, the rich boys. Because of one incident with some Socs, life changes completely for our characters, and since that moment, they have to decide staying there and do not do anything, or keep moving. Definitely, a very good story with a lesson to take and a message to get for all of us.
Rating:  Summary: The best book in the world! Review: The Outsiders shows us how life really is. I recommend The Outsiders to teenage boys and girls who are sick and tired of reading books that tell you about the sugar flavored side of life.
Rating:  Summary: the outsiders Review: Without a doubt, The Outsiders by Susan Eloise Hinton is one of the greatest books about friendship and brotherhood ever written. This is the story of Ponyboy, a young greaser orphan that must struggle to survive in the tough world he lives in. Since both his parents are dead, he only has his two brothers and his gang to protect and look out for him. I strongly recommend this book to readers of all ages, since it is easy to read and comprehend, and also has a very strong message. Hinton has an excellent debut as a writer with this epic masterpiece. I recommend this book to teachers of teenagers, since I believe this book may be very helpful to a teenager or young adult as myself.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: The Outsiders was a great book for me to read. I like the way it was written in first person, also becuase Ponyboy was a good narrator. It was a very desciptive, juicy, well written story that drew you in from the beginning. Usually a book soesn't start off, "When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home." That, to me gets everyone's attention and makes them want to read more until tis gone. Kind of like a glass of your favorite beverage, if you like the first taste, you drink it until it's all gone.The best part of the book was the ending when the teacher gave Ponyboy the theme assignment and he started it the same as the first sentence in the novel. So it was interesting to see that we were reading what he wrote. Instead of really writing a theme he wrote a novel. There wasn't really a bad part, everything was picture making. S.E. Hinton wrote with such grace the words all came together to create a visual. S.E. Hinton was a great writer all around throughout this whole book. I was especially fond of how she went through and explained each individual greaser, named them and what they looked like. It was great to be able to create your own picture but yet also have a common base for their features. Mrs. Hinton also did a wonderful job describing the setting in full fledged detail. The chapter when Bob was stabbed in the park, the first page had all the details about how it looked. She stated that the pool was empty but the fountain was running, the tall elm trees and how they shadowed the park. S.E. Hinton did a great job and I can definately say "The Outsiders" was a great book for me to read.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: I really liked the outsiders book for various reasons. One reasonis because when Iread the outsiders I was imagining every single thing that happened and it made me winder what it would be like if stuff like that was still goin on in modern days. The book also made me wonderwhat al the characters thought about being in a social group and if they all wanted to be friends. I think the best part of the bok was the rumble between the socs and the greasers. The rumble was the only thing that seperated the greasers from the socs because if the greasers won the socs would probaly leave the greasersalone for awhile. The worst part of the book ,in my opinion,was when johnny died. But when he was saving those kids at the church from the fire, he was smiling because he was doing something that would make him proud of himself. I thought that was pretty cool even though he died. The most vivid story elements I thought were when S.E. Hinton was describing how all the characters looked because it made me imagine how they relly looked. Ireally liked the detail she used when she was describing them like when she was describing the socs with their mustangs and madras shirts and how they were rich westside kids. Overall I think it was a pretty good book.
Rating:  Summary: outsiders Review: This book was very well written with a good plot. Hinton did a great job of describing characters. It's a hard book to describe, but you can tell the author knows what she's talking about.
Rating:  Summary: one of the best books ever! Review: It's such a great book. If you're looking for a good book with action, cruelty, murder, love, and hope, this is for you and it certainly isn't fake. You'll love it.