Rating:  Summary: Jake L WCS NY Review: The outsiders by S.E. Hinton was an excellent book. It was about living on the streets in gangs and rumbles. Ponyboy and his friend Johnny get in a lot of trouble but in the end they are heroes. I liked it because it kept you on the edge of your seat.
Rating:  Summary: I Love Her Books and this is by far her best!! Review: I love S.E. Hintons books, she is my favorite author. The Outsiders is the best book she has ever written. The book is always exciting and keeps you on the edge of your seat for more. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a good book. One of my Favorite books of all time. This book should definetly be passed on to others. S.E. Hinton should be reconized for the book espeacially since she was sixteen when she wrote this. I suggest you read it and if you do you will enjoy it guranteed.
Rating:  Summary: Great Review: We read this book in 7th grade. I didn't understand it on my own, but when we discussed the social issues of the Socs VS. The Greasers, I found it to be one of my favorite books ever
Rating:  Summary: the outsiders Review: i just had to read this book for school. i really didnt think i would like it. i got it on monday 2/24/03 and finishished it today 3/26/03. i read it nonstop i loved it so much i cried when certain characters have stuff done to them and can relat to the characters. i do reccomend this book and think youll like it.
Rating:  Summary: The Outside Battle! Review: A reader's first impression of The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is a story full of overwhelming violence and unwise actions. You will soon find out that its much more than that. It is a story about a group of boys who are trying to find their inner self and where they belong in the twisted world in which they live. They have to pretend to be people they really aren't. Throughout the story they are in a never-ending battle of rivalry. In a small beat up town in Eastern, Oklahoma a group of young teenage boys who all belong to a group called "Greasers." The Greasers consists of Ponyboy, Dally, Darry, Sodapop, Two-bit, and Steve. They call themselves the "Greasers" as a trademark of where they live and who they are. They are in a constant battle with a group of rich teens from the other side of town. The group is known as the "Socs." The Soc's consists of Bob, Randy, Cherry, Marcia, and the rest of the rich teens. The Soc and Greasers all live in a world of hatred and violence towards one another. One night things were taken too far and because of that Johnny and Ponyboy come to the conclusion that they must run away. Trying not to get caught, they sneak onto a train heading for Windrexville in the dark of the night. They reach Windrexville and hide out in an old abandoned church until things at home can settle down. Along the way the boys are faced with many difficult decisions. They decide to cut their hair to disguise themselves and because they are on such a low budget they have to buy supplies that will last a long time. After things settled down, Darry came to get Ponyboy and Johnny and bring them both home. While on the road they happened to see a church that was on fire. They rushed over to the church, jumped in the window and tried to save the children stuck inside. The next day Johnny and Darry find themselves lying in a hospital bed trying to recover from what happened. Then the worse thing happened! In my opinion this was a well-written story that everyone will find interesting and fun to read. The story helps you understand the difficult decisions life brings upon us and how you should be yourself. This is a book that everyone should read. READ IT!
Rating:  Summary: Great book Review: I think this is a great book. I read it in one day. My favorite part is when Pony Boy and Johnny get the letter from Soda Pop when they're hiding out in the church. I also liked the part where Johnny saved the kids and Pony Boy from the burning church. This is a good book. 5 stars!!
Rating:  Summary: The Outsider is GREAT! Review: I'm someone who's read many books before in my short life, but The Outsider surpasses many of the other great books i've read. The way the author was able to have the readers relate to the story kept the readers reading, which is great! I'm not someone who cries a lot, and it takes a lot to make me cry. I cried while i was reading this book. I felt it was so real. i pity the greasers. after this book i swear i'll never in my life look at people poorer then me in a negative way. If they act mean i swear it on my heart that i'll try and befriend them. I do not pity Ponyboy, Johnny, Dallas, Sodapop, or Darry. Instead, i feel for them, not out of pity but because when the great characters died in the book i felt the same exact pain the characters felt. i know i'm rambling, but there's just so much thought about this book in my mind to put it in good words so I'll stop here. To tell you the truth, no words can say how great this book really is.
Rating:  Summary: Short Summary Review: The Outsiders is a heroic story that I really enjoyed reading. It is about a young boy named Ponyboy. He is part of a group called "Greasers". "Greasers" is a group of people who get in trouble a lot, and get into many fights with the Socs. The main characters in the book are: Ponyboy, Sodapop, Dally, Cherry, Johnny, and Dallas. The Socs are a vicious gang of rich kids whose idea of a great time is beating up "greasers" like Ponyboy. The main character in the book is Ponyboy. He is the narrator in the story. He has light brown hair, and greenish-gray eyes. One night, Ponyboy took things way too far. When the Socs come to fight "Greasers", the Socs drown Ponyboy, and he almost dies, but Ponyboy kills a Soc, and the rest of the Socs flee from Ponyboy. Ponyboy and Sodapop went to Dallas to borrow some money, so they can hide away from the police. Ponyboy and Sodapop bleached their hair, and cut it for disguises. The Outsiders is a book written by S.E. Hinton, and she wrote The Outsiders when she was sixteen years old. The Outsiders was S.E. Hinton's first novel, and she lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She has written seven books such as: That Was Then This Is Now, Tex, and Rumble Fish. I enjoyed reading this story very much. It is a great heroic story that I think everyone will really enjoy. It is a really interesting story too, as Ponyboy and Sodapop run away. What made me also enjoy the book was how S.E. Hinton made up very interesting names in the story, and the book had a great plot. "I was wishing I looked like Paul Newman-he looks tough and I don't." "But I guess my own looks aren't so bad." These quotes are from the story, and they are really funny. I dislike some parts of the book, such as the names of the characters in the story, like Cherry, Sodapop, and Ponyboy., but the story was good. My favorite parts in the story is when Ponyboy said that he wished he was like Paul Newman, because it was really funny. My least favorite part of the story was when the Socs came, and tried to suficate Ponyboy, because that is something very mean to do.
Rating:  Summary: Inside the Outsiders Review: "Things are tough all over" If you think that all the rich kid got it made, so you can think again. The book The Outsiders will make you understand this. You will soon realize that even if you have a lot of money and get all the breaks challenges will always come. Soces and greasers really do have it tough all over. Even though this book is a historical fiction, it is also an adventure book. The greasers are the normal lower class citizens, but are always loyal to their friends.the7y get their name from the large amounts of grease in their hair, also because most of them don't have a lot of money. Soces are the town bullies, in the upper class of the society. The soces get their name because of how rich hand snobby they are. Their idea of a good time is Jumping (beating up) greasers. In the outsiders Ponyboy Curtis, the main character, is tough and yet sensitive. Dallas Winstein is not sensitive at all he is mean and as hard as nails. Johnny is the quieter of the bunch but he is tough when he needs to be. In this book Johnny and ponyboy go on an amazing adventure from murder the saving the lives of little children. It all starts when Ponyboy Johnny and their friend two-bit walk Cherri and Marcia (two girls they met at the drive-in movies) home, when they get jumped by their boyfriends. Later that night Johnny and Ponyboy fall asleep in an open lot, watching the stars. When they wake up they realize what they did so Ponyboy runs home and gets in a fight with his older brother Darry. Darry accidentally hits pony so pony runs away and met Johnny. They decided to walk to the park when they met the boyfriends of Cherri and Marcia. As they try to drown Pony, Johnny comes from behind with a knife. Johnny stabs one of the boyfriends. That is how they start their exciting adventure. The outsiders are a very exciting book about adventure, family, friendship, courage, and bravery. The author shows great word choice, background, good voice, fluency, sense of adventure, and much more. MY opinion about this book is that it was intriguing to read and told a good story about life that every person should be aware of. In conclusion this book is an excellent reader for all ages. Also it is especially good for class room or family education.
Rating:  Summary: the outsiders Review: The outsiders The outsiders were a book about two groups of kids that did not like each other they were called the greasers and the socs. The socs would often jump the greasers and beat them up. One time Johnny got beat up by three socs one of them had on three rings and scared Johnny for life mentally and physically. Now Johnny is so scared he even jumps at the sight of his own shadow. Later on in the story Johnny and pony and dally all go to the movies. Dally starts to flirt with one of the two girls there names are Cherry and Marcia when Johnny finds this out him tells dally to stop. Dally runs off in a rage the two girls ask Johnny and pony boy to sit with them. Later that night Johnny and pony boy fall asleep in the lot pony boy wakes up and goes home his older brother who he lives with hits him so he goes and gets Johnny and they run away. They are later jumped by the socs and Johnny kills one of them. So they go and get dally. Dally gives them 50 bucks and a gun and also tells them where to run to. They go to windrixville where dally told them to go to and that he'll be up when he thinks its clear five days later he comes in a thunderbird he takes them out to lunch because they have been hiding for five days . then Johnny decides to turn themselves in they go back to the church which is where they were hiding before but when they get there the church is burning and there is kids inside Johnny and pony\boy decide to go save the little kids p they all go to the hospital because Johnny broke his back and pony passed out and dally burnt his arm. While in the hospital pony's brothers come to the hospital and say there sorry for hitting him and to come back home then pony has to go to court when he gets back because he ran away .but Johnny has to go to court for killing bob later at the end of the story most everything goes back to normal but you'll have to read the book to find out what didn't go back to normal. Also on a 1-10 rating it was a10