Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The main character in this book is a 12-year-old boy named Jonas. He lives in a community that knows no feelings, color, illness, poverty...in other words, they all live in a perfect community! In this community, everything is chosen for everyone. The indivuals cannot even choose their own destination! Jonas' destination of Receiver of Memories is chosen for him on his 12th birthday. There is only one Receiver of Memory in the community. His job as Receiver of Memory is to retain memories. You'll understand what is meant by that once you have read the book. This is an excellent book!
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The main characters of this book are called "The Giver" and the "Receiver." Jonas is a 12-year old boy who was chosen by the community to be the next "Receiver." This isn't your average community, this community is runned by the Council. They run it by advice that is given from The Giver. The one thing I liked about this book was that Jonas got to work with The Giver. I thought it was really cool that Jonas got to experience seeing colors, riding on sleds, snow, sunshine, sunburn and pain. Things that he never even imagined. That was one of my favorite chapters. The Giver's job is to pass along memories, emotions, feelings of pain, joy and happiness onto Jonas. Jonas' job is to receive them. One thing that I really didn't like was some of the Community rules. They were only allowed 2 kids per family. I think that kind of sucks that you get your kids assigned to you and you can't just have your kids yourself. They assign you 1 boy and 1 girl per family. They believe that any more would ruin the community. I feel sorry for most of the kids because they can't ride bikes until a certain age. You can't really do anything until they, the community, feel you are mature enough to do it. Overall, it was a great book and very interesting to read.
Rating:  Summary: Sameness is not a virtue Review: The most peculiar book that I really enjoyed is entitled The Giver by Lois Lowry. The Giver is about a boy named Jonas whose world is perfect. Everything is under control. There is no war or fear or pain. There are no choices. Every person is assigned a role in the community. When Jonas turns twelve, he is singled out to receive special training from the giver. The giver alone holds the memories of the true pain and of life. Now it's time for Jonas to receive and hear with the truth. This will cause a problem that Jonas cannot turn back on. Some of the things I learned from this book are that many people share fear and pain in the real world. But no one forces the pain on one person or another because that is selfish and cruel. However that is exactly what the members of the community forced on Jonas and the giver, which is completely wrong. I would recommend this excellent book to readers who are interested in weird, complicated, and different books. If I could compare this book to another such as The Pearl, I would rank them the same because they both were excellent books that I really enjoyed.
Rating:  Summary: No appropriate reading age Review: The most recent time I read this book it only took a matter of hours. It was required reading in both seventh and eighth grades, and now again in tenth. The notion behind this book is sound, however it fails to have a target audience. Its brevity makes it appealling to younger children, however most ten year olds would miss the deeper meanings imbedded in this novel. Older children, or adults, would I believe not appreciate this book because of its length. It would be much better to read Zamyatin or Huxley, if you are of an age to understand the sociopolitical issues that are behind this story. As a book, it is only of value as a diverting read for younger children, with minimal deeper meaning.
Rating:  Summary: Nasal, Monotonous, Flat - Disappointing. Review: The nasal and flat characters of this story. The very life, color, emotion was drained out of each of them. I know, that was the point. They gave up these things so that they could have "better" lives. The "1984" meets "Logan's Run" atmosphere permeated the entire turning of events. No end in sight. Although I pictured mostly the cheesy outfits of the "Logan's Run" movie. The "precision of speech" and the absolute droning manner of the dialogue continued to wear me down. Things like "comfort object" "requisition of ..." "bicycle port" after being said a few times I tuned them out completely. I could predict what the next words were going to be throughout the story - so consistent was the dialogue. I knew what "release" was from the start. I wasn't surprised to learn it was death. The whole numbering thing, the age and numbering thing, the numbering age and dress and social thing. I got it - I understood the point, but the author would beat every example into the ground - as if I might have forgotten. It was monotonous. I know, that was the point. Then Jonas meets the Giver - and I think - AHA! Here's the answer! And then the memories come and I think - AHA! Here it comes! But Jonas flees with Gabriel and they drift off into the eternal snows - "or maybe it was just an echo." So 1) Did they die? 2) Did they find "elsewhere"? 3) Was Jonas just playing make-believe the whole time? It was like one of those movies that after sitting through the whole thing the main character wakes up from a dream. It left me feeling cheated. And then I saw it was written in 1993 - I could have almost forgiven the book if it came from an earlier era - the '50's or '60's I could have almost forgiven it... almost.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The Newberry Award winning novel The Giver, by lois Lowry, is an odd yet exiting book. It takes place in the future where everything is the same. There is no color. There is no music. There is a rule for everything. There are no families. The temperature is always the same and you don't get to pick what you want to do in life. The main character's name is Jonas. In the community when you turn twelve, you are assigned a job. When it was Jonas turn, they gave him the job of "Receiver". The last apprentice failed the job ten years ago. The Receiver's job is to receive the community's memories from the Giver. He gets some memories that are good and lots that are bad. Jonas finds out that children that aren't perfect are "released". One day his father brought home a baby boy who is was going to be released. His name was Gabriel. Jonas decides to run away from the community with the baby. He runs to a place in the world where everything isn't controlled, and decides he wants to stay there. He realizes that imperfection and beauty are more important than perfection and a world that is gray.
Rating:  Summary: My impression of the book Review: The novel "The Giver" by Lois Lowry deals with a boy who lives in a strange community and who find out what real life means. In the community where he lives the people don`t know what love is, they havn`t feelings. But there are one person who has all the memories yet, and the boy has been chosen to receive them. But with the new feelings he can`t live in the community, and together with his teacher, who give him the memories he makes a plan to escape.... I like this book, because it gives you a new point of view of your life. It makes you think about your life and the future. The novel is very exciting! Only the ending doesn:t please me becaus you don`t know what will happened....
Rating:  Summary: My own review Review: The novel "The Giver" by Lois Lowry is a very interesting book about a fantasy story.For german people it is very difficult to read without the vocabulary. The story has a lot of exciting parts. But the ending of the novel is unclear and there are often questions which are not answered. Sometimes the novel is a little bit boring but all in all it is ok.
Rating:  Summary: L. Lowry's novel "The Giver" reviewed by german students Review: The novel "The Giver" contains many interesting facts about a science fiction world, that is completely controlled. However, there are some aspects that aren't really clear, so that you have to imagine the answers for yourselves, e.g. the open end and why this world was created. Undoubtedly these unanswered questions make this story even more exciting. All in all it's a very interesting story that is thougt-out well.
Rating:  Summary: Review of the book "The Giver" Review: The novel "The Giver" from Lois Lowry is about a boy named Jonas who lives in a community. In the community there are no colors, no animals, no seasons and no hills. When Jonas is selected as the new Receiver he sees that nothing is so nice as it seems. He and the Giver want to change the community. And for that they plan Jonas escape. The novel is very excited and it makes fun to read it. It is an unrealistic story.