Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The Giver is an amazing book, especially if you love fantasy books. It can be a little bit hard to follow sometimes, though, but usually if you read the section over you can get it. I only understood it when I read it again in 6th grade(I read it for the first time in 4th grade). Try it!
Rating:  Summary: The Greatest Giver Ever!!! Review: The Giver is an amazing book. It's about the life of a boy named Jonas and the society in which he lives. Jonas lives in a world where they choose sameness over risk. Everyone has the same amount of people in their family. Everyone can only see black and white. Everyone follows rules exactly. No one can hear music. No one has individual birthdays, instead everyone is born in the same year and all become "ones" together, then "twos" together, then "threes". There is a ceremony for each year. At the ceremony for "nines," everyone receives the same birthday gift, a bicycle. This society does not know real death, does not know pain and does not know love. Everyone thinks the same and acts the same. They choose sameness over individuality because there are no risks. No one can get hurt. There are no problems. At the ceremony of "12's," the kids get assigned jobs. Jonas is assigned to be the Receiver, a very honored job, but does not know what the Receiver does. As Jonas trained with the elderly Receiver, he learned that the receiver held all the people's memories of when there was pain, suffering, death and war. The Receiver also held all the memories of real love, true happiness and individuality. As the Receiver, Jonas learned of these emotions, as well as learned the existence of color and music. The Receiver kept all the memories away from the society to protect the people from suffering, but for years the Receiver had been trying to think of someway to allow society to share the memories, so the society could learn real pain and true love and get rid of sameness. Once Jonas started his training, the Receiver became the Giver and Jonas became the Receiver. Together they came up with a plan for Jonas to run away to the true world which existed outside the boundaries of the community and as he ran the memories would be released into the community and sameness would be lost forever. What is so interesting is that this story could take place in the past, present or future. Perhaps our society evolved from Jonas' society, from sameness to individuality. On the other hand, Jonas' society could exist in the present, existing as we speak. Or this society could take place in the future and we are the people from which the society of sameness evolved into individuality. I recommend this book to teens and adults. Both age groups can relate to the story and reflect deeply about life, the way we choose to live and the experiences, both good and bad, that we share. This book makes you think about what a society without pain, color, suffering, love or joy would be like would be like. Would you rather choose sameness with no risks, or a world where you can be yourself, take chances, a life with risk where people are hurt and hated, but where there is color, happiness, music and true love? You decide!
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The Giver is an amazing book. Not only is the plot incredibly original, but it almost seems believable. The characters are not the same as the people in real life, but it almost seems that you can relate to them. Lowry does a great job of creating mood and thickening the plot. Jonas still had a lot to learn as the Receiver, and I think that others can relate to that, too, for the fact that learning never stops. Learning continues no matter the age. The ending lacked a few qualties, as in a total solution to the problem. You are kind of left hanging at the end. The concept of the society may be a little harder for younger children to understand, I would recommend this book for children over 12. I thought that this was a great book, and everyone should have the chance to read it.
Rating:  Summary: Couldn't have read a better book! Review: The Giver is an amazing book. With a thought provoking plot you can't put it down. With it being so different from the way we live you always want to read on to find out all the different opsticals Jonas incounters. Spectacular word choice throughtout the entire story. I would recommened it to my classmates and my elders because it is great for all ages.
Rating:  Summary: WOW!! Review: The Giver is an amazing piece of work. It is about a boy named Jonas living in a society with no crime, no unhappiness, and no danger. Jonas is nearing his Ceremony of Twelve, when he will receive his assignment that will change his life. He becomes the next Receiver of Memory, and he will be taught by the Giver. The Giver gives Jonas memories of the whole world, and soon Jonas will learn a terrible secret about the society in which they all live. His decision will effect the whole world. I certainly enjoyed this book very much, and I hope you will too.
Rating:  Summary: A Book For All Ages Review: The Giver is an amazing story. I would recommend it to all ages, both young and old. I myself have read it twice now, it was read to me when I was in eighth grade and I reread it as a college freshman. Both times that I read The Giver I was intrigued by Lowry's vision of the future. As a reader I could easily visualize Jonas's utopian world, as it was decscribed to me through Lowry's eyes. Lowry deservingly won the Newberry Award for this book. Her creativity and talent astound me!The Giver is an easy reader. Lowry uses text that can be understood by all groups. Although the wording is simple the book still encourages the reader to ponder what the world might be like in the future. For myself it was the question of whether or not equality is truly attainable and if it would be a worthwhile change in society. If equality can only be gained by the loss of emotion, color, animals, sunshine etc., is it really what society should be striving to acheive?
Rating:  Summary: The Giver: Awesome book! Review: The Giver is an awesome book. It took me two days to read it, and when I read a book it usually takes me weeks. Its a great book that always makes you question certain things. It makes you think as your reading. I also think this book is great because it is not made for one certain age group. Anyone from junior high to adults could read this book and still enjoy it. Lastly, the book teaches a good lesson. When you think about it, it shows how much you take advantage of the little "differences" in life. If we all of a sudden had to change into the world where the Giver lived, our whole mind set would have to change. Therefore, once I read this book and I thought about what it would be like to be a part of that community, it made me realize how important different things are, even colors.
Rating:  Summary: THe Giver and teens Review: The Giver is an awesome novel that sends you to another world for the temporary time of reading the book; a world were everyone is the Same or gets the same. Where your jobs are assinged to you by the elders and money is nonexsistant. When it is time for you to leave the community b/c maybe you have finished you fullfillment there, you are relaesed. Jonas, a boy of twelve that is assigened to become a Reciever Of Memory, has his eyes opened to the reality of the world he is living in and the world beyond Sameness. He learns what release really is and how much the people in his community are missing out on. I had to read this book for Required reading and I am a 9th grader. I really enjoyed it and I think all the young people will.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver is best book I've ever read! Review: The Giver is an awesome story about the life of Jona.
In it he is nevous about becoming a twelve and becoming an adult. He doesn't know what job he will be assigned in the community until the cerimony when he finds out he hasn't been asigned, but chosen, to be the new receiver of memories. Now Jona will learn horrible things about the past and about the previous recver of memories. He will also learn
wonderful things about life before "the great sameness."
This book will move you to see a society progress so far yet lose so much. This is the best book that I have ever read!
--by Devon O'Leary, 8th grade, Sunny Brae Middle School
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The Giver is an awsome book! It has a very interesting and controversial story. I could not put this book down. It is very controversial in that it talks about the idea of abortion, comunism, and the world of sameness. If you are like me you will enjoy arguing and disscussing the meaning of this book with others who have read it. I recomend this book to all people in the 8th grade or higher because it is so controversial.