Rating:  Summary: Great - No matter what certain people think Review: This book was gripping, touching, and entertaining. I've seen in the other interveiws that a lot of people didn't understand it very well. This book isn't just about Melinda finally letting herself accept what happened (though that is the main part). At the same time, the author is showing us about Melinda's life and personality.As a ninth grader, I have not had an experience like Melinda's (thank God) but I do understand her. Of course all the stereotypes in the book aren't completely realistic: the author is showing us how students often stereotype others. I think the book may have seemed exaggerated because it was told in first person, and Anderson was showing us how Melinda thinks and what she feels. And some thought that the sarcasm and humor in the book was stupid and pointless: as a (at times) sarcastic high school student myself, I found it entertaining and hilarious. Her descriptions of the teachers REALLY reminded me of some of my teachers, too. It was an excellent book that I enjoyed and could relate to.
Rating:  Summary: very interested in class... Review: While in Summer school i met this beautiful english teacher who was in every way great. she certainly was my idol those 5 weeks. and then one day she announced she was going to start reading a book; "Speak." it was the greatest book i have ever had the oppurtunity to hear. i was so in tune with what was happening to the girl it was unbelievable. i don't want to say anymore but you should surely get this book as soon as you can. you will not be disappointed...
Rating:  Summary: Just Speak Review: I love this book! Melinda Sordino called the cops at the end of the summer party. Now that she started Highschool everyone hates her. On top of that, she won't speak. If you wanna know why, just read this book, you will love it.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Read. Review: i first read this book a few years ago, and have read it every so often in the years following. I think this book is an extremely interesting and good read. I found the way that it was written simply amazing; To be able to tell a story without actual dialogue being used. I also felt i could relate a lot to what the main character was thinking in this book...it had witty humor and true statements about what it's like in high school, especially if you have no friends. I recomment this book to anyone who needs a good read, that will make you laugh, and also feel compassionate towards the main character who goes through a year of high school without friends.
Rating:  Summary: Simply Unrealistic Review: When I first got into the book, I thought it would be and actual account of typical high school life. In reality majority of the character personalities were overexaggerated and unreal. The main character of the story is understandibly distraught by her new role as a misfit in a new high school, yet the actions she takes to show her feeling of displacement would never happen in a real high school.(Especially not a high school of the size indicated in the novel where all grade levels eat lunch together and all know one another.)In my personal opinion it is not possible to skip an entire quarter of classes to hide in a brrom closet without someone noticing. Then there are the other students.Their personalities are extremely overrated. There is no way that every student can have the exact same outspoken hatred as every other student described in the book. Even the ending is unrealistic. Rape is a serious issue, and the way Melinda displayed her inner emotions is understandable. However, it is not possible to overcome such a dramatic experience simply because other people find out. The ending was a copout. I would only reccomend this book to students that UNDERSTAND thid is a fictional work and would not use the information inside as reference to dealing with REAL life situations. This book should only be read for the general purpose of reading.
Rating:  Summary: realism is as mute as it's protagonist Review: Perhaps I entered this book from the wrong state of mind, just finishing the Perks of Being a Wallflower and being a fan of the Catcher in the Rye, but I thought it was grossly over-rated. The Supposedly "realistic" voice of the adolescent character doesn't speak true to the age, but reflects the familiar sitcom or saved by the bell influenced teenage voice. The blatent stereotypes and unrealistic events in this book make me question wheather Laurie Halse Anderson went to high school at all. Needless to say, I did not care for the novel. Perhaps I missed something, or maybe, being a highschool student, I am too stupid to realize my own environment. So, If you want to read a book acurately depicting adolescent behavior, may I sugest such classics as A Seperate Peace or The Catcher in the Rye, if you prefer contemporary, I also was very impressed with The Perks of Being a Wallflower. If you enjoyed "Speak" you may want to look into similar books...I hear Mary-Kate and Ashley Olson have their own series.
Rating:  Summary: The Tragic Night Review: Melinda Sordino enters her freshman year at Merryweather high friendless and as an outcast. It began when she attended an end-of-summer pary. No one knows exactly what happened to cause Melinda to call the police that night. All of her friends have stopped speaking to her, and have found other clans to hang out with. Even people she didn't know, glare at her. She becomes withdrawn, and her only friend, Heather-from-Ohio, stopped hanging out with her becuase she finds Melinda too depessing. Melinda finds herself clan-less, and spending her time in a janitor's old closet. Every time Melinda tries to speak, her mouth gets dry, and she freezes. Not even Melinda's parents know what is going on with Melinda. Her grades begin to fall and she stops showing up for classes. The only place she can find peace is her art class. She finds solitude within her own head, causing her to become even more mute. Yet, there is something inside of her which does not allow her to have total peace. With the help of her artwork, she is able to express exactly what happened that night. Andy Evens, or "IT" as she refers to him raped her. Now he is going out with Melinda's ex-best friend Rachel. Even though Rachel does not talk to Melinda, she knows she has to help. Melinda knows that in order to stop Andy she must learn to speak out and tell someone, or watch Rachel become Andy's next victim. I recommend this book because it is an amazing story of a young teen dealing with becoming a social outcast. It is an insightful read on high school society. Laurie Halse Anderson has a talent for writing that never makes you want to put the book down. The descriptions are amazing, and makes you feel like you are part of the story.
Rating:  Summary: "Speak" Review: The book "Speak" was a very thrilling and page turning book. It first caught my eye with the title. The word "speak" brings a stirring thought to my head which makes me really want to read the story. I would suggest this book to any teenager that is in high school with the wrong clothes,hair and attitude. She also has no friends becuase she accidentally busted a drinking party when she just wanted to call the police because she was getting raped. This story was very itriguing and touching and i suggest that any high school student should read it.
Rating:  Summary: Speak, I hear ya loud and clear! Review: This was a beautifully written book, Anderson really gets beaviours and language down to a T! I really enjoyed reading this book, I was thrilled when I saw it at my school library and drank it up in a few days.There is so much to say, Nicole, Heather, Andy, Rachel, David are just a few characters most teens as well as myself come across each day. The vibe this book gives you is all right and I am sure most girls would love to read this book, and find yourself always by Miranda's side and cheering her on to Speak when she doesn't and feel happy when she does. The ending was neat and immpressive. I recommend this book to any teenage girl, you will love it!
Rating:  Summary: This book beautifully written. Moving and touching! Review: This starts off indirectly. One finds themselves guessing what the true meaning of this novel is but they are not completly sure of what. Laurie Halse Anderson does a SPECTACULAR job doing this. She forces you to sink your eyes into the book turning the pages one page at a time, never stopping. You must know, did this young girl experience what you think she did? One will get lost in the wording. This book is never once boring. As always, there are some books people do not like, but I can not find any reason for one to not like this book. I was shocked at how I related to this girl. The themes touched me in a way I could never imagine.