Rating:  Summary: A star in the making Review: WOW! If Christopher Paolini keeps writing books like Eragon it will only be a matter of time until his name will be mentioned with the best fantasy writers out there. The story of Eragon is captivating, the characters very real and fascinating and I just adore his writing style. It is very rare nowadays that a 15 year old (now 18) has such an extensive vocabulary. This is a book every fan of fantasy writing must read. No, I take that back, everyone that likes to read a well written and well thought through story must read this book. This book is definitely a five star buy. ...
Rating:  Summary: Surprising maturity and skill--and a great read. Review: Because of his very young age, it's tempting to refer to Paolini as a "kid." But kid he is not, nor is this work marred by the usual self-consciousness and awkward turns of phrase one often finds in the early works of writers even twice his age. It is astonishing to realize that this, Paolini's first work, already bears the stamp of a mature writer. It makes me shiver with anticipation to consider what he will be capable of when he gets a few more decades under his belt."Eragon" (a work that will undoubtedly be compared to Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" but stands firmly on its own two feet within the genre) is well conceived and well written, built on a solid edifice of the writer's depth and breadth of thought and skill; it is thoroughly engaging and enchanting. Although he hides it well, Paolini is clearly very well read, and this work is enriched for it. As a writer, he emerges from his "dragon's egg" much like Saphira does: fiercely intelligent, growing fast, beautiful to behold, and much stronger than you'd expect. I hope Paolini has a Getrude or Angela to heal him quickly from his encounter with "The Book That Ate Him Alive" so we can read the next book in the series soon. And Hollywood (hint, hint): I await the movie of "Eragon" as anxiously as I do the rest of the Rings trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: This book is amazing from beginning to end!! Review: For anyone who is interested in fantasy at all, this book should be required reading. I actually met the author at my local Hastings bookstore, and spoke with him for quite some time. Not only is he really great in person, but his first book is incredible. His writing style is a mix of Dragonlance's Weiss and Hickman, and Dune's Herbert. I am very impressed to see a new writer come out with such a strong beginning. I will anxiously await the continuation of Eragon's adventures, and I am sure that I will be just as impressed with the next book. Rarely do I feel as if I am 'living' the story of a book, but from the time you begin this book, you are sure to feel the pains and successes of Eragon and his companions. Bravo Christopher!! Please keep it up.
Rating:  Summary: A Definite Must Read! Review: Elves, dwarves, dragons, evil Urgals and terrifying shades, love, revenge, and adventure all wrapped up into one intricate tale of enchantment that leaves the reader breathless and wishing for more--this is Eragon, by Christopher Paolini. Right away I was pulled in by the professional and artistic cover, the giant blue eye of the dragon Sapphira drawn by the author himself, and when I opened the book, I was not in the least disappointed. Once you pick this book up, you can't put it down. Immmediately you are swept off into the vast world of Algaesia and into the life of a young fifteen year old boy, Eragon; his path takes you to new and fascinating places filled with magic and mystical creatures. I finished this book in three days--going to school full time and trying to stay awake after reading until one or two in the morning. I am sure I would have finished in a day if it hadn't been for school. I would absolutely encourage spending the money to buy this book. You will be pleasingly surprised by his new, fresh style, as well as his deep understanding for the realm of fantasy and his apparent love for writing. But be warned, this story is addicting!
Rating:  Summary: Highly recommended for dedicated fantasy enthusiasts Review: Eragon by science fiction and fantasy enthusiast Christopher Palini is a vigorously written high fantasy epic of Eragon, a young man armed with a mythic red sword, accompanied by a beautiful dragon companion named Saphira, and the recipient of Brom's old storyteller wisdom. Our hero is drawn into a complex, interwoven saga of a fantastic land with a cruel and ruthless king. Legacies etched in stars and dreams guide his steps in this enchanting adventure. Eragon is highly recommended for dedicated fantasy enthusiasts.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Fantasy Book Review: If you are a lover of fantasy novels, then you'll love this book. Christopher Paolini did a wonderful job describing the surroundings and the people. Eragon was easy to follow, but exciting all the way to the end. Several twists and turns kept the story alive. I highly suggest you read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Eragon Review: Rating Christopher Paolini's book Eragon on a scale of 1 to 5 isn't enough: I'd rate it 100! If nobody told me who wrote it, I'd guess it was Tolkien who wrote it. It's the best book I've ever read--better than Tokien. Paolini has very imaginative names in the book and there is plenty of action. The action is more graphic than Tolkien's but not too graphic. Here is an example: "Shaking off the pain, he cleaved open an Urgal's skull, mixing brains with metal and bone." The book Eragon takes place in a time before guns and in a time where some characters have magical powers. Eragon, the teenage main character, is seeking revenge over an injustice and sets out on a journey with a dragon and an old storyteller. This is the first book in a trilogy written by an eighteen year old homeschool boy. He inspires me to keep working on stories I've started myself. If you liked Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy or Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy, you'll like Eragon.
Rating:  Summary: Eragon ranks up there with Lord of the Rings! Review: As a fantasy buff for many years, I was curious as to what sort of work could be produced by a home-schooled 18-year-old. So, I ordered Christopher Paolini's Eragon. Having watched the deterioration of the English language over the last 30 years, I certainly didn't expect to find what I found in this delicious, huge, and handsome book. In my twenties, I stayed up for two days reading The Lord of the Rings. In my late fifties, I found myself doing the same with Eragon...not once, but twice! Eragon is articulate, engaging, and immediately involves the reader in really caring about the main characters, Eragon and Saphira the blue dragon. Some of the imagery is hauntingly beautiful, the story is face-paced enough to keep the pages turning long into the night, and, best of all, it leaves you hungering for more. I am astounded that a story this captivating was conceived of and brought to fruition by a young man in his teens. Just the focus alone required to complete a work of this magnitude would daunt some of the staunchest writers. I can only say to Christopher, "Bang on that keyboard my boy! There's at least one aging, genteel Southern lady out here who can't wait to get her hands on Book Two of your planned trilogy. Bravo to you, and bravo to your parents who have nurtured what is a true gift!" Donna Overall
Rating:  Summary: Eragon Review: An excellent read. I was sceptical when I heard Christopher wrote this book between the ages of 15 and 18 but was very impressed. This kid has a real talent for story telling. Can't wait to the sequel. Thanks Christopher
Rating:  Summary: A page turner Review: One of the best reads I've had in a very long time. I've been waiting for years for something different, a book that takes me beyond the stock clichés of fantasy stories. This is it. Go Christopher Paolini! I know its hard to believe, but man, this young'un really has done it. This book was a page turner from the moment I opened it. Paolini paints a vivid picture in a richly developed story and set of characters. It captured my imagination. Eragon is breathtaking in its scope. It's rare for me to remember much of a book after I'm done reading it, yet Eragon's storyline and characters get under your skin, and everything is so real. This book ranks with Tad William's Otherland series, Tolkien's Middle Earth, Jordan's Wheel of Time, Brooks Shannara, Eddings's Belgariad and Malloreon, Feist's Krondor and Magician. Buy it, steal it, rent it, borrow it. However you get it: READ IT! Kala