Rating:  Summary: What price are you willing to pay to have a worry-free life? Review: In The Giver the reader meets a young boy named Jonas who lives in a utopian community of harmony, peace and contentment. No one is hungry, no one is unemployed, all have shelter and security.The reader follows Jonas as he goes through a very important ceremony. Upon turning twelve, all boys and girls are given their lifetime job assignments. Jonas is bewildered and astonished to learn that he has been selected for the prestigious job of the new Receiver of memories. As Jonas receives the memories of the world from the old Receiver, now called the Giver, several astonishing truths become clear. Jonas's community is peaceful and content, but this peace comes at a steep price. The Giver's memories open Jonas's eyes to a wonderful new world of weather and color and love that the community is totally ignorant of. With the awareness of these joyful things Jonas must also learn of the horrors of starvation, agony and war. When Jonas learns that the baby his family unit has been caring for has been scheduled to be killed, he must decide, based on his new wisdom and knowledge, if he can find a way to save the life of the baby he has grown to love. In this Newbery Award Winning utopia (or is it a distopia?) Lowry excellently reframes the eternal question of safety versus the freedom to choose for oneself. This is one of those books that hits you like a ton of bricks, and then sticks in your head for days. Very thought-provoking and well done. One of my personal favorites.
Rating:  Summary: Please Read This Review: In The Giver twelve year old Jonas has to become the Giver. The Giver alone holds the true memories of the true pain and pleasure of life. The giver was written by Lois Lowry. It also won the Newberry award in 1994. Jonas lives in a community. He has many friends including his best friend Asher. He has two sisters named, Lily and Gaberiele and his two parents. His life is just perfect. Now that he turns twelve he has to become the Giver. In the beginning he dosn't want to be the Giver. Towads he dosn't mind because he enjoys seeing the memories although some are painful. I would give this book three out of five stars because there are hard words and it is hard to understand. I don't reccomend this book to you because it is hard to understand. Some other books by this award winning author are "A Summer to Die and Number the Stars."
Rating:  Summary: An Imperfect Society In An Almost Too-Perfect World Review: In The Giver, Jonas is struck with the supreme reality of the task he must take. The task to feel ,hear, touch and reach worlds never found. How tutumulous for a 12 year old such as he, but Jonas takes a journey through time and possibility to fufill his ultimate task.
Krystle Beauchamp (krystle1@att.net)
Rating:  Summary: A Utopian-Like Society is Not What it Was Cut Out to Be Review: In The Giver, Jonas, a twelve-year-old boy, discovers the real truth about his utopian-like community. We don't exactly know where this community's setting is, but we do know it has a different environment than ours. It is not like an ordinary living environment like yours and mine. Why? Because Jonas' community has no color, feelings, music, love, or even changes in the weather. In this isolated town, the citizens also do something that is called release, which is when the community kills a person. All is not negative though. For example, one thing the characters get from being a part of this society is not ever having to starve because their food is delivered to the people's homes everyday. This book is about Jonas who learns the truth about his community and wants to break free from it when he sees his father doing something that is not the right thing to do. Then, Jonas realizes that his life is not what he really wants, so he makes a decision that will affect him and the community. One thing you have to think about when you are one of the citizens in this society is. . . Is it worth it to give up things that you might want in your life for things that you need? I, for one, don't think it is worth it to be in this community because there are too many things I would have to give up, and I couldn't handle that. The problem with leaving the community is to separate yourself from this society which is a hard thing to do. Jonas leaves behind friends, and most importantly, the Giver. The Giver is the most important citizen because he is the one who takes away all the memories of the society to make the community perfect. In the end, Jonas gets what he has been waiting for all his life: a life with choices and love, an imperfect society, but basically, a better life. After reading this book, I feel the message is to live the life of your choice as much as you can. This book isn't my favorite kind of book because I like more actions and mystery, but it is well thought out and written, so I give it four stars.
Rating:  Summary: Read this review if u like. HEHEHEHAHAHA!!!!!§§± Review: In the Giver, the main character, Jonas, lives in a perfect, organized world. There is no crime, poverty, or prejudice, and everyone's happy, and everyone has a job, there's even control of the weather. And whenever someone was not able to function in the world, they were "released". Everything is assigned; spouses, jobs and even kids are assigned. You get your job when you are twelve, at the ceremony of twelve's, there is also a ceremony for the other years, but this is the most important. Well, Jonas is assigned for a particularly special assignment. He was chosen to be the receiver of memories, who kept all the memories, feelings, and knowledge from Jonas's community and for everywhere around the world. The previous receiver gives Jonas all the memories, and he has to keep them. But Jonas thinks that the memories belong to the people, and secretly him and the Giver devise a plan to give them back. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a book that you cant put down. Parts of it are hard to understand, and I'd only recommend it to someone who is a decent reader of all books. The book offers characters that you can relate too, and a brilliant plot. If you're in the mood from a great book don't miss this one!
Rating:  Summary: There is a reason for pain in this world. Review: In The Giver, the world has been removed of all things that
would cause grief or sadness in any way. As a result,
all things which bring happiness are also removed. For
example, motherhood is reduced to a science where parents
are genetically picked. Then two children are given to each
set of couples who needs children yet. Race and ethnicity
are removed by removing color from the world. Memories cause pain as well, so they are removed from the people's
minds. Pills are taken to supress sexual feelings. Everyone
is happy. Or are they? This is a great read-aloud for the family on a long car
trip. It makes for good discussions.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Lets Your Imagination Soar Review: In the Giver, you can let your imagination soar.
You can pretend you are part of Jonas's world. Where everything is the same and plain. Where people have to buy babies from birthmothers and their career is chosen for them. Where everyone has the same "birthday". Everyone is trapped with
no knowledge of the outside world. But Jonas is chosen by the Giver for a special job that is painful some days and wonderful others. With the
Giver's help, Jonas makes a very important decision
that will save him and a friend from being trapped forever.
Rating:  Summary: Review of The Giver Review: In the novel "The Giver" from Lois Lowry is about a young boy named Jonas who lives in a community. In this community there is no color and no music and so on. There are very much rules that everyone has to keep. When Jonas gets his assignment as the new Reciever of Memory, he gets the bad experience of the community. He looses his friends because everything is a lie. He wants to escape to help the community. Our opinion is that we think the novel is not realistic but it is very interesting and exciting.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: In the novel, THE GIVER, the author Lois Lowry uses futuristic details to create an excellent story. In the begining, everything in the Sameness community is perfect, there is no fighting there is no pain. But there are also no choices. Every citizen is assigned a job in the community, a spouse, a life and destiny. There are no changes and things always stay the same. Until the day that Jonas, a twelve year old boy is selected as the new Giver."He has been selected."He is faced with the pain and true pleasurable memories that most people in his small controlled community have never felt or could ever imagine, Jonas is also faced with the choice whether to live in a world with no feelings and no choices or to leave the sheltered life he has been used to for so long and pursue a life of love and happiness that the people in his community have never experienced.The choice is his. With the small child, Gabe, who has been living at Jonas' family unit, Jonas makes his decision. He decides that the sweet child deserves a life outside the community. They make a dangerous escape and for days they discover new and exciting things they have never seen before. They have left the comfortable place where meals and supplies were delivered right to their doors, to a place where they are starving and cold. But Jonas keeps going, he knows that there is something waiting for him and Gabe at the end of the road. He would rather die than live without the true feelings of life
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Book Review Review: In the small community life is perfect. There are no choices, no pain and nothing can go wrong. Jonas is an eleven and the day when all eleven's not only turn twelve but each individual eleven is assigned a role in the community is coming closer and closer. Although Jonas is unaware what he will be assigned he knows the elders have been watching him and will choose what they know is right for him. He is nervous but the feeling deep inside him is anxious for the day to arrive! The day of the ceremony comes and Jonas watches the ages before him go by making him extremely anxious. Jonas sees his friends and the people before him get their assignment's but when he is next something extremely odd happens. He is skipped! For the first time he finds himself different and singled out. The chief elder announces Jonas as the receiver of memories, everyone else seems to know what it is but Jonas. Jonas receives a small list of instructions and is to report to the annex behind the house of old for his training. At training Jonas realizes what his job really is. He is to hold the memories from the past in his mind. The giver holds all memories from the past of pain and pleasure and is to give them to Jonas. The memories Jonas receives from the giver's strong but comforting touch are memories of the past with pain, color, unlikeness, feelings and love. The giver has come up with a plan but this plan includes great risks for Jonas. What will Jonas do and how far will he go to achieve it? I loved this book! It is extremely different and definitely original. I could not imagine living in that community were everything is the same and the people feel nothing. This book is unbelievable and the characters and plot make this book fun and exciting to read. The strange "world" in which Jonas lives in is unimaginable and is interesting to picture in your mind. I would recommend this book to people who like adventures and books that let you mind wonder and explore the fascinating settings and characters of a story!