Rating:  Summary: The Giver Review: The book the Giver by Lois Lowry is a book that is set up in the future. It is a Utopian Society where everybody is equal and everything is the same. There the people don't have choices they don't even know what choices are. There are no colors, music, and everything else is the same like the weather and the land. There is a tradition in the community that when a child turns 12 there is a ceremony where they will get their job assignment. There is a boy name Jonas and he receives the assignment of being the next 'Receiver'. He is going to receive all the memories from the old times. Jonas and the Giver are the only ones in that society that know what change and choices are, but it is too much to handle for just two people. So they have do make a decision on how they'll make the society with choices and freedom of decision. By reading this wonderfully creative story you'll find out what happens in the end. Do the people get the memories back or not? To find out you'll have to read the Giver.
Rating:  Summary: Book Review Review: The book the Giver by Lois Lowry is about a community of people that live in a perfect world where everyone has what they need. They have don't have to find there own jobs or have their own kids it all done by someone else. This book is good for people of all ages and really makes you think.
Rating:  Summary: Good... Review: The book the giver by Lois Lowry is about an 11-year-old boy named Jonas who lives in a community which is completely different from our society. The community is controlled by the committee of Elders. There is no fear, no pain and no war. At the Ceremony of Twelve where the 12-year-olds receive their assignments, Jonas is chosen to be the new Receiver of Memories. It is the most honoured job in the community. The Giver, an old man, transmits the memories of the past to Jonas. He and the Giver are the only ones who have these memorys. Jonas receives memories of nature, of joy, pain, colors and feelings like love. After receiving all these memories, he begins to understand that life in his community is strictly ordered and manipulated. Because of this he decides to leave his community with the hope to give the members their memories back. The ending of the book is open, because we do not know if the members get their memorys back or not and if Jonas has a new, better life then.Lowry's intention is to make the readers aware of the world they live in and to warn them of an oppressive regime. The characters in the book are all the same. There are no differences between them. Jonas and the Giver are exceptions. For German people, the giver is difficult to read except you are a person who is very good at English like English teachers. The Giver is structured chronologically. The author Lois Lowry does not write anything about the setting at the beginning of the book. You are thrown into the story. At the beginning of the book it was difficult for me to read it, because there were many new English words which I do not know . First I did not like this book ,because you are thrown into the story and do not know anything about the setting. But when I read it further, it became more and more exciting. It was interesting for me to experience what it is like to live in such a community which is full of rules, manipulation and no chance to change something. It makes me think about our society and how I would respond if I were in Jonas situation. All in all I would say that The Giver is very good. I would give it 4 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Giver Review Review: The book The Giver by Lois Lowry is an excellent example of how folklore plays a role within a society. In most societies, a lot of the cultures and traditions that they hold today are not things that you can find in a history book. They are things that were told from generation to generation like stories and lessons, that have slowly evolved and changed the culture into what it is today. They are stories that held myths and facts of what happened in the past, and what they think the future will be. The Giver is about the same concept of handing down the history to the next generation. In the novel the inhabitants live in a Eutopian society. Everything is controlled and structured. There is no crime, no mistakes, and no passion. The people are born under controlled conditions and assigned to family units. They are brought up their entire lives to believe that their way of life is a perfect way, the only way. This is, for the most part true, however, there is one thing that they are lacking, wisdom. They have no knowledge of the past, or that things were ever any different. They do not know of war or pain, or love or even animals and color. All these thing were eliminated within their society in order to bring sameness to everyone, and eliminate any space for differences and prejudism and choices. After all, if you don't have a choice, you can't make the wrong decision. In the story there is a person within the society called a Giver, and someone called a Receiver. The Giver is the only person within the society who has any knowledge of the past. When his life is close to being over, he then relays these memories to the Receiver. This is the only way that the society has of learning from the mistakes of the past, and it is done to protect the rest of the society from the pain of the memories. In theory this sounds like it would be a good thing, but actually it is not. They do not have the pleasure of experiencing anything on their own. They do not know how to live life independently, to have their own actions, or even an emotion to themselves. Even their job is chosen for them. All the people within the society are the same, and there is no individuality. With out this element, it is almost as if they are not even human. Humans were made with the desire to love, to be free, and to discover new things and satisfy their natural curiosity. All this is lost with in this society simply because they have no knowledge of things ever being any different. That is why folklore is important. It gives people something to believe in. It gives them the knowledge of things being different and unique. It gives them the ability to be different and their own person, and at the same time helps to form what the society is as a whole.
Rating:  Summary: with praise, for every level of reading and every age Review: The book THE GIVER by Lois Lowry is the story of a young boy Jonas who lives in a society protected from the rest of the world. In this era, Jonas's culture has chosen to forgoe choice and emotion in order to produce efficiency and to eliminate pain. For example, there is no love in this culture; rather, these feeling entitled "stirrings" are controlled by medication. Marriage is controlled, and children are assigned to each "married" couple, to be raised, but not loved. Jonas, however, is selected to be the one person responsible for emotion: he receives the memories from the history of the world before climate control, before the end of war, and before the true end of happiness.
THE GIVER is not only a fascinating children's book, but entertains a philosophical and psychological content which can be read on many different levels. I read the book first when I was a young child, and as I marveled at the story and was shocked as each child lost its identity, stiving to achieve "sameness." Trust me, growing up in a liberal household in the busy city of New York (which is one of the culture centers of the earth), the idea of not living for happiness and choice was hard to understand.
This is the book I chose for my Philosophy in Literature analysis last semester at college. It is an incredibly deep book- Ms. Lowry makes remarkable insights into the tendancies of the human character. I am not familiar with her life and could not tell you whether THE GIVER was written to be so deep or if Ms. Lowry is simply a phoenomenal author and a sensitive, perceptive observer of the human character. However, I can tell you that this is truly one of my favorite books and I recommend from the bottom of my heart that you lose yourself Jonas's world today.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting by Rollie Review: The book The Giver by Lois Lowry is very interesting. I think that the book makes sense if you think about it. It is trying to tell us, without actually telling us, how much we take feelings, pain, weather, and colors for granted. In everyday life we may say, "It's a beautiful day today!" But we never do much to show that we care about any of it. I bet if we got feelings, pain, weather, and colors taken away from us we would miss it a whole lot. This book captures your attention and is a must read!!!
Rating:  Summary: no Review: The book the Giver by Lois Lowry was one of the best I have ever read. If you like fiction this book is a must! I have read many books in my years. The plot is cool, and I won't give it away. The ending is a little sketchy but you get to understand it if you think about it. I gave the book only 4 stars because of the ending. Don't "dis" the book because it's fiction or because its weird. That's the point- FICTION. Not real! Just read the book. Its good- it lets your imagination go free. But then that's just my opionon.
Rating:  Summary: An inside look at a perfect society. Review: The book The Giver explores ine if the views or alternatives of how it would be if we were to have a perfect society. In The Giver there is a socuety that has no differences. There is a committee called the committee of the elders who decide on which things should or shouldn't be held in the society to make it perfect. In the society there is no crime, pollution, pain, rape, murder, or curuption, all the things that make a society less than perfect. In turn for them to give up such horrors they also had to give up color, love, freedom, and the true happiness of achievement. A perfect society sounds exellent but to loose just a simple thing as color for a perfect society I would rather live in an imperfect society.
Rating:  Summary: New Impressions Review: The book the Giver from Lois Lowry focuses on a community without feelings and how the feelings are brought back to the community. At the beginning I thought it was hard to understand the sense because the community is so different to our life. But the farer I read the more I understood. From that point on it was very interesting. I likek seeing how such a world would be, would work and that it even has some advantages to our world (which I hadn't expected at the beginning). The end came pretty fast but I liked that it is an open end and everybody can imagine his/her own end just the way he /she understood the book. Because of the different interpretations of the book it was interesting to see the opinions of others.
Rating:  Summary: The giver Review: The book the giver has a very great meaning. In this book jonas the main character lives in a perfect world were everything is choosen by the elders, Jonas thinks his life is great until at the ceremony of 12 he is selcted the reciver The reciver recives memories from the past.. Jonas meets the giver(gives memories to jonas) Now that Jonas has experienced Love, family, war and hatred he has to chose between living in a world where people have no choices or where everyone has choices and you live a good life. Jonas dicision results in a very good ending. I would reccomend this book to everyone... because it is a GREAT book!