Rating:  Summary: Good Books are Hard to Come By Review: The Giver is an eye opening book of all genres. I couldn't classify this wonderful story under any category. The tale of a boy in the corrupt world that he lives in reminds me of where our lives are going. Other books by Lois Lowry are good, but this story is the golden age of realistic story telling that I have ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review Review: The Giver is an interesting book. It shows what is lost and gained by living in a world without differences. People in the community of The Giver make no important choices, they are told everything from who to marry to what career path to follow to what to eat. As children they are told how to wear there hair, when to start ridding bikes, and share one birthday with all other children. People in this community are safe, they think that they are happy and never call attention to the subtle differences that still exist just enough to make them seperate people. They can't see colors and never question the orders that are given to them via a PA system that exists everywhere in the community. In this story, the people of 'long ago' who were unique like we are today chose sameness because the wanted safety. Letting people make their own choices was too risky, not worth the freedom it brings because it is too easy for poeple to mke the wrong choice. Also, in a controled world with neither too much hot nor cold, with no decicions to be made, there is no pain, physical nor mental. But there is also no pleasure, no happiness, no love. These people aren't really living because they have no real feelings. They only think that they are happy because they don't know what they have lost, they don't know what happiness is. But in this story, as in life, pain, pleasure, wisdom and all types of things can be passed down by storytellers. Here this storyteller is The Giver, but he only shares his memories of real living with one person, who will in time share those saame stories with another single person, so as to have record of the outside world without disrupting the sameness. Jonas, the chosen Reciever of the memories, realises the price for safety is too high, and sacrifices himself to force his memories on the people. In the book, Jonas hs to leave the community and never return in order to share his memories, and after wandering for many days, he thinks that his has found Elsewhere (the place outside the Community of sameness)But we never really know if his found his destination or if he died on the way.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The Giver is an intriguing story about a possible futuristic utopian society - a "perfect world" in which there is no pain, sadness, or discontent. One man in the community, the Giver, receives all the memories - pleasant and unpleasant - of the entire community. Jonas, a young boy, is assigned the position of Giver and begins to experience the memories of thousands other people. Jonas, having experienced life out of the perfect society, begins to realize the utopia is not as wonderful as it may have seemed; while the citizens do not experience pain or sadness, they do not experience color, or music, or any true pleasant feelings. Learning more, Jonas sees the truth behind the utopian society: people are just slaves to their ignorance and cannot think for themselves. Jonas decides that the only way he can free the citizens is to run away from the community, releasing the memories of the past.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The Giver is an okay book, it wasn't something that I would read again, it was kind of like a one-time read. It had good parts but I liked some of Louis Lowry's other books better, the ending isn't great but if you have an "open mind" it should make sense. It's a good book except the reading level was a little low and the ending wasnt very good, but besides that it was okay.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The giver is an outstanding book. This book shows how the lives of the people in the community is different than that of ours. Their life was more protected and kept to themselves than ours is. Our life is just plain out unpredictable. At first I thought the book was boring because I dont usually like how books just take so much time in explaining the background of the story. I like books that just start out with the story then slowly have flash backs and tell what happened in the past. This book got interesting when Jonas became the Reciever of memory. Therefore I liked the book and i recomend that many people should read this.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver By Louis Lowery Review: The Giver is an unusual science fiction story, about the perfect society. Jonas is the main character, and the oldest child in his family unit. In this perfect society, each family unit can have one male and one female child. This community has a committee, who chooses your spouse, and after a few years you can apply to have children. Each child has to stay with its age group. There are ones and twos, threes and fours, until the age of 12. There is a ceremony of the twelve year olds, and they are each given their assignment/job. At the ceremony of the twelve year olds, Jonas was skipped.This was very unusual, but he was skipped for a very good reason. He was to be the new giver, the holder of all memories. I thought that the book was wonderful. It made me stop and think that our lives and lifestyles aren't that bad. It also made me think that we take little things for granted; things like color, music, making dinner, and the freedom to love. Those are things you don't notice until they are gone. I would recommend this book to someone that is looking for another world.
Rating:  Summary: A Challenging and Intriguing Book for Today's Young Adults Review: The Giver is certainly an intriguing book that would most certainly challenge the perception and knowledge of any young adult who reads it. Through a young man named Jonas' journey into self-discovery and such profound incidents as seeing colors for the first time and feeling the horrid sting of true fear and pain in a world, which is so controlled and monitored that the people around him will never understand unless he finds the strength to share it with them. Showing us that a world of ignorance and perfection is by no means what it should be and forcing readers into considering their own reality and how the world around you must always be questioned, even presenting us with parallels into our current state of the world. Hopefully showing some young readers what it means to analyze the society around them and the barriers that societies build up, which sometimes must be broken. However, this is a mature book, even though it is a middle school reading level it deals with complicated situations and emotions, which some young readers may find upsetting and confusing. This doesn't mean it isn't a great book, but best for a mature young adult. A great discussion tool and definitely a book some kids will never forget.
Rating:  Summary: Imaginative and thought provoking, but lacking detail. Review: The Giver is entertaining. It makes you think about moral and philosophical questions. However I feel that many of the characters' personalities were not explored enough. The ending also left too many loose ends and did not give enough closure.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver that Gives a Whole Lot Review: The Giver is five times better than I thouht it would be. Usually, school books are not very much fun to read. They try too hard to teach you something. Well, sinceI read the Giver, I've changed my mind; it was GREAT. It's the best school book I've ever read. This great book is about a boy named Jonas who lives in a utopian world. Jonas is the receiver of memories in his community because no one else in the town has any memories. He finds this out by seeing several memories of the real world. He finds out that his world is just a colorless, emotionless pleace where no one has any enjoyment using the senses. Jonas can't believe this! He is discouraged ans appalled when he finds this out. He runs away looking for the real world. I loved this book because it has an excellent plot, and I loved the ending because you make up the last part yourself. I thought the ending was extremely suspenseful. The setting of The Giver is in a small village. The main charecters in The Giver are Jonas, the receiver of the town; the Giver, the man who gives Jonas the memories; Asher, Jonas' best friend; and Fiona, the girl whom Jonas likes. Th econflict in the book is when Jonas realizes that his world is all the same and that people are not given the choices to experience or feel and to be free and live in a real world. Thsi makes Jonas feel differently about everybody in his life and makes him want to run away. You will be surprised by the way he resolves this conflict. I thought the idea of having a person who actually receives memories was intriguing. A utopia which takes away personal freedom is not worth having! I highly recomend this book. It is fun to read and it will make you think.
Rating:  Summary: An Exciting and Incredible Novel Review: The Giver is hands down one of the best novels I've read. The 1994 Newbery Medal winning-book by Lois Lowry. The Newbery Medal honors the most outstanding contribution to children's literature published in the prior year. The Giver provides fantasy with enough realism that you find yourself comparing things to the world we live in. The Giver is about Jonas, a child living in a particular community. In his community, individuals do not get to choose their own careers. You are observed throughout your schooling and required volunteer hours, and a job that fits your aptitudes is selected for you. So Jonas is looking forward to the ceremony where he receives his assignment, or job. Jonas soon discovers that he has not received any ordinary job. He has been named as the new "Receiver of Memories." Only one person has this job at any time, and the old one is ready to retire. Before the old one, whom Jonas comes to call "The Giver," can retire, he must pass on all of his knowledge to Jonas. Through the course of his job training, Jonas discovers that his society isn't all it's cracked up to be. The more he finds out about other societies, the more dissatisfied he becomes with his own. However, his society can only be changed in one way, and that way can be deadly. What does Jonas decide to do? You'll have to read and find out! The best thing about this book was the way it kept me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. Wherever I thought the story was going, that's not where it went. New twists, turns, and ideas were found on every page of every chapter. Even things that are familiar to you will be seen from a new perspective.