Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The Giver by Lois Lowry is a book about life and what we take for granted in it. Lowry shows all the different things that we do in every day life that in the utopian community, in the book, the people can not do. For example, the people get assigned their jobs, they dont have the freedom to chose it themselves. I think The Giver is a great book to learn some of life's lessons from. Though Lowry contradicts her story a couple times it is over all an interesting book. I believe that every one should read this book.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The Giver by Lois Lowry is a good book. It's about a boy named Jonas and his community. His fater is a nurturer and his mother works in the department laws an justice. He has a sister named Lilly. His friends are Fiona and Asher. One of the babies his father nurters is Gabriel. The book is about Jonas's assignment at the ceremony of 12. They have ceremonies in the community for every age up to and encluding 12. They are held on 2 days in December. At the ceremony of 12 all the 12s get an assignment (job) then start their training. Jonas wasn't assigned, he was selected. He was selected to be the new reciever of memories. I think the Giver is a good book I like the story. One thing I don't like (and maybe you won't either) is the ending. She doesn't really tell you what happened. Theres a few different was you can take it.I don't like endings like that.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect World? Review: The Giver by Lois Lowry is a science fiction book about a twelve-year old named Jonas. He lives in a world where evrything seems perfect. There is no illness, war, or pain. At the Ceremony of Twelve he is chosen to be the Receiver-in-training. His training comes from The Giver and he'll learn that his world isn't so perfect afterall.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The Giver By Lois Lowry is a truly remarkable book! It is about a boy named Jonas who lives in a community where the rest of your life (your job) is decided for you. Jonas is just reaching that point of the Ceremony Of Twelve and he is very nervous. His friend Asher hopes for a job that has something to do with taking care of kids, and Fiona, another friend of Jonas's hopes to take care of the elderly. Jonas doesn't really hope for anything, just something that will suit him. When he is chosen to be the new receiver of memory, he is shocked! So is the rest of the community! From now on, he will be studying with The Giver, and will find out the real meaning of life. While I was reading the book, I was kind of wondering what was going on. At the end/ middle of the book though it was all clear. I thought that the book was wonderful and very original. You will never read anything like it! The Giver is definitely on my top 5 list of books to recommend and I would hope that everybody who reads it will enjoy it just as much as me!
Rating:  Summary: The Giver is a great book Review: The Giver by Lois Lowry is a very exciting book. Some of the characters are Mother, who is in the departmant o justace, Fateher who is in a nurturer, a person who takes care of the newborn children, and Lilly who is Jonas's sister. All of those characters are in Jonas's family unit, but the more important characters are Gabe who is an enjoyable newborn child, The Giver who is older, kind and smart, and Jonas. Jonas is the main character in The Giver and seems to be very brave and heroic. The Community that Jonas lives in is very safe, the same, and orderly, with no contact to the world outside of the community's walls. Everyone's life is chosen for them, their family unit, name, job, and absolutly everything else. On the day that they get their jobs, Jonas is chosen as the reciever of memory. The Giver shows him things that he never kew existed, and cannot talk to anyone about them except The Giver. Soon Jonas makes a big decision to help the Community. I enjoyed The Giver alot. It has many exciting lines in it such as 'He killed it. My father killed it!'. Another reason I loved this book is because it had many descriptive feelings in it such as 'Apprehensive, Jonas decided, that's what I am.'. One more reason I enjoyed this book is that I had the same feelings jonas had. I felt as if I were Jonas. I highly recoment this book to anyoe. You are garenteed a great book.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver - The WORST book i've ever read!!! Review: The Giver by Lois Lowry is a very opinionated book. Different people will think different things about the book and I think there are too many choices to make at the end of the story. In The Giver, a child named Jonas is getting his new 'assignment' for his life and he just happens to get the 'Receiver of Memory'. He then must receive memories of things that other people in the community do not know. In the Giver, Lowry tried to make some sort of Utopia (Perfect World) and wanted to show that this would probably never happen and that this world might be perfect but there are still some flaws in it. The author also tries to show that our world also has flaws. I think the author tried to go too far into the future because it might be a long time until we invent or do things [are bad] as: people come and take your dishes at night, when you get hurt or have pain, they bring a pill to you and the pain just goes away. I believe this book should not be intended for children or young adults, I think it should be for people 14 years and up. This book should not have been made for everyone because it shows a kid that committing suicide will get you out of a problem or a bad situation. This book haunts me in my sleep and I am 12, I'm not scared of hardly anything but this book scared me. Just think about it, would you want your child to be reading a book where a 12 year old washes and cleans and elderly person? Would you want your child to be reading a book where somebody injects a baby in the head with some sort of liquid? Would you want your child to be reading a book where a boy dreams of bathing a girl in his sleep? If I could, I would ban this book in any library or store. Because of these reasons, I give The Giver one out of five stars.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review Review: The Giver by Lois Lowry is about a boy named Jonas who lives in a peaceful community where everything is under control. There are no choices for anyone to make, no sicknesses, no crime, every family is the same and happy that way. But there is one person who holds all these memories that the community doesn't have. This person is The Giver. When the children of the community become Twelves each december, they are all assigned as Assignment which would become their everyday jobs. Jonas was selected to be the Receiver of Memory. He would work with The Giver and learn that the rest of the world isn't like his community: perfect and peaceful. The Giver holds all the things the community doesn't have, such as: color, love, pain, mountains, sunshine, and many other things. Additionally, Jonas learns that the term, "release" really means murder. After a year of training sessions with The Giver, he and Jonas decide it's time to start letting the rest of the community start feeling the memories. So they come up with a plan. But when a new child that Jonas has come to love is applied to be released, Jonas is forced to leave the community and take the new child with him. You should read this book to find out the ending and what happens to Jonas and the new child. I recommend this book to everyone because it has a suspensful plot that keeps the reader interested. Also, The Giver has many climaxes that make the book more eventful. I think that not only kids would like this book; adults would enjoy it also. Overall, The Giver by Lois Lowry, was an excellent book with great lessons and I would definetely recomment it to anyone I meet.
Rating:  Summary: The Giver, by Lois Lowry, by Nabooru23 Review: The Giver by Lois Lowry is about a boy named Jonas. Jonas lives in a perfect word where everything is under control. His father's job is Nurturer (he takes care of babis before they go to thier family unit at the age of 1), and he brings home a baby named Gabe. When Jonas becomes a 12, he gets assigbed a job. A job with honor, but no power. He will be the new Reciever. When he gets his instructions, they strike him as odd; "you may lie". He will be trained by the previous Reciever, now known as the Giver. When he goes to recieve his training, he sees things that he has never seen before, like snow, a sled, and colors. He also sees pain and suffering. He and the Giver make a plan for Jonas to escape, with a certain baby named Gabe... I reccomend The Giver to anybody. It gives you a good sense of setting. It is good for any age of people. It is a really good book!
Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The Giver by Lois Lowry is about a community with no interest, no color, differences, no hatred, and the loss of freedom. Jonas, a 12 year old boy who has no jolt of excitment in his life becomes the reciver of memory, the memoey that shows him color, interest, and freedom. The Giver gives Jonas the memory of sunshine, light, and excitement. Gabriel, Jonas's brother, is just about to become "released." Jonas then realizes that he needs color, excitement, and freedom in his life, so Jonas takes Gabriel and runs away to a better place, a place where they can be free. The Giver over all was an exciting book for all ages!
Rating:  Summary: The Giver is a stupendous piece of literature!! Review: The Giver by Lois Lowry is about a young boy named Jonas who lives in a much different society than our own. When Jonas come of age, he is trained for what he is going to do for the rest of his life. While other young men are being trained how to be doctors or scientists, Jonas is being trained to be the next Giver. The Giver is a person who holds all the memories of "the old ways" such as color, snow and twin babies. When Jonas sees how life used to be, he tries to escape to life in a more democrative society. I felt this was an outstanding book. I thought the plot was very suspenseful and it is so well written that you would never have guessed how it turns out to be. It also had a profound effect on me becuase it made me see the point of view of another society and what it is like to live in another than my own. Please Enjoy!!