Rating:  Summary: It's not a book, it's an experience to change your life! Review: The Giver, a book written by Lois Lowry, is about a twelve-year old boy, Jonas, who has been chosen to be the Community's new Receiver of Memory. He has the ability to see beyond - see colors (the people in the Community do not see in color.) In training to be the new receiver, he experiences pain and pleasure unimaginable in the Communty, and thinks it unfair that the Community can not see these things... I think The Giver is a remarkable book and is great for all ages. Lowry's use of words really move you and that is what makes a great book even better. One scene in the story is where Jonas is receiving a memory of snow, and the crash. She describes the motion and pain so well, it feels like you're really there. I gave The Giver five stars, hands down because of the use of words, creative ideas, and the story itself. If you want to read a book you will really enjoy, select The Giver. : ) 7.3HEC
Rating:  Summary: This book was a great and fun filled book Review: The Giver, a fiction book, was written by Louis Lowery. The main character in this book is Jonas, he is a 11 year old soon to be 12. The community that Jonas lives in has no weather, everyone dresses the same, the people live in a strict society in which they control everything.Jonas is faced with many conflicts which he faces and overcomes. Louis Lowery keeps everything in the same state of mind, nothing changes from the conflicts to the setting. I think the way this book was well written and you should read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic and Fun Review: The Giver, a phenomenal book I just read really makes you think about someone else's life. Lois Lowry should be proud of all her work. This book is about a curious young boy who just became a man. He got the most important job of them all--to be the new Receiver. Getting his new job means that he will have to carry out the same job every day until the picking of a new Receiver. The time he would have to be the Receiver would be so long. Jonas would have to handle the pressure of knowing what's going on in the community. I think he should handle the job because it's only fair to the others who are doing their part. I also agree that they should be able to choose their jobs, but that's why their community is supposed to be perfect. It's like a secure little box where no one can get out of. No ones feelings are supposed to matter. They just do what they are told. That would be very boring. Like Jonas, other twelve year-old kids would get a job, maybe the law-maker who comes up with the rules. This book is great because it teaches you about what it's like not living a life how you want to live it. It shows the importance of having freedom. 7.3SJK
Rating:  Summary: Receiving The Giver Review: The Giver, a story focusing on a controlled world, with young Jonas being the major character, keeps the reader turning the pages. However, I wonder how much more or less eager I would have been to keep those pages turning had I not seen "The Truman Show", "The Matrix", or "Pleasantville." If you are considering reading this book and have seen those three movies, imagine a world that combines all of those movies. A world that to most is seen in black and white(Pleasantville), a world where pills are taken to maintain the present state of awareness(Matrix), and a world where all seem horribly unaware of an entirely different world outside the one in which they live(Truman). Having seen those movies made me aware in advance what otherwise might have been great surprises in the story. From minor hints and foreshadowing, I could pretty much guess what was going to happen next..there were no real surprises. Of course, I am not saying that this book is a rip-off of the big screen, the book predates each of the afore-mentioned shows. The story ended in a manner which begs a sequel, leaving more questions than answers. Some have criticized the book for some vivid descriptions concerning infanticide, but I've read far more gruesome details in my daily newspaper. Overall, my main thought the entire time reading the book was that I've heard this story before..but that is in no way any fault of the author.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The Giver, by Lois Lowery, was a beautifuly composed book. The character Jonas lives in a utopian community where "Sameness" is a rule. There is no pain (emotional or physical)or fear, just perfect calm living, designed by the society around them. Jonas escapes from his community to try and find out what the rest of the world is like, where there is pain and emotions and feeling. This book gives a thought to how our society acts today and how our community effects us.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The Giver, by Lois Lowry is a book of difference not sameness. The young reader will be intrigued by the many differences of this book. This book explores love, friendship, and differences, most things that teens experience in their every day life. This book was well written and was liked because of the... and wierd feeling of Jonas' world. This book recieves a 4 out of 5 stars. A very fine and well written book.
Rating:  Summary: Must Read Novel Review: The Giver, by Lois Lowry is a richly packed novel adventure. Lois Lowry skillfully fascinates her readers with a story that deals with real concepts such as, the meaning of life. This novel was so enjoyable because it allowed me to open myself up to new ideas and use my imagination to enter the world of Jonas. By the end of the first chapter I was so interested in the book I just couldn't put it down. I specifically enjoyed the way the author transformed the reader into the world of the main character, Jonas. The readers, like Jonas are asked to question their beliefs, dreams and uncertainties. This novel is so abundantly filled with adventure and imagination that I highly recommend Lois Lowry's, The Giver. It is an enjoyable experience that all should partake in, whether young in age or young in heart.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: The Giver, by Lois Lowry is a stunning novel richly packed with symbolsm and advnture.This is my faviort book that i have ever read because it is different in so many ways like the ending.I read this book in the summer of 7th grade and didn't quit understand it, but i read the book again in my 8th grade class and understud much more.This is a grate book for jr. high students and up.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review Review: The Giver, by Lois Lowry is a very boring book.The characters are very polite and appoligize way too much. The setting is very boring because it has no color. In this book the character Jonas is chosen to the Reciever of Memories.He dosen't like the fact that him and The Giver are the only ones who can feel pain.At the end of the book |Jonas makes a big decision. I feel that this book was very boring and has no action. I also thought this book was too long, but I like short books. This book has 180 pages. I didn't like this book because not everyone can feel pain.The part I disliked the most was when Jonas made his big decision at the end. I feel the author could have made his decision seem even bigger.I would have liked this better if Jonas would have shown more pain. I don't request this book to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Book Review: Why It Is An Exemplary Book Review: The Giver, by Lois Lowry is an exceptional book to say the least. It grabbes your eye and your attention and takes you along for a whirlwind ride to a time and place unimaginable to even the most creative of minds. Within a moment of opening the book, one is thrashed abrubtly into a fairy tale land in which emotions and freedom of choice are nonexistant. What I particuarly liked about this book was its ability to strech ones mind and imagination far beyond any normal boundaries. Being an American citizen and thus, accustomed to the American belief systems of freedom of choice, speech, religion, ext. it was fascinating to visit a place which was the complete antithesis of all that America stands for. One almost wonders while reading "The Giver" whether the major conceptual ideas relate to world history, with possibly America as "Elsewhere" which Jonas and The Giver frequently talk about, and a communist/fascist/dictatorship being where they are up until that point. I am unaware at this point during which time peroid "The Giver" was written, however, it is an interesting thought to say the least. Regardless, although I thought The Giver's compliance with Jonas's precipitious ideas came rather quickly (their runaway mission to Elsewhere), prehaps too quickly to say the least, I enjoyed the book and would list that as my only complaint if asked to do so. Also, I thought "The Giver" was extremly well written and not too verbose as many novels tend to with their superflous words which only confuse and slow the process of reading as opposed to intriguing and interesting which they are intended to do. Therefore, I truely enjoy the book "The Giver" and would recommend it to anyone looking for an escape, as I was at the time. For "The Giver" does just that, takes you to a faraway land where you can forget all your troubles and bask in the simple pleasures that belong (hopefully) to you, such as freedom of speech, religion, ext., that unfourtunatly, Jonas did not.