Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review For VHS Review: I thought that "the Giver" was a very good book. It really makes you feel for the people who are involved in the story. I was kind of upset because of hoe the people lived. It was very disturbing and is kind of a wakeup call for the plunge that society today is taking. I hope that their society isn't like a foreshadow about what ours might become. The lead character was a very heroic boy who was only 12 years old and by how the society was, had to start his working life right away. I really did think that the giver was a really good book.
Rating:  Summary: Pain in "The Giver" Review: I thought that one of the most interesting elements in "The Giver" was the way in which the Giver introduced Jonas to pain. Lowry clearly distinguishes between types and degrees of pain. The first pain that Jonas experiences is the physical pain associated with sunburn. Jonas tells the Giver that he understands pain after feeling his skin burn. The Giver wisely tells Jonas that there are memories he must give Jonas that would be far more painful. Shortly thereafter, Jonas finds the Giver in anguish and asks if he can do anything to help. The Giver asks Jonas to relieve some of his burden by taking a war memory from the Giver. Jonas lies on the couch and finds himself in the midst of a post-battle scene. Jonas sees and hears a dying man, bloody and thirsty, asking for water. Next he hears the moans of all of the men around him, some crying for death, some for mommy. Jonas could never have imagined such a painful place. The community in which Jonas grew up not only prohibited such pain, it made it utterly impossible for its citizens to comprehend or feel such pain. Jonas experiences physical pain in the sunburn and later in the novel when he experiences, contrary to the prophecy of an adult earlier in Jonas' life, actual starvation. He experiences emotional pain in the transmitted memory of war, in the inability to be understood by his friends, and in the betrayal he felt when he learned of the underlying lies that were being used in the community he had grown up in without questioning. I rate this a 4-star book because I believe it is definitely better than average, it contains interesting ideas and concepts, and it deals with important and mature issues in a way that is accessable to a relatively young audience. I would have liked to read about what the effects of his "stirrings" had been. I also would have liked to gain some closure. The book ends in a way that leaves me wanting to hear more about "what happens." I respect the fact that Lowry leaves me to use my own mind to think about what would have happened and why. I only hope that Jonas didn't end up getting released.
Rating:  Summary: bam! Review: I thought that the book "the Giver" was well written and although the store line was very loose. Lois Lowery wrote some good dialog between characters, but I thought that the word choice could have been better. The storie was unorignal and it conterdicts it self alot. I had to read the book for summer school so we watched movies from the 70's that were almost the exact same thing as the Giver only 20 years earlier.
Rating:  Summary: IT WAS GOOD Review: I thought that the book the giver was vary intriguing. It was set in a time of peace and health ware the society that a boy named Jonas lived in was perfect. Jonas who was a who was a young boy was given at the age of 12 just like every other child at 12 an ability to get him by in his life kind of like a job. Jonas was given the gift of memories and he was able to feel unlike any other child in his society. The fact that the society was perfect in the book was probably the most interesting to me. That is not of the norm that it grabbed me right away it took me in to the book and made me imagine a society totally and completely different form are own it kind of in a way made me wish that that was how are world worked also because it was so well written. When Jonas was given the gift to use memories and was able to feel like all of the humans in are world feel every day it was kind of like some sort of culture shock to me that every on but him could not dream or feel. It was vary sci fi also and I enjoy books that have to do with the abnormal the interest me the most. It was kind of like reading what another alien type society might be like on another planet. I felt that this book was vary well written any book that can catch a persons attention who normally dose not read that much like it caught mine disserves a great book review. I felt that it was vary exciting from the begging to the end and I never stopped paying good attention to the reading. I enjoyed it a lot and I realized that this book was not like any other of Lowis Lowry's books and was written a lot different it kind of unique in a way I enjoyed it a lot and I give it 4 stars.
Rating:  Summary: The book was great for an imagination. Review: I thought that the book was great. My class read it for a project and we all loved it. I, including the rest of the students, read ahead of the schedule because we couldn't wait the extra day to see what happened. Although, at some spots of the book, it seems a little non-informative, it is still a great book. I would incourage everyone to read this book. You can sometimes predict what will happen but anyone would like it. At first, I thought that it was far-fetched, but it speeds up and you get caught in the book. I couldn't put it down.
Rating:  Summary: wierd Review: i thought that the book was very confusing. the community that it was placed in was extremely odd. I could not concentrate on the story because it was so strange.
Rating:  Summary: Great, fantastic, and short Review: I thought that the book, the Giver by Lois Lowery was a great book. I loved it, and if I had the time I would read it again and again. I thought the book made a great point, Stand up for what you believe in. The book also was very boring in the beginning but the author made it more interesting. In the end the author just wrapped it up really quickly and I thought I should have been a longer ending. Overall it was a great book!
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: I thought that The Giver was a realy good book but I thought it had a bad ending. I think Lois Lowry should write a sequal. Saying what hapened when he got to Eleswhere.You know pick up where he left of. He was riding down the sled and he could see and here Eleswhere when all the sudden the book stopped and ended. The book was so eciting and interesting that I could not put it down I wonted to read more and more. There was something new and ecciting on every page. Even though I thought The Giver had a bad ending I am still looking forward to reading more of his books I just hope they have a better ending!!!!!!!! Sincerley, Your BIGGEST fan
Rating:  Summary: My view on the giver Review: I thought that the giver was a very good book, it was very suspensful and I really got in to it. Some people may not like this book if you don't like sci-fi or if you are not a "in depth" reader. I loved it but the ending was a little confusing but a side from the begining I had to keep reading it was like a big magnet pulling me in and I'm only 13. Your parents might like this book, mine did.
Rating:  Summary: Lauren's review Review: I thought that The Giver was an excellent book. I loved the way that Lois Lowry depicted a world without memories of legends. It was an original plot, and I think it would be scary if such a thing really did happen, that the entire world lost touch with its roots, save for one person burdened with having to keep the memories. This one person, the Receiver, had to then call upon the memories to help save the community in the book. I know that if something like that ever did happen, Franklin MA. and Franklin High School, not to mention the rest of the world, would be devoid of all emotion. This would be devastating because we need emotions to be human.