Rating:  Summary: Why Banned?? Review: The Giver By Lois Lowry The Giver is about a future society where everything has gone to "sameness." The weather, colors, and daily routine are the same for everybody in the community every single day. The government has done this to create a "perfect" life for everyone. They have completely eliminated choices! The only problem is that they have to store the memories with one person. No one else besides the Receiver knows a thing about the past,. It is a huge burden to bear. The Giver, the old Receiver, and Jonas, the young, new Receiver have decided that it is time to release memories to the rest of the community. Through this book, Lois Lowry warns against the dangers of losing our rights of basic freedom. This book has been banned because of the references to euthanasia, infanticide, and violence and sexuality, but I feel that this book is appropriate for the age group to which it was directed. The issues that this book reveals are very real in today's times and today's children are the ones who need to learn how to deal with these topics. I feel that she did a favor for the society of the future by introducing young readers to these topics that could very possibly get out of hand if not dealt with.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The Giver By Lois Lowry The Giver is an enjoyable book about a boy who is 11 turning 12. He lives in a community that is all the same, If there are twins one gets "realeased," when you are 12 you are considered an adult and you are given your job. They feel no pain, The weather is always purfect.... But Jonas isn't satisfied... and the Council of Elders is about to give him the most difficult Job of all. He alone will feel the pain.....
Rating:  Summary: Unjust Accusations Review: The Giver By Louis Lowry The Giver is about a future society where everything has gone to sameness. The weather, colors, and daily routine are the same for everybody in the community every single day. The government has done this in order to create a "perfect" life for everyone. They have completely eliminated choices! The only problem is that they have to store the memories with one person. Not one other person knows a thing about the past. There are no memories for anyone, happy or sad, except for the Receiver. It is a huge burden to bear. The Giver, the old Receiver, and the Receiver have decided it is time to release memories to the rest of the community. Louis Lowry really warns against the dangers of losing our rights of basic freedom. The author is definitely one for freedom of choice. This book was banned because of the references to euthanasia, infanticide, and violent and sexual passages. I feel that this book is appropriate for the age group to which it was directed. These are real issues in today's times and today's children are the ones who will deal with these topics the most. I feel that she did a favor towards the future's society by introducing the youth to these topics that could very possibly get out of hand if not dealt with.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The Giver BY Tori Hall I thought the book The Giver was ok. The beginning of the book started out good but as the book went on I found that it got strange. The book took on a very science fiction sense as it got into the book. The book changed from being a book about a different community to being a book that kept talking about people killing other people with shots. I found it changed around too much through out the book to really enjoy it. And last of all the ending left me confused. I did not know if the main character Jonas had died or if he found A different place or what. I think another factor that made me not really enjoy the book is the fact that we had to read it for school. When you are forced to read something you do not enjoy it as much as if you choose to read it.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The Giver By: Lois Lowry Reviewed by: E. Lee Period: 5 In this book, Jonas, the main character, lives in a perfect world. Here, all the people are assigned jobs and there isn¡¯t any war or pain. As time goes by, Jonas becomes a Twelve and receives an assignment. As easy it may seem, Jonas becomes encouraged for it is a big change that is going to appear. Now as a Twelve, everyone is counting on him for he receives a special assignment. Jonas receives the assignment of being the next Receiver of Memory. The reason why I like this book, The Giver, is that it showed the same experience as what I went through. In this book, Jonas goes through a stage where he receives a job that he has to complete. ¡° Jonas was identified as a possible Receiver many years ago. We have observed him meticulously. There were no dreams of uncertainty.¡± This reminds me of all the things I had to do as I reached a certain age. Every time I read this book, it showed me that even though you receive a job, you should always try to accomplish it without a complaint. In other words, this book showed me of all the burdens that might pull you down, but you should always try to do your best to release the burden. For that, The Giver was a book I was fond by. Another reason The Giver was my favorite book is where this book took place. Here in the world where Jonas lives, the people can¡¯t feel pain. ¡° Jonas¡¯s world is perfect. Everything is under control. There is no war or fear or pain.¡± Also, the world is peaceful without a war to be insight. Comparing this world to the world we live in, there is a big difference. In our world, wars and pain are all felt by the citizens while in Jonas¡¯s world, they don¡¯t. It always seemed to come into my mind the fact that our world can¡¯t be in peace while Jonas¡¯s can. For this, I desire to live a world in peace and somewhere with out pain. My favorite part would have to be when Jonas¡¯s friend, Asher, called ¡°snacks¡± ¡°smacks¡¯ when he was in hi Threes. Long ago, Asher wanted a snack for he was hungry. When he went to the Chief Elder, he asked, ¡° Can I have some smacks?¡± After that, all the other Threes started laughing and told Asher that it was ¡°snacks¡± not ¡°smacks¡±. This was my favorite part because when Asher said ¡°smacks¡±, I thought he wanted a slap. This was my favorite part for it provided a sense of humor as the book continued.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The Giver By: Lois Lowry Reviewed By: Jason Yeh Per. 2 This book is about a community where Jonas lives and Jonas life. The community was normal and everything was Sameness. They had the annual ceremonies which celebrated the aging of children and selection of new jobs for the Twelves. Jonas spent his volunteer hours as an Eleven at many different places. When the day of Jona's ceremony finally begins, everything goes by slowly until all the Elevens were Twelves and started working. The headperson skipped Jonas number and gave the rest jobs. The citizens figured out and started wondering. The headperson apologizes and tells Jonas that he was going to be given the job as next receiver of memory which was a highly honored job. When his job began, Jonas met the current receiver and became friends with him very quickly. The next few weeks, Jonas learned much information from the Giver. He received memories of pleasant things at first, but the Giver knew that it was his job to transfer pain to him. He transferred light memories of pain and finally transferred a great pain to Jonas, "poverty." Jonas lives this life until the day he ran away with a newborn, Gabriel, who was about to be released. With the help of the Giver, Jonas escaped to another community. With few memories, he and Gabriel traveled many miles to try and reach another community. Finally, hey hear some music in the distance and knew they had reached their goal. My favorite part of the book was when Jonas received the memories. He was forced to bear with the pain but was relieved with a dose of happiness, love, and warmth. Receiving the memories seemed exciting and unexpecting. He didn't know how much pain he would receive. I enjoyed this book because it was very tense and had a good plot line to it. "JONAS, JONAS, JONAS, JONAS." This quote explains how the community was accepting the selection of Jonas as the next receiver. Unfortunately, he doesn't last very long. He decides to run away. "'He lied to me!' sobbed Jonas" This might have been one of the reasons Jonas wanted to run away. Since he was not used to being lied to, Jonas felt angry at his father when he lied to him. Overall, this book was still a wonderful piece of literature.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver By: Lois Lowry Review: The Giver By: Lois Lowry Reviewed By: S. Chang Period: 5 The Giver is about a boy named Jonas, who lives in a community that doesn [] let you have choices, with nothing like love, hate, music, color, emotions, weather, fear, and family. Everything is rules, rules, and rules. People live in the same routine, nothing new, no freedom; everything is the same and plain, even the weather. In this community, there is the [] Ceremony of Twelve[], a ceremony that chooses a twelve-year-olds job. Jonas is chosen to be the Receiver of Memory¡[], the most honored, painful, and rare job. Through this job, he is able to see the memories of the past, which shows him everything he doesn¡¯t have in the Community. He learns about emotions, weather, color, and family. Then he finds out what a controlled place he [is] living in.
The plot was very interesting and made me attached to the book and is very touching. Although I really enjoyed reading this book, it was too confusing. While I was reading The Giver, my mind became unorganized. It never really gives us an explanation of the Community, as if it assumes that we know about how the Community works, which we don[]t. I didn¡[]t even know there was no color for the people in the community until I read half of the book. I realized for the first time that the Community didn¡[]t have color when the Giver said, []Once, back in the time of the memories, everything had a shape and size, the way things still do, but they also had a quality called color.¡[] I also didn¡[]t know there wasn¡[]t weather in the Community until Jonas thought, []Suddenly the perceived the word from it: sunshine¡[]. My favorite part of the book is when Jonas first receives the memory of family and love. It finally gave him emotions, and it made him more like a person. I think the basic emotional needs are love and family. What is the difference from a robot from a human if there is no love and family? In the community, they erased love and family out of their lives, the basic emotions of a person. When Jonas received the memory of love and family, it made me think of Jonas more of a person.
Rating:  Summary: the giver Review: The Giver The novel, the Giver, by Lois Lowry is about a boy who is called Jonas. He lives in a community which seems to be a perfect world. In the Ceremony of 12 Jonas becomes the new Receiver of Memory. His live changes rapidely, because he learns how the real world looks like. At last he escapes. We find that its a nice story. The first part of the story was very boring, because it describes the Community. When Jonas becomes the Receiver of Memory the story began to be exciting. In the whole story there is not much action!!!!
Rating:  Summary: An excellent read!! Review: The Giver Imagine living in a world where someone else is controlling your life. Those people make important life decisions like whom you will marry and what your career will be. This is what Jonas's life is like. He lives in a perfect world where there is no hurt or fear. Jonas figures his life is good, until he receives his lifetime assignment and his eyes are opened to all of the things he has been missing out on. The village elders control everything in the community where Jonas lives. When Jonas turns twelve he is given his life assignment as the next receiver of memory. The present receiver is Jonas's teacher and trains him by giving Jonas memories. Through his training Jonas learns about things like colors, choices, love, hate, and war. These things didn't happen where he lived because they were thought to be dangerous. Jonas's job is to remember lessons of the past when people made their own choices. The Giver shows Jonas people in the past making bad choices that lead to hate and war. However, he also shared happy memories of people making good choices that led to things like love. Jonas is angered that his world cannot have these things. He wants to live in his own world where he can make his own choices. This book reads quickly but is very well written. Lois Lowry did an incredible job of showing us what a "perfect" world would be like and makes you realize that you would never want to live in one.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The Giver In the book the Giver by Lois Lowry a science fiction novel. Is a very exciting and adventurous story about a boy in a sameness community. Who sees everything very different from others. Jonas is eleven year old boy who lives in a sameness community. In the community there are a ton of rules for example you can only have two children one boy, and one girl. Once you reach the age of twelve which on Jonas mind is coming up everybody in December has I big ceremony celebrating there age, and when you are twelve you get assigned a job by the Chief Elder the leader in the community. The most important job you could be assigned is receiver of memory which Jonas was chosen for. He thought he was skipped because she did not say his number. Everybody has trainer and Jonas was the Giver he gave him memories of the past and could see color now because of the Giver but he could not tell anybody about his training. Later on in the book Jonas Dad a nurturer in the community had a job when there was two kids (twins) wit same name they have to choose the one that is the heaviest and his Dad had to kill the other baby. Jonas asked the Giver if he could see the tape of the neutering and he does, and after he has seen he tells the Giver he wants to apply for a release but you are not allowed to apply for a release. So what does he do? Jonas's motivations are when he does stuff like when he tried for an a release he did not think about it he just went and asked for one with out thinking and that is how Jonas is in the book. In every decision Jonas makes he never thinks about it first and then he ends up regretting his decision. He does it because he doesn't know about the consequences or does not think of any consequences that might happen. There for Jonas is a character who does thinks before he acts and later on pays for those mistakes. Jonas role in the book is he is the main character the center point of the story. Jonas is a wise, brave, persistent boy who sees everything different from other people and that is why he was chosen as receiver of memory. The Giver the man who is training Jonas is also the same as Jonas because the receiver of memory and the Giver are the same thing and that's why they were chosen for that position in the community. The strong points of the story are that it is very exciting and adventurous, and it makes you think like why did he do this? Another one it was a very descriptive book and, very easy to read and, follow along the author describes every little detail in the book. It is also very strong in describing the characters description and what they do and why. I don't think there are any weak points in the book because it is very, easy to read and, follow along, and follows the expectation for a science fiction novel and, it is very descriptive and, really good word choice. That's what I think of the Giver a really great book. By: Derek Rager