Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders is an incredible work of literature. Review: The Outsiders is probably one of the most enjoyable books I've read in the short twelve years that I've been alive. Ponyboy is a very clever young man. Yet he has to live through the tragedy of losing his parents and growing up in a dangerous neighborhood where it is pretty much every man for himself. Unless you have a gang of friends to stick up for you like Ponyboy. The Socs have always been cruel to the Greasers, which is what the what the people in Ponyboy's neighborhood are called. One night things go too far between the two groups and Ponyboy's life changes drastically. Read this incredible tale of bravery, friendship, and sorrow.
Rating:  Summary: Ruthless Rollercoaster Ride by Crazy Canadian Kiwi Review: This book was good because it was a non stop rollercoaster ride. It had action till the very end. It was a book with feelings and bravery. The kids in the book proved that they do not need adults to look after them. The only thing wrong with this book was that there was to much fighting and bleeding for kids. This book said read me and when I started I could not stop. This book was really a good one in my catagory. If there was one word to describe this book it would be awesome. This book gives you a feeling of what it was like in that time and place. This was a class project but it was really fun to read.
Rating:  Summary: You need to read this book Review: This book was good.It had gangs that fought. In the book it had lots of surprises and a good ending. The book ties together at the end. You should read this book!
Rating:  Summary: The Life Of The Outsiders Review: "Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay Gold," are the last words of a close friend to Ponyboy and his Greaser gang. Greasers are a lowlife, poor, greasy-haired gang who hate the Socs, or Socials, a rich, snobby gang. The Greasers and the Socs are always going at it, calling each other names, fighting and threatening to kill one another. Until one night, things went too far. A Greaser killed a Soc, then they're on the run from the "Fuzz," or police officers. Ponyboy and his gang are different from any ordinary gang. Most gangs have a leader, someone everyone listens to and respects. Not Ponyboy's gang. In his gang, most are family, three of them actually are brothers. They're all close friends who watch out for each other. Ponyboy, Sodapop and Darry, the brothers of the pack, never know who they'll find sleeping on their couch in the morning. Love, hatred, friendship and family, that's what this book is all about. If you're looking for a good book to pass the time, this is a great choice. I can't wait to start another one of S. E. Hinton's novels.
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is about three brothers who are struggling to stay together after their parents died. They try to take care of each other and stay out of trouble. The main characters are Ponyboy, Curtis, Soda, and Pary. The brothers were in a gang and they were in some fights. This was their main problem. Ponyboy was my favorite character. He was smart and stayed in school. In this book the rich kids tease the poor kids. Sometimes I fear rich people make mean comments about the poor kids in school. I liked this book because it was interesting. My favorite part was when they saved the little kids. My least favorite part was when Johnny dies. I would recommend this book to young adults, or ages 12 and up.
Rating:  Summary: Read it and find out! Review: Want to read a good book that will change your life? Well then grab the The Outsiders. This book taught me many lessons in life. It shows that people should solve their problems by talking to each other instead of fighting. You'll meet the main character named Ponyboy who is the youngest in the group. He is a strong thinker. He does not think it is right for people to kill each other, but all of his friends seem to want to solve problems that way. Ponyboy is part of a gang called the Greasers. They are always fighting with the Socs. It seems they have always been enemies. The first death is Bob from the Socs. Ponyboy's friend Johnny kills him in a jumping because Ponyboy was being harassed. Ponyboy felt horrible. Johnny and Ponyboy ran away to a church. Without giving away the rest of the book, you won't believe how the Socs and the Greasers end their war with each other. When my teacher first assigned the book, I felt overwhelmed. I felt like I was going to die because it was too much! But then after a while, I really got into the book and it was so realistic. The author wrote the book with such detail, that I felt like I was one of the characters. I really related to Ponyboy because I agreed with him. I liked his decisions. He always cared about his friends.
Rating:  Summary: Rebecca's Review Review: I thought the book was pretty good, cause it is a very exciting book. The book was about two gangs that never liked each other and they were always getting into fights and arguments. My favorite character was Ponyboy, cause he would stick up for his friends and he looked out for everybody. My favorite part of the book was when Ponyboy and Johnny were running away because Johnny had killed a boy that was trying to kill Ponyboy. I would want other people to read this book, because I think that it was a very good book, and people who like adventures would like it. READ THIS BOOK VERY GOOD!
Rating:  Summary: The Outsiders Review: I think that the most important thing that the author wants the reader to know is how we are really like this in real life. There are really social classes.She wants you to take a step back from your life and ask yourself,where do I belong? Am I the stuck up snob? Do I judge others who are different from me? Or maybe am I the "outsider"? Why this is important is because this is all to real. We treat those who are different than us less than we treat those who are just like us. If we were all the same the word unique would hold no value. I think that S.E. Hinton does an outstanding job recreating everyday life.
Rating:  Summary: An Outside Look on The Outsiders Review: The Outsiders Written By S.E Hinton ... Period 3 The Outsiders is one of the most exciting books I have ever read. It is full of danger, which kept me eager to read on to the next page. The Book is mainly about hierarchy. There is one group called the Socs, and another group called the Greasers. The Greasers were of the lower class, refering to being the less fortunate. The Socs were of the higher class, refering to being very wealthy. Between both classes they shared the same atitude. Which left anger and hate between each class. The Socs were as tolerant as Hitler was to the Jews, same as to the Greasers. Though the difference between the Greasers and the Socs in this book is that they the Socs would go out looking for trouble to make with the Greasers, and the Greasers were more than terrified to face these Socs. It is common in many movies that I've seen that the Greasers would always dominate over the wealthy crowd, such movies as Cry Baby and Grease. In this case the wealthier class dominated over the Greasers, which made them the Outsiders. This Novel had seriously changed my overall prospect of what I thought about life back in the 50's. The writer made me confused because the Greasers were terrified of the Socs. I always thought socs were just rich squares, as the Greasers would put in Cry Baby. This situation kept me reading on. Not only that but alot of action and danger kept me reading on. It would take me at least to the fourth chapter to get to the exciting parts, though it only took me to the second page and I was already leaping for the next page eagerly to know what would come next. The book was very interesting because the excitment took place before the rising action, and the climax. Thats one of the reasons why I like this book."Johnny was one of the smaller guys in the gang, we kind of felt sorry for him because he got torn up by the socs, he was even pulled to his head with a gun, and the socs left him on a street, blood all over his body, the socs had given him a haircut"As Pony(one of the Greasers)described."I had started to run though it wasn't untill I was grabbed that I noticed that they were the socs.They had threaten me, that they were going to give me a haircut, I reached for my pocketknife in my boot though it was too late." If you are one of those people who hate reading till the next chapter to see if something exciting happens, read The Outsiders, it will have you leaping out of your chair in excitment. The Outsiders is action packed, with street fights, conflicts between classes, and even homicide. I liked this book because of the climax.
Rating:  Summary: A Very Good Book Review: Well, I first saw the movie The Outsider's in my English class. I REALLY liked it and decided to read the book. Once I started reading I couldn't put the book down. It was so attention grabbing. Once I read on sentence i had to read the next to se what was going to happen. This book is probably one of then best books I have EVER read! The book also had a theme behind it. Another book I would recomend if you like The Outsiders is.. That Was Then This Is Now. SE Hinton is a GREAT writer. She is just awesome!