Rating:  Summary: This is a great book, I would recommend it to anyone. Review: Great book. If you like science fiction and enriching your imagination, read this book. Lowry is a truly superb writer. I would enjoy reading one of her others also.
Rating:  Summary: If you enjoy new experiences than read "The Giver" Review: Have you ever had the feeling that you know of things that are too painful to describe? Or even things that seem too wonderful and happy to even begin to explain? If this describes you perfectly than you have to read or reread The Giver by Lois Lowry. This book is about a young boy named Jonas who's life has been the same for the past twelve years until the day he gets passed down the job of Giver! He begins to experience pain and suffering in our world today. These feelings are so strong to him because he lives in place called the ''Community'' where everything is perfect, nothing goes wrong and there is no pain at all. As he learns more about these new experiences he begins to unveil the secrets oh the ''Community.'' All in all, I highly recommend reading it and it's a great buy! -Julia C. Viegas
Rating:  Summary: Review of the Giver Review: Have you ever imagined yourself in a "perfect" world? Where there is no war, battles, pain, suffering or even love. Well, in this science-fiction book The Giver by Lois Lowry, The main character, Jonas didn't have to imagine it, he lived in a perfect world. Jonas was pretty satisfied with his world. Although, Jonas lives in a "perfect" world, there are some good and bad things about this world. Jonas lives in a town were everything is controlled by the elders. The weather that happens in the world is controlled. Your future husband or wife is not up to you. Or even the food you eat, are chosen by the elders. The elders control everything. When someone turns 12 years old, the elders assign a job for that person. They will have to do this job for the rest of their lives. When Jonas turned 12 years old, the elders assigned him the next Receiver of Memory. With this job, Jonas will go through tough times. Jonas's teacher is The Giver. The Giver will give Jonas memories that have been lost in the community. Jonas has no clue what will happen. If you like or are learning about similes or metaphors I suggest you read The Giver. You should read The Giver because Lois Lowry uses a lot of similes and metaphors in the book. I think that this book was interesting and mysterious. When you read the book, a lot of questions pop into your head. But at the end you start to connect the dots. I think that Lois Lowry made this book to making your self believe in things that you think that will never be true.
Rating:  Summary: The Perfect World is not always perfect. Review: Have you ever read a book that's so great you can't put it down to use the bathroom. Well if you read the The Giver you won't put it down.The Giver is by Louis Lowery. The book is in a place that's post to be the perfect world and the main person is Jonas and he becomes the Receiver of Memory. It's an inportant job and then he runs away but you will have to read and see what finds out what happens to him. This is one of the best books I have read and I would reccommened this book to 5th grade and up.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: Have you ever wanted to live in a 'perfect' world? In The Giver, Jonas lives in the 'perfect' world that does not have war, sickness, or hunger. Lois Lowry wrote The Giver in 1993. This Newbery award book is a futuristic science fiction about what could possibly happen in post-apocalyptic times. The theme of The Giver is 'life is boring and meaningless if everything is the same.' Although some things are hard and painful, those times make life interesting and worth living. Jonas is an ordinary boy in his community, except for one fact: he sees 'beyond.' At the age of twelve, all children go to a ceremony and receive their life job. Jonas was given the job of 'Receiver of Memory.' He receives all the memories of the past from the Giver. When Jonas grows old, he will be the Giver and give his memories to the new 'Receiver of Memory.' The memories are from hundreds of generations ago. Some memories are happy, while some are horrifying and very painful. The 'Receiver' keeps the memories so the people do not have to endure them. Therefore, people give up color, individual freedom, and responsibility. While Jonas is receiving memories, he realizes life was better when everything was not the same. Although there was violence, hunger, and sickness, life was more meaningful. Jonas and the Giver want to do something, to somehow bring more meaning to the community, but are not sure what to do. The Giver is a very interesting, yet different kind of book. It makes you think about what the world and the human race could become. It also makes you think about the importance of freedom and of diversity. I thought it was a good book; though some people might find it disturbing. For example, Jonas finds out what 'releasing' really is. He only knows it is the worst punishment in his community, but does not realize that it is a type of euthanasia or mercy killing. As a writer, Lowry uses very vivid and colorful verbs and adjectives. I would recommend this book to anyone who does not mind disturbing references and likes thinking of the future in a different way.
Rating:  Summary: A must-read book! Review: Have you ever wondered what the word "utopia" means? This book's about a utopia gone wrong. If you like those kinds of books, you will love this book because this is the kind of book that's for you. In this story you will find Jonas, a boy who lives in a place where everything seems right when it's really wrong. He discovers this after receiving a gift of memory of the past and present. Jonas fights to make his world right. We recommend this book to all. --Sterling Bradbury, Jesse Pho, Kelsey Jarrett and Heather Murrah in Ms. Marik's 6th grade class
Rating:  Summary: A book without profundity Review: Having read "The Giver" by Lois Lowry for the first time I liked the book because it was quite easy to understand. But this advantage of the book is also a big fault big fault because there is absolutely no profundity. The only protagonist, named Jonas, who lives in a community of "Sameness" realizes the mistakes of this collective life without any space for individuality and tries to break out from it. This is the material for a short story of 3 pages. But Lowry made a book of 150 pages out of it. That's why the story abounds with repetitions and the longer you read the more boring the book gets. But this is not the biggest failure. The most important weak point is the end. All is said there and when you put the book away there is nothing to think over. Good boks let space to think for your own but in "The Giver" there is nothing at all. So on the whole I would say that "The Giver" is not the right book for people older than 15 years because it's simply to light.
Rating:  Summary: A Praise to The Giver Review: Hello, I find the book is a very good english-written book. You can read it very simple and you understand it. It is not like a few other english books, which you can read, but you didn't understand them, because they are not written as straight forwardly.And it is a theme which can be reallity in some hundret years.I like it to read, but it'is too short.When you have read it you would that it will go on,so you are longer in this great fantastic world in Jonas. In the one who is chosen to be the first in this little state. It was much fun to read it and I would read more such books like the Giver.
Rating:  Summary: It's the best possible book of its subject. Review: Hello, my name is Alex Brunk. I'm in the seventh grade at Cadillac Middle School. I have read your book, The Giver. I thought it was interesting and unique. I don't think it needs a sequel. The reader having to make up an ending is another reason why I like it. Thank you for your time
Rating:  Summary: I REALLY ENJOYED THE BOOK Review: Hello,my name is Kristy Okoren. I'm 12 yr.old and in the 7grade. I go to the Cadillac Middle School. I'm writing you this letter because my class just got done reading, The Giver. We have also read Number the Stars, it was really sad and I'm glad that I wasn't around when that happened. So in Number the Stars did the two girls ever saw each other again? Well I think you should write another book that goes with Number the Stars, and why I think you should is because some people including me, would like to know if they ever saw each other or if they don't make it. We just got done reading The Giver. It was really wierd and I had a hard time understanding it. So can you help me understand why the community doesn't have the real parents take care of their children and why does the Birthmother have to be released after 3 children? I would like you to write another book that tells what happens to Jonas and Gabe. I would like them to still be alive and for them to start a new life and go on from there! Well I better finish my letter up to you by saying that I plan to read your other books and looking forward to a next series to The Giver and Number the Stars.