Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: I recomend the book the Giver by Lois Lowry to 12 year olds. This book is good because it is different from our world. There world is so painless and not exciting. The community doesn't have to choice anything. Everthing there is under control. Jonas, almost a 12, is starting to train for the new Reciever and is trained by the Giver. The Giver has memories of the true world and of the past. Jonas experiences new things that he never knew.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: I recommend The Giver by Lois Lowry. I would recommend this book because it was very different from all the books I've read but also very enjoyable. Did you ever think you would be in charge of your tower when you turn 13.
Rating:  Summary: Intriguing Book Review: I recommend this book because the author, Lois Lowry, wrote it with great detail describing everything and putting a picture in your head. The book is about a boy named Jonas, he is 11 3/4 years old. In the place he lives, his community has a ceremony for when you become twelve. You get assigned a permanent job that you have to keep. Jonas is worried about what job he will get and none of the jobs seem quite right for him. The only bad part of the book is the ending seems sped up and rushed, but overall the book is a good book.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver - best book in the world!!! Review: I recremend this book to all of you because it is very diffrent then any other couminity in the world. This book setting is in a STRANGE couminity that dosen't have color, feelings, and freedom. The book is about this young boy named Jonas who is very scared about the ceremony of 12! This ceremony is for "12's" can start traning for their job. Jonas's job is the new reciver of memory. The Giver is his trainer. Find out what happenes to this young 12 year old in this strange but exiting book, The Giver!
Rating:  Summary: Could Not Put Down Review: I remember our teacher assigned this book in 7th grade english class, with only a week remaining in the school year, not nearly enough time to read a novel in a classroom setting. Nonetheless we began the first chapter, and as the rest of the class disregarded the assignment I not only read the first chapter, but the entire novel, in two nights. I simply could not put it down, and read it out of pure joy, not as an assignment. I fully intend on handing this novel down to my children when they are a similar age. It is written wonderfully and is amazingly thought provoking. At a time in life when growing up is tough, it makes you realize all the beauty in the world and all that you have to be happy for. Even as an adult these virtues can be drawn from the text.
Rating:  Summary: Extremely thought-provoking, riveting but also disturbing Review: I remember the way I felt after I had seen "The Day After" (that made-for-TV movie from 1983), and I honestly feel that this book has the same power to make you think about what might be AND then appreciate how wonderful and beautiful our world is--despite its many flaws. I'm currently getting my MLS in order to be a children's librarian, and I read THE GIVER to familiarize myself with some of Lowry's work. This book blew me away. I wish that the younger readers who gave this title only one or two stars could be part of a discussion with other readers who got more out of the book, because everyone should understand what the author is trying to say here...about the dangers of a homogeneous society where everyone thinks the same thing and there is no diversity and no imagination. Believe me, this is a book that will stay with you long after you finish reading the final page... With its 390 customer reviews, I think this could well be the most highly "customer reviewed" children's book at Amazon.com and that says A LOT about how this book has that rare ability to evoke a visceral response...Unfortunately there are too few books are like that--books that really strike a chord and make us THINK.
Rating:  Summary: Read This Book, Then Have Your Child Read It. Review: I remember this book very well from when I read it as a child. I advise parents looking for a book for their child to get this one if they are looking for an intellectual, thought-provoking, and captivating story. I recommend that a parent read the book first in order to be able to help your child understand it when they come to you with questions. The book may seem like a pleasant fiction book, but it has much deeper meaning about society. The book is set in a Utopian society (you may need to explain this to your child) where people live orderly and monotonous lives, until one boy is chosen for a special career of being the keeper of memories that existed before the society was created and he learns all that he was missing in life by being "perfect". The best reading age would probably be 10-15, depending on your child and your assessment of their ability to understand the subject matter. Parents, this is a great opportunity to get your child thinking, but make sure that they understand what they are reading and the message is not wasted!
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful book deserving of its award! Review: I rented the audiocassette to take on an 8 hour car trip. My husband and 11 year old son complained about having to listen to it--but were both saddened when it came to an end and wanted explanations! My 13 year old daughter and I loved it. I was so touched by Jonas strength and compassion for Gabe and I was so impressed by the ending of this story. I like it when the author leaves part of the story for the reader to figure out and think about. It is a sign of a good book if you have to actually go inside yourself for some of the answers.I thought about this book for days and was thorougly impressed with this newberry award winner.
Rating:  Summary: What a wonderful book! Review: I sat down on a long car ride deciding to read this book rather than be bored (which is what I expected to become reading the book or not). But I was NOT bored. The book was so astounding. It makes you feel sad to think of such a community ever existing. And even the people themselves being so brain-washed and ignorant to know how their "perfect life" is so controlled is a scary thought. I can read this book again and again. I definitely recommend The Giver to any reader, no matter what age.
Rating:  Summary: Just as thought provoking as 1984, but much easier to read. Review: I seldom give 10's, but this one was close. Read it while in a hospital waiting room. My sister, an AP English Teacher, gave it to me to browse through. Within minutes I was hooked (just like the days when I was young and would climb a tree and hide so I could devour a mystery without interruptions. Absolute Control is tempting for those who have never experienced it or are ready to give up their individualities.
This book will be added to the "most memorable" reading list, along with 1984, Brave New World, Looking Backward, Fahhrenheit 451, Lord of the Flies, etc.