Rating:  Summary: A review by us Review: Speak is an excellent book. Melinda is a freshmen loner who once had many friends, until that fateful night at the End-Of-Summer pool party. she was forced to call the cops and caused choas among the party goers. but no one really knew the real reason why she had to reach out to a higher authority. Because of that night she lost all her friends and hope. Through the course of this book she discovers parts of her inner self she never new existed. she realizes that she must do something that she has not done before; she is forced to SPEAK the truth.
Rating:  Summary: Speak Review: I think that this book was a very interesting book and I liked it very much. I thought that the events in this book were based on true life experiences. The events in this book show how hard it is to live as a teenager and not to make the same mistakes. I would have to say that this is the best book so far that I have read in a long time. I thought that this book was very good. I thought that some parts were not very understandable, but i still liked it.
Rating:  Summary: I loved it Review: One of my top 5 favorite books of all time, everyone should read this. Written in a sort of surrealistic manner, Melinda's narrative conveys such real feeling you'd think it was actually her who wrote the book. Everything about the book, itself, though, is perfect.
Rating:  Summary: OK, a fun read Review: 4 stars is not a bad rating. It was a good book, I liked it a lot when I read it, which was when I was only about 11. Even then, after having finished it, I didn't really walk away with anything, it wasn't one of those books that stayed in your mind and affected your life. While I felt for the character I couldn't help but think she was a little boring. Realistic, but boring. The plot line was thin too, a typical teen rape story. Not that that's bad, I think books like this should be out there for people to relate and sympathize with. Overall I would call this book, despite the glowing reviews, mediocre.
Rating:  Summary: Powerfully Written Review: Speak was nothing less than extraordinary. Anderson wrote a powerful, compelling novel in a contemporary style. Her bold use of sequence and emotion that comes through Melinda give you a sense that you are standing right in front of her, watching the entire story play out. It is no wonder that the list is quite long for all of the awards and recognitions this book has received. I think it deserves 5 out of 5 stars, because I find very few faults in this book. There is no lack of description or character revelations.Not only does Speak raise awareness of date rape victims, it sheds light on the social pressures of sex in high schools. The author highlighted specific points such as her losing her friends due to her standing up and calling the police that broke up the party in which she was raped by a guy three years her senior. Not only that, but the pressures of her home life with her parents not being there for her. Melinda becomes reclusive, her only outlet is painting.
Rating:  Summary: CLASSIC! Review: In this contemporary story, we are taken inside the head of the protagonist as we follow her through a lonely and painful year. Don't let that last statement give you the idea this book is a downer. It deals with a difficult subject realistically, but it also shows the ability of a strong individual to survive in difficult times. Melinda has started her freshman year on a decidedly wrong foot. Everyone in school is mad at her because she called 911 at an end of summer party, bringing the cops in and getting a lot of people in trouble. Even her closest friends have pulled away from her. Telling more in my meager words would do a disservice to this well-crafted novel. Suffice it to say that Anderson has given us a masterpiece and in the process proven that teen literature can be moving, literate, "in-touch", important, and, most importantly, OF INTEREST TO TEENS, all at the same time. Other books I recommend: The Perks of Being a Wall-Flower, The Losers' Club by Richard Perez
Rating:  Summary: Speak Review: This Book was a book that I could not even finish! It was too descriptive and had terrible language. I can not believe that any YOUNG ADULT should be reading it.
Rating:  Summary: my favorite book of all time Review: I'm sorry that i don't have time for a better review...but i couldn't leave without giving this book 5 stars. I read ALOT of books- i like them alot and this is by far my favorite. i feel so close to Melinda. I was frightened when she was frightened, angry when she was angry, and i cried with her along the way. Anderson has found the perfect way to put the heart of a teenage girl on paper.
Rating:  Summary: Speak Review: Speak is a about a girl named Melinda, she was 14 years old. When she was in her summer vacation she went to a party at her friends house and she met a guy name Andy, he raped her and then he left her alone. She was afraid and she called the police and she run away. So when she went back to school none of her friends wanted to talk to her. She didn't had no friends. She was very good in art, she had a teacher that helped her in art a lot. She met a really good friend named Ivy and she realized she had a problem so then everything got better by the time. Then all her friends talked to her again when she finally told people about it. She just needed to speak.
Rating:  Summary: Speak Review: Speak is about a girl,her name is Melinda who is 14 years old. When she was in a summer party, she was sexually abused.In that party she called the police,that's why nobody wants to talk to her.She don't have any friend and she is really sad. Finally her friend Ivy helps her to solve her problems and she says the truth.