Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Book Review Review: In the book the Outsiders it is slow in the begging but then it starts to get faster in the middle. The Novel outsiders is about two different types of kids. The kids are part of a gang. The two names of the gangs are Soc's and the Greasers. The Soc's are the rich boys and they smoke and drink. The Greasers wear there hair back. They also smoke and drink. The greasers are the poor. The two gangs are always fighting and arguing. The Characters in this book were very different and they hade there one way of do things. One of the main characters is Johnny. Johnny's best friend is Pony boy. Johnny and pony came home late one night and Johnny's parents didn't even know that he was gone and him and pony fell asleep at one of the places that they hang out. Pony Boy is another one of the main characters. Him and Johnny always are getting picked on by the Soc's. One of the times after a movie when the Soc's were drunk the were picking on pony boy and Johnny was going to help him but he went a little to far. He killed a Soc's named bob. Pony boy and Johnny ran away to a different city. Derry Was Pony boys brother and he took care of him. He was mean to Pony in the begging but then he starts to be nice to him when the book starts to be exiting. Dally was another was a friend and he gave Johnny and Pony the gun and told them were to go. Cherry was a Soc's but she was a nice one and Pony liked her. Dally was very mean to her because she didn't like them. This book was kind of slow in the beginning but then it got cool in the middle. This book was mainly about Johnny and Pony running away and living in the church and then when it is time for them to come bake the Dally comes to get them. When Dally gets them and they go back to the church to get there stuff the church is on fire and Johnny And Pony go to help little kids in the fire. They get all of the kids back but Johnny doesn't get out. Johnny and Pony have to go to the hospital but Pony gets out pretty fast but Johnny doesn't get out and he ends up dieing in the hospital. The Soc's and the Greasers have a big rumble at the end and the Soc's run away after the get beat by the Greasers.
Rating:  Summary: Sneak Peek at the Outsiders Review: The first thing that will come to mind when you read "The Outsiders" is that it's a book about a bunch of thug kids. But you will soon realize it's a heartfelt story. It gives emotion and shows love and the power of friendship. Ponyboy, a 14 year-old hoodlum, is growing up with his controlling older brother Darry, and his softer brother sodapop who's the only one Pony can relate to. He's a good kid, and does great in school, and is just like every other boy his age, but the only problem is that he's a greaser. As a greaser, Pony and his gang are constantly fighting the Soc; the upper class. All the conflicts start when Johnny, Pony's best buddy, end up going to a movie together one night. They meet two Soc girls and when their boyfriends find out later that night, and a conflict erupts, Pony and Johnny are forced to run away. As the boys are hiding away there, they teach each other different things about life. They learn importance in things that didn't mean so much to them before then. But when tragedy strikes the boys are there to become heroes. After risking their lives, a bigger problem arises and Pony fears the loss of someone close to him. Throughout the story Pony has faced many problems but he wasn't ready for what happens later. As he is dealing with his biggest fear ever, he's also helping his gang stop the hatred and violence once and for all against the Soc. This story is full of suspense and will likely keep you in tuned.
Rating:  Summary: Inside the Outsiders Review: "So it doesn't do any good, the fighting and the killing." This was a lesson both worlds (the socials and the greasers) had to learn in the book the Outsiders. Almost all that happened with the socials and the greasers had to do with fighting, or even killing. Johnny, Pony Boy, and the rest of their gang dealt with the first hand. In fact a couple of them have committed these acts, even killing. All this fighting you'd think they'd learn or even try to fix it. That's how this story came to be. When you think of Pony boy, a main character in the book, you'd probably think he's sensitive but brave. Also he has a pretty good personality for where he lives. Dally, on the other hand, is rough and mean. He's always into trouble and not many people get along with him. Soda Pop is in between. He's handsome and brave but fights a lot. Johnny is a scared, but can be brave boy who's lost in his dying world. Cherry Valance is a smart, pretty soc who decides to help the greasers in the war against the Socials because she hates the fighting and will do anything to stop it. So when Pony Boy and Johnny get jumped and up roar occurs in their group. So as Johnny and Pony Boy run away things start occurring until they suddenly find themselves back in their home town but not the way they had intended returning. All the while there's a big rumble being planned between the Socials and the Greasers to end all battles. This motivates many of the characters to be ready and win this rumble so they can stop some of the violence. But the Socials believe that nothing will change even if they win. This book is all about fighting for life and rights. Also about how some people trying to reach there dreams even if they're at the bottom of the pyramid. It's a great book to read and has a good meaning to help people in life. It teaches people that fighting is no answer for problems. Also that you shouldn't treat people like they're less than you. Cause no one's less because of where they live or if they're poor. It does deal with death and what consequences could happen when you do something drastic or something you knows not right. Consider reading this book.
Rating:  Summary: Inside the Outsiders Review: When a glance is given to the book The Outsiders, the cover might not catch the eye. But when the words are read, you'll come to realize that this story is full of action relating to teen life. Adventure, love, mystery, and violence are all experienced in this tale of friendship. A boy of 14 years old named Ponyboy walks out of a movie theater only to find Socs, rich kids from high school, jumping him. He's not the only one that has this problem though. His brothers Darry and Sodapop and his friends Steve, Two-Bit, Dally and Johnny deal with the same people over and over again. Living on the eastside of Oklahoma, these boys are considered greasers, J.D.'s and hoods. This title keeps them empowered and tough in their world. Later on in the story, a conflict is made and Johnny and Ponyboy are forced to run away. They survive on little supplies but when trouble is found, Ponyboy and Johnny are off to the rescue. After risking their lives, they are put in the hospital. The tale goes on with more action packed parts and adventure. Through all the troubles Ponyboy faces, he learns the importance of helping another out. The story ends with a beautiful finish of love and lesson. You will find yourself so involved with this book of many wonders. It truly is a fine journey to go on.
Rating:  Summary: ~Day of the life~ Review: A reader's first impression of The Outsiders will probably be that the story is fiction. But you will soon see it so much more then that. It's a story of suspense, hetaerism, fighting. The Outsiders starts off when Pony, Dally, Johnny, and the rest of the gang go to the movies. While being at the movies, Dally was trying to hit on a girl that happened to be a Soc named Cherry Valence. Pony then says sorry for Dally being so rude. Cherry respects the apology. Cherry then wonders why Pony hangs out with such a bad influence. Pony tells her he's a greaser. Meanwhile, after the movie ends Pony and Johnny offer to walk the girls' home, but they said their "boyfriends" might see them. The girls do end up walking home with the two boys, but as they're walking, the girls' boyfriends then show up and threatened to hurt the boys if the girls didn't go home with them. The girls ended up going home with the Soc boys. Then a little bit later in the story, Pony goes home from sleeping outside. Pony is worried because it is late and he does not want to get in trouble for falling asleep outside on accident. When Pony gets home, Dally is awake and was very angry that Pony was home so late. Dally was so mad he hit Pony. After Pont got hit, Pony ran out of the house, and found Johnny and ran to the park. While being at the park, some Soc's drove up and started to be mean, they tried to drown Pony and Johnny then stabs one soc. After Johnny stabs the Soc, all the other Socs ran away. Then towards the middle of the story its gets interesting, Pony and Johnny knew from killing the Soc something bad would have happened. They thought they would say something to the police. So Pony and Johnny run away to a church that Dally told them about. Dally gave them 50$ to buy food for a week. When they ran away to the church Johnny told them they had to change there physical appearance. So when Johnny went to buy the food, he bought peroxide, and a book. So Johnny tells pony that he needs to wash and cut his hair. Pony doesn't want to he likes his hair long, and the grease is a trademark. Well pony had to dye his hair and cut it and Johnny just had to cut it. When they got bored they read, Gone with the Wind. After a few days in the church Dally went to go visit them and see how they were. Dally took them out to lunch. When getting back to the church they noticed that it was on fire, and there was little kids in there. So Pony and Johnny go and try to save then, but Dally gets angry because they are supposed to be hiding out but now their going to be hero's. Now the ending, it gets sadder, from all the fire in the church Johnny get a 3rd degree burn. Pony and Johnny got hurt and ended up in the hospital. It comes to find out Johnny dies. And Dally ends up going crazy, and robs a bank and then commits suicide. Pony thinks that he can't go on, he best friend is dead and he doesn't do as good in school. In my opinion, the book didn't have a lot to offer, it teaches you nothing really about the importance of life except for the whole Johnny thing. It basically teaches you about fighting. But in one way I think it had something to offer. It ended up OK, the "gangs" got along and it was all good.
Rating:  Summary: Ponyboy Grows up Review: This is an excellent coming of age story about an orphaned boy and his brothers who struggle to survive in a difficult world.
Rating:  Summary: The "Golden" Reality Review: People may think of The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton as a story full of overwhelming violence and hatred. In reality, this adventure filled story is about a group of boys trying to find their inner selves. Throughout the story there is a never-ending battle between the Greasers, a gang of economically poor teenagers, and the Socs, (short for socials) another gang that is a rich, well to do group of teenagers. The Outsiders is a story full of love, horror, suspense, and reality that creates a story line that is a great read for all ages. In a small, beat-up town in Oklahoma, teens like Ponyboy suffer from societal pressures such as violence, drugs, and even more. Pony, a member of a small gang who call themselves the Greasers, struggles in life because of family situations as well as peer relationships. For example, Pony believed that his brother Darry, a serious and hard working man, hated him. Also, almost every member of the Greaser gang feels that they are not socially accepted by all of their peers. A few of the members do not care, but Pony and Johnny are affected by this and especially want to be equal with everybody. They were motivated to be in a gang and fight because they wanted to appear tougher than the other gangs, which in their eyes would make them be better as a person. One night, things are taken too far between the Socs and Greasers. Something serious happens and Pony and Johnny's whole life changes in an instant. They are filled with regrets and wish they could have that night back so they could make better choices. They are forced to run away to an old abandoned church in a small town in the country side called Windrixville. During this difficult time, Pony recites a poem called "Nothing Gold Can Stay." By remembering this poem, Pony wants to teach his friends to stay gold by staying true to themselves like the poem says. This poem sets the stage for the rest of the book. In the middle of each turn of events, Pony and his friends take one step at a time and start to realize that violence will not take them anywhere in life. They also begin to realize this from their young 16 year old friend, Johnny. He is the first one to realize this and he tells them not to fight anymore because it does not help their circumstances in life. The Outsiders is a great book that is likely to catch any reader's attention. It is an awesome story throughout the entire book. In the end, Pony officially finds himself as a person and is able to keep his own personality with the help of his friends. As a result, this book comes close to reality and at the same time it teaches a lesson that everyone should know about life.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: Hoods to Heroes The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton was extravagantly written and greatly composed. A reader's first impression of the book is it's going to be stupid and boring, but have a little patience with it because it is very enjoyable. There is a little surprise at the end of the story that the reader will find enjoyable. Ponyboy Curtis, a kid who lives on the East side of town where all the poor families live, who are generally called "Greasers", walks out of a movie theater. And on his way he finds he is being followed, a few moments later he was jumped by the West side rich kids called "Socs". After being rescued by his two brothers, Sodapop, yes "Sodapop" is his real name, and Darry, and his friends: Johnny, Steve, Dally and Two-bit Mathews, yes that is his real name to. Ponyboy considered himself to have been lucky enough to only get a slash across the cheek, compared to his best friend Johnny who had been severely mugged four months earlier. Soon after words Ponyboy, Johnny, and Darry, a friend of theirs, went and broke into a drive-in movie theater even though they could have easily paid for the 25 cent entrance fee. There they meet two Socs: Cherry, and Marcia, and Two-bit Mathews, another friend. After taking the girls up to their neighborhood and leaving Two-bit Mathews, Ponyboy and Johnny went to the "lot" and lie down to look at the stars. A few hours later they started to head on home only to realize a group of Socs trailing them in a car. They drunkenly got out of their car and chased Ponyboy and Johnny down for giving "their" girls a ride. When they were caught they started drowning Ponyboy, when all of a sudden Johnny comes and kills a Soc named Bob. Now on the run from the law, Ponyboy and Johnny head to Blue Jay Mountain, which was suggested by Dally as a hiding spot. There they spend the next five days surviving on bologna sandwiches and pride taking disguise. When Dally comes to check on them he learns that they have decided to turn themselves in. On their way back they noticed a group of people around their hideout and they stop and they stop and see a fire. After a swift rescue of the kids that were trapped inside and nearly getting killed, Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally were swiftly led to the hospital where a horrible event happens that changes everyone's life. This seemingly fictional, but amazing true story will keep everyone who reads this, hopefully, on the edge of his or her seat.
Rating:  Summary: the outsiders Review: Outsiders: a novel about a young boy and his gang the greasers. Ponyboy is a 14 year old kid who only had two brothers and his gang to depend on. His gang and another gang called the SOCS hate each other, and one night one more reason to hate each other comes up. Ponyboy and his friend Jonny are in way over their heads in trouble and it's them against the world as they hide from danger. They have it real bad off in the beginning what with the cops and the SOCS after them. They can only hope for the best as they go head on into one of the worst and surprising thing possible. At home pony boy and his gang challenge the SOCS to a fight for the decision of who rules the neighbor hood this story is both exciting and a fun read for the whole family.
Rating:  Summary: A sneak Peek in the Outsiders Review: The first thing that will come to mind when you read "The Outsiders" is that it's a book about a bunch of thug kids. But you will soon realize it's a heartfelt story. It gives emotion and shows love and the power of friendship. Ponyboy, a 14 year-old hoodlum, is growing up with his controlling older brother Darry, and his softer brother sodapop who's the only one Pony can relate to. He's a good kid, and does great in school, and is just like every other boy his age, but the only problem is that he's a greaser. As a greaser, Pony and his gang are constantly fighting the Soc; the upper class. All the conflicts start when Johnny, Pony's best buddy, end up going to a movie together one night. They meet two Soc girls and when their boyfriends find out later that night, and a conflict erupts, Pony and Johnny are forced to run away. As the boys are hiding away there, they teach each other different things about life. They learn importance in things that didn't mean so much to them before then. But when tragedy strikes the boys are there to become heroes. After risking their lives, a bigger problem arises and Pony fears the loss of someone close to him. Throughout the story Pony has faced many problems but he wasn't ready for what happens later. As he is dealing with his biggest fear ever, he's also helping his gang stop the hatred and violence once and for all against the Soc. This story is full of suspense and will likely keep you in tuned.