Rating:  Summary: Amazing! Review: Melinda is a freshman in high schol, but immediately starts off terribly. The world only knows that she called the cops at a party, and they resent her for that. What they don't know is the truth. She is hiding from something, and never wants to return back to that thought. Never able to tell the world. No one knows. No one must know. Friendless, and assigned to draw a tree for Art, Melinda gets through her first year of high school. It may just be the toughest. Laurie Halse Anderson truly captures the correct feelings and expresses her thoughts very well. She is a very talented author.
Rating:  Summary: a leap of courage Review: 10 lies they tell you in high school: 1. You will use algebra in your adult lives. 2. Driving to school is a privilege that can be taken away. 3. Students must stay on campus for lunch. 4. The new textbooks will arrive any day now. 5. Colleges care about more than your SAT scores. 6. We are enforcing the dress code. 7. Our bus drivers are highly trained professionals. 8. We will figure out how to turn the heat off soon. 9. There is nothing wrong with summer school. 10. We want to hear what you have to say. Even if it was truth no one would listen to Melinda Sordino, not even herself. Truth is not what she wants to confront right now. Truth would make it real, not just a reoccurring nightmare. Truth would mean she can't escape, can't forget. But confronting the truth would help Melinda find her voice. After she is raped by Andy Evans, an upperclassman at her high school, and calls the cops, breaking up the entire party, she is shunned by her school, and enters her freshman year an a clanless outcast. Her best friends won't talk to her, and people she doesn't even know hate her from a distance. Since no one listens, what is there to say? When Melinda's ex-best friend Rachel starts seriously dating Andy "beast" Evans, she feels she has to intervene, and tells Rachel the truth. Rachel refuses to accept the fact, and doesn't believe her. Later, she realizes Melinda was telling the truth and dumps Andy, making him a laughing stock and an outcast. Andy gets mad and threatens Melinda. When her frightening second encounter with Andy ends in victory, Melinda finally has the courage to say what really happened, thus finding herself, and her powerful voice. I loved this book! I liked it so much I think because it was very easy to relate to the main character's descriptions of high school, cliques, and the harshness of peer pressure. I really like the way the author got into Melinda's head. You really finished the book wanting more, and wondering still about Melinda's thoughts. I would recommend this book to at least thirteen year olds, and girls would like it better than boys. Some of the material is complex for younger kids, and does deal with depression, and has (mild) sexual content. If you feel that you are mature enough to appreciate this book, I certainly recommend it to you. It really was one of my top favorites.
Rating:  Summary: Yummy and real Review: This is the best young adult book I have ever read. Anderson's style of writing draws you in and sounds like the way I wish I thouht. It's darkly funny (my favorite kind of humor) and it seemed real. It's about a girl Mel, who calls the cops during a party. All her classmates are mad at her and alienate her. Her observations about people are wonderfuly funny. Just the way feel! Please don't lump this in the catagory of typical teenage books. This is much, much better. It deserves more than just a write-off.
Rating:  Summary: A Novel That Truly Speaks Review: This book was amazing. It follows Melinda Sordino, a girl hated by her peers since she busted a wild end of summer party by calling the police. Alienated by her friends and alone, Melinda plummets into a world of silence, surrounded only by her thoughts. The style of writing in this book was cool, with different headings to describe each entry...it was almost like a journal. Melinda's thoughts are hilarious at times, and tearjerking at other times as she explores herself through art class, befriends geeky "martha" wannabe Heather and struggles with her issues at home. The ultimate question is, what caused her to call the cops and silence herself? Read this book and find out! I strongly suggest you buy this, because it's the kind of book that with every time you reread it, you appreciate it more.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best books ever written Review: This book is unusual compared to other books you may have read before, but that just makes it all the more addicting. I couldnt put it down when I started reading it, It is focused mainly on a High school girl who is viewed as a loner, and this stereotype makes her herself think that she has no meaning to life. She's left completly helpless while handling trouble at home. But putting in the effort is what mattered. But things werent always like this, before her high school days, she was a regular kid, living a happy life. But at a graduation party everything changed because of one phone call that could have been prevented. Now by dialing 3 digits to the police, Melinda has completly turned her life upside down
Rating:  Summary: High School Cliques and Sarcastic Wits Review: Speak is one of the best books a young adult could read. It gets you involved in her life and her thoughts, you feel as though you are experiencing what Melinda went through. The book is about Melinda Sordino, who became an outcast because she called the police at a party, not to break it up, but to report a rape...and she was the victim. However, she never reported the rape to the police. So the school was under the assumption she did it to ruin the party, and she "became" an outcast. Throught the entire book she places everyone into a category or gives them a nickname. Her english teacher is Hairwoman. There was the "Marthas", nicknamed that because everything was done perfectly and planned accordingly. In some cases she tries to find acceptance from people, but sometimes dosen't. I think her strongest achievement was realizing she needed to tell someone sooner or later about her rape, that she should speak. Although I hope nobody has to experience rape and then not report it. If you are one of those woman, reading this will definetly change your thoughts and decisions towards it. However, you can also relate to the book in many other ways. It teaches you to speak about your problems, letting you know the problem will only get bigger and hurt you longer.
Rating:  Summary: It says more than Educators could Review: While to many the likely hood of date rape is about as common as a blue moon: Once and a while and slightly disturbing. But to many young adults this book has been a liberation of inner thoughts. The book conveys to readers a raw bitter humor that is captivating to those who are willing to accept it. The written dynamic is amusing and biting, but serves its bigger purpose; to explain the thought process of an individual. While many literary works for young adults tend to focus on the developement of plot, and scenery, this one focuses on the emotional combat within. Readers see the world through the eyes of Melinda, who's observations allow readers to see her charactor through what she sees and does not see. While the book seems 'pointless' to some, the colorful and interesting short vignettes weave onto a larger purpose. While the book has no real climactic point, in some opinions... the tension and wit is held consistant throughout the novel. I recommend this book to parents and teens who are social outcasts, or have been rape victims. At times it was painful, to understand what it is like to relive the nightmare. but the book is liberating to personal demons i have had. and i recommend the book to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: best book I've ever read Review: I first heard about this book because my best friend had to read it over the summer. She told me it was very good and so I read it. It is now my favorite book. I couldn't believe how realistic it was, it was almost as if this actually happened. In this book a girl named Melinda is a teenage outcast. She is pretty much always silent and at first you don't really know why. This book is amazing and I loved the ending. Ity is definetely worth whatever you have to pay for it. I would recommend it for kids almost 12 and up.
Rating:  Summary: Speak Review: I read this book when I was thirteen, and it made a huge impact on me. It manages to be clever and insighful at the same time. Melinda is an immensely likeable character. My favorite part was when she explained the makeup of high school characters in biting detail. Her satirical and witty narration is the best part of the book. And her triumph will make you want to cheer. This is a great book for young teenagers.
Rating:  Summary: REALLY REALLY REEEAAALLLY GREAT! Review: hello! This book is so good, although it is boring in the begging it gets SOOO good, and i think every one in the world should read this book! (but who cares what i think? lol just kiddin) Anyways,it has GREAT ending and it is so good some one should make a movie outta it. Heck, they should write a song about it too. well, just do yourself a favor and read the freakin book. :D